A lot of people consider their careers as their life. And while it is important to get the bag, it is also important to have some work-life balance.

Some people work every day on the weekday and also work on the weekend. Our desire to succeed professionally can push us to set aside our well-being. We can leave out our hobbies, and friends and even ignore the mental signs for a break. 

What is work-life balance?

Work-life balance is when a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life.

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In this case, nothing is more important.

The challenge of reconciling work-life balance has been known for centuries. Some say that it started with the Reformers who wanted fair labor standards in the early 1900s. 

A lot of people love to work and are so obsessed with being financially stable that they leave everything else and focus on work. We may not know but this is bad. Not only does it affect our relationships, but it also affects our mental health. 

People mostly have poor work-life balance because they either have long hours at the office or increased responsibilities at home. For parents, it can be difficult because you have a demanding career and also have children, which leaves little or no time for yourself.

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Ways to balance your work life and personal life

I think it is important to remember that there is no perfect work-life balance. It may not always be ideal because you want to have a productive day at work and then leave to spend time with friends and family.

Prioritize quality time

Don’t underestimate the quality of personal time. You’ve spent hours at work and now you’re at home, it is important to have some “Me-time”.

Make sure you engage in habits and activities that are very important and reliving to you!

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Learn to say “no”

Yes, your boss needs someone to go somewhere after work, you may want to volunteer because you need to be in his good books, but no. 

Learning how to say no can be one of the hardest soft skills for any dedicated professional to learn.


It is important to set boundaries. You need to recognize that saying “no” to things that are less of a priority frees up time and energy for other personal important things.

To learn this, prioritize your tasks. Attend to those that are very urgent and important, and leave the rest for Caesar.

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Take breaks 

People underestimate the good in taking breaks. Even a 30-second microbreak can help to improve concentration and reduce stress. This is very important if you’re working from home.

Experts believe that breaks once in a while can reduce burnout and revitalize your energy. 

Ask for flexibility

You may cower about speaking of your needs to your boss but it is important. Having an open and honest conversation about your needs and wants would make things better for you. 

You could ask them for either a free day in the week, working from home portions, job sharing, and other creative options. 

When this is attended to, you would have time for the things you need to do.

Prioritize your health

Health is wealth, people! You need to understand that your health is very important. If you work all the time during the week, you would get sick. You need to take note of maintaining your physical health, emotional well-being, and mental fitness. 

Consider habits like daily meditation, movement/exercise and even strolling that could assist you. 

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Make space in your schedule for family time

Family time is very important and you must create time to bond with family. For this to work, all your family members must make this a priority. 

Make sure you’re all on the same page. You all need to decide to take the necessary steps to carve this time out. For families that live far, you can take time to call them frequently and use work leaves to visit them. 

Create boundaries 

This is not also meant for your bosses but also for your family members and friends. Set and communicate your work hours with your family so that they know everything. 

This should include when you’ll work and when you won’t be available to respond.

Invest in relationships

Did you know that a lack of strong relationships increases the risk of premature death?

We didn’t know either. So try to build connections and social support so that your health can be improved. It is important to spend your time nurturing relationships that matter to you.

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Benefits of having a work-life balance


Good health is the most important benefit! When you have both things balanced, you have better physical and mental health. This would reduce risks of sicknesses including body pains. 

Consistently working overtime is also associated with fatigue and extreme tiredness. There are a few burnouts. Burnout is a form of mental exhaustion. 

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You will also have higher productivity. When you feel like everything is balanced and you are supported, it makes us feel more creative, connected, and great! You will have the energy to do good things at work. 

These effects of feeling supported all directly benefit you and your employer.

Conclusion on work-life balance

Please don’t expect to be a perfectionist. You may not always be able to balance your work and personal life. It is a habit that you must keep doing. Over time there would be new responsibilities, so sit down and prioritize it. 

You’ll want to assess whether your priorities continue to line up with how you’re spending your time and energy.

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