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How to Generate Leads for Business Using Advertising
How to Generate Leads for Business Using Advertising
How to generate leads for business using advertising

In the dynamic business landscape of the 21st century, all business owners should know how to generate leads for business using advertising. Just dey play o! Lead generation is no longer a desire. It is now a necessity for businesses of all sizes.

Start thanking your stars for visiting the right place today because this article is specifically for you. You will not just learn about the definition of lead generation. Still, you will also learn about proven strategies to help you generate leads for your business, different lead-generation tools, and, most importantly, ways to turn your leads into customers.

It sounds like a lot, but it really is not. Get your cup of coffee, pen, jotter, and ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) background sound for ambience, and enjoy Business Class 101.

What is Lead Generation?

The concept of lead should often be seen as the heart and soul of a business’s success. Leads in a business context refer to potential clients who have shown interest in your company’s product or service.

They are individuals or organisations who have provided their contact information or interacted with your company in some way, indicating their interest in learning about you, partnering with you, patronizing your product or engaging in your service.

Lead Generation simply refers to the act of identifying and attracting potential customers for a fanbase for your celebrity business. To generate leads for your business often walks hand in hand with nurturing the leads. It is like getting a flowerpot with a seed of precious lillies. If you fail to water your pot daily, then germination is unascertained.

Imagine getting a bouquet of flowers! Failure to preserve them is the first recipe for disaster, as they would wither away almost immediately.

Your leads are your flowers, sales, and marketing efforts, to be nurtured with love and dedication.

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What are the Categories of Leads?

Your potential clients, otherwise known as leads, can be categorised into three, namely;

  • Hot Leads: Often referred to as promising leads, they are highly interested individuals or organizations who often come close to patronizing the brand. They may have requested a quote, demo or specific information about the brand at a point.
  • Warm Leads: These leads have demonstrated interest or engagement but may not be ready to purchase. However, they may be considering a purchase in the near future. Warm leads are still further along the sales compared to cold leads.
  • Cold Leads: Individuals or organisations have shown minimal to no interest in the company’s offerings. They require more effort to warm up to your brand and make a purchase.

Now that you have learnt the types of leads there are, it is important that you understand the strategies to win them over.

How to Generate Leads for Business Using Advertising: 10 Strategies

Strategies to Generate Leads for Your Business
Strategies to Generate Leads for Your Business

As a business owner, you do not just want cold leads. You want promising leads who will patronize your brand often. That is why you should utilize some of these strategies.

  1. Content Marketing: Create relevant content that speaks to the needs and interests of your target audience. Your content can be in the form of texts (articles and posts), videos, graphics or even audio. Putting out your content guarantees visibility for your brand or company.
  2. Social Media Marketing: You can establish a strong presence on social media platforms relevant to your potential customers, share content, run targeted adverts, and engage with your followers to build relationships and generate leads for your business.
  3. Email Marketing: Curate an email list of prospective customers and send them valuable, relevant, personalized content. Such contents will be sent with their consent, of course.
  4. Paid Advertising: You can invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on social media platforms or Google ads to broaden your audience. You have to invest more in copywriting to create captivating advert copies.
  5. Webinars: This can work in two ways. You can either host webinars that require registration of participants (prospective customers) to capture their information as leads or attend webinars and other virtual events within your industry/niche to give your business visibility.
  6. Content Offers and Lead Magnets: You can create irresistible offers like useful resources, toolkits, books, or even templates. These lead magnets can be promoted through your websites or other marketing channels.
  7. Online Classified Advertising: This requires placing an advert for your brand or business on websites like 9jalist.com. It is a means to attract and generate leads for your business (the product or service you offer). Listing your items for sale attracts potential buyers or clients.
  8. Networking: The number of times you have heard networking is probably more than how many times you have listened to your favourite music. I assure you that it is because it is tested and trusted. You should attend industry events, conferences and exhibitions. Meet potential leads and make meaningful partners.
  9. Content Syndication: Share your content with external platforms, such as industry-specific sites or content aggregators, to generate leads for your business.
  10. Giveaways and contests: Organize giveaways or contests on your website or social media platforms, make the participants provide their information for entry and utilize this for your leads generation.

