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In this article, we will be taking a look at what political Apathy is. Civic commitment in the process of politics and participation in the electoral process. They are major indicators of a prospering democracy.

what is political apathy

However, when citizens are not happy or frustrated by a form of government idleness or corruption. People can always feel there is little or no benefit to committing their treasured time and resources to political exploitation with limited results. This is when people can grieve from political apathy or the lack of political engagement. 

What is political apathy?

Political apathy can be because of a number of reasons, including reducing participation in politics directly with the use of biased policies or indirectly through slow, ineffective, or non-representative governments.

Both the direct and indirect systems lead to individuals or communities feeling politically separated. since they already think that little or nothing will change with their action or what they do.

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Systems of Political Apathy

  • Unwillingness to be part of a political party
  • Refusing to vote when an election comes around
  • Not willing to be part of political rallies and campaigns
  • Refusing to register to vote during elections
  • Not looking to be part of public demonstrations/ protests
  • Not willing to fight against electoral malpractices

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Why do People Experience it?

Indirect political apathy via slow, incompetent, or non-representative governments was underlined in a recent study based out of Nigeria, where researchers examined and analyzed the attitudes of voters on political apathy. They found four main reasons that lead to voter apathy in Nigeria:

  • The incompetence of the body which ran the electoral process
  • Unemployment
  • The political environment
  • Electoral violence

Respondents to the survey stated their concerns for the neutrality and freedom of the body which was in charge of running the electoral process. Claiming electoral fraud and rigging of elections, which therefore dampened the hopes of public participation in the voting process at all.


Unemployment and unhappiness of the electorate with the job opportunities available to them come from a larger displeasure of those in power. In addition, a dangerous and poisonous political environment mostly leads to violence which can frighten citizens from being part of any political action.

However, governance and politics go together with political apathy, as it happens every year, all through the year, not only when an election comes around. Every year, the participation of individuals in political affairs keeps getting lower due to next to zero expectations from any government.

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Reasons for Apathy

Bad Government

The overall behaviour of the government towards to common people is appalling. This has downcasted a lot of people from taking part in political matters. The people that voted them into power live in abject poverty, while the government officials live in riches.

Violence during Election

The majority of the elections in Nigeria are always defined by all forms of violence and vandalism, killings, and injuries. The sight of these happenings has displeased a lot of people from being actively part of political matters.

Unfulfilled Promises

Government officials and their political parties make a lot of promises, that will never be fulfilled. They promise heaven and earth to their citizens while none of those promises gets to see the light of day. These acts have also led to one reason why people refused to be part of political activities.

Rivalry amongst Political parties

Officials from various political parties, take each other as foes because of their personal ambitions to acquire political power. They can go as far as badmouthing and calling each other all sorts of names just to win the election.

What are the Effects of Political Apathy?

The effects of political apathy on communities are varied. Those in places of power have so far, face little or no culpability for their works, or have a small risk of being voted out of office, while citizens hardly see improvements in their lives.

political apathy-Nigeria

The lack of political eagerness of government officials to help the borderline local community is a method of political bias. It steers into the absence of political participation of the native Wayuu people.

In order to trigger real political action, we must go through political and social reforms, including the electoral form. The process of the election and political parties must work hand In hand with people, to assist and create a safe and friendly environment. For every citizen to participate.

Citizens need to be invested, making choices for their communities and progressing in their lives. They must also see an advantage in partaking in governance and see the good effect of devoting time and income to being part of the political process.

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FAQs for Political Apathy

What is political apathy Quizlet?

It means having no interest in politics and civic life.

What is it called when you don’t believe in political parties?

It is called Nonpartisanism and is a lack of affiliation with, and a lack of bias towards, a political party.

What are some examples of apathy?

If you are feeling uninterested in your relationships, unmotivated at work, uninterested in school, or just feeling empty and you don’t know why you may be feeling apathy.

What do you call a person who doesn’t care about politics?

Apoliticism is apathy or antipathy towards all political affiliations. A person may be described as apolitical if they are uninterested or uninvolved in politics.

Is apathy positive or negative?

Apathy is considered a negative state to be avoided or overcome. In popular usage, apathy is defined as an absence of passion, emotion, or excitement, or a lack of interest or concern for things others find moving

Why don’t you Get involved, be part of something significant, and help empower communities around you? Either through your donations or being part of it physically. Your participation will be very helpful in supporting people in need.

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