How Much is Pounds to Naira?

Do you want to know about the pounds to the naira exchange rate? Are you thinking about travelling overseas or performing some transactions online, but you don’t know what the present exchange rate is? The exchange rate between the pound and the naira is crucial to know. Particularly when it comes to the Aboki fx …

Converter Slag Detection System

How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile 

While LinkedIn is the right place to gain professional growth, it sure can be a scary place for fresh graduates and students. LinkedIn and other social networks are created to foster relationships and achieve connection. However, networks like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter may not get you to the professional level you want, as they are …

10 Marketable Skills for the Future

As the world is changing rapidly, having the right marketable skills can make all the difference in getting ahead of the competition. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, it is essential to stay on top of the latest trends and develop skills that will be in high demand in the future. So, welcome, because …

Lucrative Business Ideas In Nigeria 2023

There are tons of lucrative business ideas in Nigeria at the moment, all guaranteed to bolster your income in one way or another. This might be the 1000th time you’re attempting to hop on a new business, so much it feels like you’re imitating the frog or his brother, the toad. However, you need to …

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Daily Income Business in Nigeria

With the steady rise of the unemployment problems in Nigeria, many people now look for what they can do to start making money. Not just a money-making business of any sort but a daily income business in Nigeria. There are so many daily income businesses that you can begin with relatively minimal capital in Nigeria …