Top 10 Lead Generation Tools

These tools are software applications that aid in attracting, maintaining leads, and increasing conversion rates of website visitors to leads. They include:

  1. OptinMonster is a lead-generation tool that helps businesses convert website visitors into subscribers or customers through a variety of registration forms, pop-ups, and exit-intent technology.
  2. HubSpot is an all-in-one inbound sales and marketing platform that provides marketing automation, customer relationship management (CRM), content management, and analytics tools to help businesses develop and manage their customer relationships.
  3. Paperform is an online form builder that allows users to easily create interactive, personalized forms, surveys, and landing pages that simplify information and lead capture.
  4. Intercom is a customer messaging platform that allows businesses to communicate with their customers through chat, email, and other channels. It is commonly used for customer support, engagement, and marketing.
  5. MailChimp is an email marketing and marketing automation platform that helps businesses create and send email campaigns, build subscriber lists, and analyze email marketing performance.
  6. Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) is a CRM and marketing automation platform designed for small businesses. It helps with customer management, marketing automation, and e-commerce.
  7. Unbounce is a landing page builder that allows users to create and test custom landing pages for marketing campaigns to improve conversion rates.
  8. Salesforce is the leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform providing sales, marketing, service, and analytics tools that help businesses manage and improve their customer relationships.
  9. Typeform is an online form and survey-building tool that allows users to create engaging and interactive forms and surveys to collect data and feedback.
  10. Nimble: This CRM platform focuses on relationship management and social selling. It helps businesses manage their contacts and interactions on various social media platforms.
Lead Generation Sample/Method

5 ways to Turn Your Leads to Active Customers

Remember the flower illustration I gave earlier? When leads have been generated, the next step is to nurture them. Nurturing your leads is the process of guiding leads through the sales funnel. Your ultimate goal here is to convert leads into customers by providing values, addressing their needs and catering to their interests.

To effectively nurture your business leads, you can work with any or all of the following five processes.

  1. Segmentation: This is when you segregate or classify your leads based on their demographics or interests to send bespoke content that matches their specific needs.
  2. Email drip campaign: This is when you generate leads for your business by sending automated timed emails to your nurture and engaging with your leads. In these emails, you will gradually introduce your product or service to your potential clients as a solution to their problems. Such mail should be well-crafted, informative and interesting.
  3. Personalization: You can nurture your leads by familiarizing them with them. Use their names, congratulate them on feats and achievements, and put out content that resonates with them.
  4. Engagement: Send and respond to their messages on social media platforms or your website, making them feel important.
  5. Lead Scoring: You should implement lead scoring by evaluating and ranking your potential customers based on their attitudes and behaviours. This will give you an overview of leads that are most likely to convert into paying customers and allow you to focus on them (hot leads)

Read Also: How To Leverage Contests To Generate Leads


Good job for getting this far in learning How to Generate Leads for Business Using Advertising effectively. As a business owner, you should strive to have hot leads in their numbers. This is because they enhance the rate of prosperity of your business.

Safe to say, we will see you in the next class. Let me know if you have further questions about how to generate leads for your businesses in the comment section below.


How do you generate leads organically?

Generating leads organically has to do with building relationships with your potential leads without relying on paid Advertising or direct outreach. It can be achieved through content marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social media engagement or even online communities.

What are promotional strategies?

Promotional strategies are marketing techniques used to create awareness of a product, service or brand to encourage sales. It can be sales promotion (discounts, limited-time offers, flash sales, seasonal promotion), media relations, guerilla marketing, SMS marketing, or even event sponsorship.

What are the 4 ways to attract customers?

Quality Products/Services: Offer high-quality offerings to satisfy and retain customers.
Effective Marketing: Use various marketing channels to raise awareness about your business.
Excellent Customer Service: Provide exceptional service to build customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
Targeted Audience Engagement: Tailor your products, services, and marketing to your specific target audience’s needs and preferences.

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