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Chances are at some point you’ve been asked about your zodiac sign, or you have wondered why some people claim to be Taurus or Leo or Gemini and others. If you have ever been in any of those situations, then you should keep reading this.

Here you will get to understand the zodiac signs, their traits, and likely personality. But first, let’s get some clarity.

What are Zodiac Signs?

Zodiac signs in astrology refer to one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through. A person’s particular sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in when they were born.

According to astrologers, a person’s personality can be predicted using their sign of the zodiac.

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Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s dive in, shall we? 

The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac

Aries, The Ram (March 21 – April 19)

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, characterized by the ram symbol. This sign’s inhabitants are believed to be enthusiastic, brave, and independent. They are strong and independent people who are not afraid to test the limits.

Aries people want adventure and fresh challenges, and are not afraid to take chances to accomplish their objectives. Additionally, this desire can lead to impulsiveness and stubbornness (why do you think they are called rams?). They are highly self-assured and aware of what they want from life, but can occasionally come off as overpowering.

Aries people enjoy taking the lead, that’s for sure.


Taurus, The Bull (April 20 – May 20)

Next, we have Taurus, which is the second sign of the zodiac. This zodiac sign is represented by the bull, and those born under it are known to be patient, loyal, and determined.

If you were born under the Taurus sign, you are likely to be stubborn, possessive, and materialistic. You are also probably very patient and loyal to those close to you, and don’t let go of grudges easily. For you, things are in black and white; no shades of grey. You also love the finer things in life.

Taurus are very cautious when it comes to making decisions and don’t like to rush anything. They are very determined to reach their goals and you cannot easily discourage them.


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Gemini, The Twin (May 21 – June 20)

This is the third sign of the zodiac, represented by the twins. What twins, you ask? Well, according to legend, Castor and Pollux were twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri. However, they had different fathers; Castor’s was a mortal king, and Pollux’s was Zeus, the king of the Greek gods. Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together, and bam! The Gemini constellation was born.

No need to thank me for the mythology lesson.

Zodiac Signs - All You Need To Know -

Gemini are flexible, curious, and adaptable. If you are a Gemini, you are likely to be restless, impatient, and indecisive. You are very curious and love to explore new things.

Gemini are also very adaptable to change and are great at balancing work and play. They can sometimes be indecisive, and prefer to explore their options before making a choice. Gemini can also have a hard time committing to anything or anyone. They are restless and prefer to do many things at once rather than focus on one thing.


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Cancer, The Crab (June 21 – July 22)

Following is Cancer, the zodiac sign represented by the crab. Those born under this sign are known to be intuitive, sensitive, and emotional. They love their alone time, and don’t like being around too many people at once.

Cancers are very cautious and don’t like to take risks. They are very emotional and sensitive towards others and prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. Cancers also have a very strong sense of home, and prefer to stay in their comfort zone.

So no, we’re not talking about cancer cancer. I hope that clears up your confusion now.

Leo, The Lion (July 23 – August 22)

Next, we have Leo, represented by the lion. Confident, creative, and competitive, Leos are ambitious, generous, and proud. Just like their mascot.

If you’re a Leo, you probably love to explore new hobbies and interests. You are also very competitive and love to win. Leos are very ambitious and don’t like to settle for second best. You prefer to be independent and not tied down.

Leos are also very generous and enjoy giving back to their community.


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Virgo, The Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

The sixth sign of the zodiac is Virgo, represented by the virgin. What virgin? Mary? Atlantic? I have no idea.

Zodiac Signs - All You Need To Know -

Those born under this sign are known to be analytical, critical, and detail-oriented. If you were born under the Virgo sign, you are likely to be a perfectionist and self-critical. You don’t like to be in messy or disorganized environments and prefer to stay on top of your to-do list.

You are also very choosy and don’t like to take risks when it comes to achieving your goals.

Libra, The Balance (September 23 – October 22)

Represented by the scales, Libras are known to be charming, balanced, and diplomatic. If you were born under the Libra sign, you are likely to be indecisive, flirtatious, and romantic. You don’t like to rush into things.

Libras are very balanced (duh!) and like to explore their options before making a decision.

Scorpio, The Scorpion (October 23 – November 21)

Neither the Mortal Kombat character nor the cult call sign, Scorpios are strong, passionate, and secretive. If you were born under the Scorpio sign, you are probably intense, moody, and jealous. You are very strong and passionate when it comes to your goals, and you don’t let anyone stand in your way.

Scorpios have a tendency to keep their feelings to themselves and are very intense and passionate when it comes to getting what they want. They are also very jealous and don’t like to share their loved ones with others.


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Sagittarius, The Archer (November 22 – December 21)

Those born under this sign are known to be philosophical, optimistic and curious. If you were born under the Sagittarius sign, you are likely ambitious and an idealist. You like to explore new ideas and concepts. You also love to learn new things and have an endless thirst for knowledge.

Sagittarius always believe they can achieve their goals. They prefer to plan their future and don’t like to live in the present.

Capricorn, The Goat (December 22 – January 19)

The tenth sign of the zodiac is Capricorn, represented by the goat. Those born under this sign are known to be ambitious, responsible, and hard-working. If you were born under the Capricorn sign, you are likely to be reliable, serious, and ambitious.

Capricorns like to stay ahead of the curve; they plan everything out in advance and don’t like to leave things to chance. They are very reliable and serious, and they don’t like to mess around.

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Aquarius, The Water Bearer (January 20 – February 18)

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius, represented by the water waves. Those born under this sign are assertive, open-minded, confident, and creative.

If you were born under this sign, you are likely to be a rebel at heart, free-spirited and eccentric. Aquarians are always thinking about the big picture. For them, a partnership isn’t just about an interpersonal dynamic — it’s actually a political statement.

Pisces, The Fish (February 19 – March 20)

The twelfth sign of the zodiac is Pisces. Typical Pisces traits include compassion, romance, empathy, and sensitivity.

Pisces are the creatives of the zodiac; when they channel their emotions into their favorite art form, they feel more centered and enlightened. They also excel at a wide variety of forms of creative self-expression.

Zodiac Signs: Wrapping It Up

Now, I know what you’re thinking; “I’m a Gemini, but I have more in common with Aquarius or Taurus”. Well, that’s between you and your astrologer. I’m just the messenger here. Don’t shoot me.


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