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While LinkedIn is the right place to gain professional growth, it sure can be a scary place for fresh graduates and students.

LinkedIn and other social networks are created to foster relationships and achieve connection. However, networks like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter may not get you to the professional level you want, as they are usually restricted to the fun kind of content.

Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are for dragging people or catching cruise, although who is still on Facebook? The point is, LinkedIn is a more serious platform, with various features that can assist you in your professional life as a student.

How to join LinkedIn

First of all, if you want professional growth, you need to join LinkedIn. Fortunately, you donā€™t need to pay or have a qualification to join.

To get started, just visit the website on your browser. Enter your password, username, email and phone number to create an account. Be sure to add more details to your profile such as your location, profile photo, and job history.

Choose between the basic or premium account. The difference is that a basic subscription is free and the premium comes with a monthly subscription with additional features.

Oh yes, LinkedIn will ask you a million times if you want to switch to premium. Donā€™t let them pressure you.

How to Improve Your LinkedIn ProfileĀ 

My advice is to explore it all and check through profiles to inspire and influence your career.

How To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

You have the privilege of sourcing recruiters, getting job alerts, belonging to groups and having connections that can help you on your journey of professional growth.

Here are some tips on how to improve your LinkedIn profile as a student:

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Upload an appropriate profile picture

You may wonder why pictures matter. Itā€™s not Instagram where you post a picture of you at the club or a gun range. This is serious work! 

Photos get you more views. Your employer and those interested in your life want to know what you look like. Look professional in your picture, wear something appropriate, and smile.

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Employers love a cheerful person!

Write a catchy headline and summary

Your headline summarizes what you do and who you are. If youā€™re a writer, it is important to state it in the headline, using the words ā€œcontent writer, fiction writer, freelance writer, etcā€.

Your summary includes more details about who you are and what you have done. Remember to keep it short, within 200 words. They donā€™t want your entire life story.

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Include your experience

Experience involves everything you have done. Many people make the mistake of thinking that experience just includes work. WRONG!

How to Improve Your LinkedIn ProfileĀ 

Include every professional work you have been involved in. This includes volunteering, internship work, the classes and courses you have taken, and even the languages you speak. This will grant you an employer and a number of connections.

Show your knowledge and interest

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Do you know how to write? Good. Show them you know how to. Write that post or article about your past projects. Employers watch out for worthy posts and how your skills fit into their organization.

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This is not Instagram where youā€™re waiting for someone to connect with you. Take the bull by the horn and connect with people that have similar interests or attended the same school. Find mentors, and reach out to employers. 

The more you connect, the more you have views and exposure. 

How to make your LinkedIn profile attractive to recruiters

Recruiters are your number one target on LinkedIn. You need to impress them with your profile.

Here are examples of how to improve your LinkedIn profile and impress recruiters:

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Your picture matters

As I mentioned above, your picture truly matters. Make sure you keep your picture professional. Wear appropriate clothing and avoid group pictures.

Show just yourself. Itā€™s your profile.

Your skills are needed

Recruiters are interested in what you can do for them. How can you take them higher? How can you make their company better?

Hard and soft skills are important to recruiters and they want to see it all. Ensure that you put in all the key skills in and out of your job or interests – your publications, and activities. Go in-depth! They will read it!

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Fill out details

Donā€™t lie to a recruiter. Make sure that you know what you are doing. A lot of people lie on their resumes just to score a job. Be truthful and let your resume reflect on things you have posted.

Do you want your profile to stand out for recruiters? You need to add a portfolio, a link to an interview or article you’ve made, or other visual and written components to show your work and your interests. 

No jaga-jaga behavior, please. Make your profile organized and look easy to read through.

It is also mandatory that you update your profile whenever you get promoted, gain a new skill or change workplace.

Yes, they should know.

Why Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile helps you accurately present your professional life. People go through a lot personally and professionally, but by keeping your profile updated, youā€™ll make it easier to meet the right people.

It also makes it easier to find the right opportunities online.

In conclusion, donā€™t compare your journey to another personā€™s. Use Your LinkedIn to Tell a Story and Build Your Brand, talk about who you are and where you are going in life.

Soon, your LinkedIn profile will attract the best recruiters and youā€™ll be one of those that people fear!

How to Improve Your LinkedIn ProfileĀ 

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