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Allow me to present a detailed review of Colon Broom, the most distinct belly flusher you could ever use.

Colon Broom

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What Is Colon Broom?

I say belly flusher, but in actuality, ColonBroom is more than that.

It’s a fiber supplement in powder form made from psyllium husk powder. ColonBroom induces regular bowel movements, improved gut health, increased energy levels, and weight loss.

You know what that means? It improves the concentration of positive gram bacteria in your colon and increases the bulk of your … fecal products. This helps you achieve a free colon every time you use the restroom.

Now, because it’s a dietary supplement, it is regulated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), which was established by Decree 15 of 1993. This body regulates and controls the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, chemicals, medical devices, and packaged water.

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What Are the Key Features of Colon Broom?

Just to name a few, ColonBrooom is:

  • Sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan and non-GMO.
  • Promotes regular bowel movements and digestive health.
  • Helps support weight management.

Pros and Cons of Colon Broom


Statistically speaking, I can tell you these are the pros and cons of ColonBroom.

Fiber from psyllium husk (the main ingredient in ColonBroom) regulates stool movement, according to research. It is Safe and beneficial for people with diabetes, according to the company, and Appropriate for individuals on a keto diet.Fibre from psyllium husk (the main ingredient in ColonBroom) regulates stool movement, according to research. It is Safe and beneficial for people with diabetes, according to the company, and Appropriate for individuals on a keto diet.
Pros and Cons of ColonBroom

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What Are the Benefits of Colon Broom?

Colon Broom

Research shows psyllium husk, ColonBroom’s active ingredient, may lower cholesterol, improve glycemic control, and increase the regularity of bowel movements.

It also helps prebiotics to flourish, enhancing the gut microbiome. There is some evidence that the fiber in psyllium husk may also contribute to reduced caloric consumption and increased weight loss.

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What Does Colon Broom Cost?

Currently, you cannot find ColonBroom in Nigerian stores because the product is basically sold in US stores. However, because it is so renowned, you can order ColonBroom from the stores and have it shipped to you. Easy.

The prices of ColonBroom range from N45,000 to N69,000.

Happy shopping.

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How Colon Broom Works


Psyllium husk powder (it comes from the tiny seeds produced by the herb Plantago ovata) is the main ingredient in ColonBroom.

It works as a natural laxative, absorbing water in the intestines and forming bulky stools that are easy to pass.

When you visit ColonBroom’s website, you’re asked to complete a quiz. It asks:

  • Your general state of health and activity level
  • Whether you’re prone to weight gain, diarrhea, bloating or constipation
  • How often do you have a bowel movement
  • Whether you experience health conditions like sugar/carbohydrate cravings, fatigue, skin issues, heartburn or stomach cramps
  • If you have any food sensitivities or allergies
  • Whether you have any medical conditions like diabetes or digestive disorders like diverticulitis
  • Your height, current weight, and desired weight
  • Your gender

Colon Broom Vs Metamucil

Metamucil is pretty much a twin to ColonBroom. Google calls it the most popular fiber supplement in the market.

But that’s just Google. Metamucil is goated for increasing the water levels in the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass. Just like ColonBroom, Metamucil contains psyllium husk, another benefit to its efficiency. 

Some benefits of Metamucil include:

  • May help relieve occasional constipation.
  • Can improve bowel irregularity.
  • Has cholesterol-lowering properties, particularly when used with a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat, and may be used to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • May be used as a dietary fiber supplement.
  • Psyllium husk is one of the main ingredients.

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What Are the Ingredients of Colon Broom?


1. Psyllium husk powder

Psyllium is a soluble fiber that absorbs water in the whole gut system and turns into a thick, gel-like substance that increases the size/softness of stools for a smooth bowel journey.

Psyllium husk not only treats constipation but is also effective for combating liquid diarrheal stools and bloating or painful flatulence. In short, it’s a life-changing gut-saver that will make you regular and happy in a whisk.

2. Crystallized lemon

Crystallized lemon (in other words – citric acid) is often found in natural flavoring to give that zesty, citric boost and tangier feel.

It also has a positive impact on constipation and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities

3. Sea salt and silicon dioxide

Sea salt undeniably has a big impact on health. Using salt in moderation can increase hydration. Not only hydration but it can also support kidney detoxification.

And silicon dioxide? There’s just a tiny particle of it, nothing seriously chemical. It’s for building and keeping the substance fresh and not expired.

4. Stevia

Most products are filled with artificial sweeteners, which can potentially have some negative side effects on health.

On a good note, ColonBroom uses stevia to give that natural sweet taste. And it is known that stevia can promote lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Colon Broom User Experience

In our culture, they say that when it comes to certain matters, it is always better to hear from the horse’s mouth. So here are a few testimonials from ColonBroom customers:

I ordered the strawberry flavor of ColonBroom and it arrived within days. Per the label’s instructions, I mixed one scoop into a glass of water and drank it immediately, followed by a second glass of plain water. The flavor was pleasant and the consistency was easy to drink (some psyllium powders I’ve tried were too bulky). For the first few days as my body adjusted to the extra fiber, I stuck with one scoop per day as advised for the first week, then switched to two scoops per day for two additional weeks.

Modupe, 33

I experienced moderate bloating and mild gastrointestinal cramping during the first three to four days of using ColonBroom, which then subsided. Although my bowel movements were regular prior to using the product, they occurred more frequently and it felt easier to “go” when consuming ColonBroom. I did not experience significant weight loss from using ColonBroom, but it did minimize my urge to snack at night.

Patrick 37


Colon Broom is a fast and effective way to take care of colon-related issues.

The bottom line? Experts agree that ColonBroom is comparable to other bulk-forming laxative products on the market.

If there are any questions, post them below.


What does Colon Broom do?

It works as a natural laxative, absorbing water in the intestines and forming bulky stools that are easy to pass.

Does Colon Broom help weight loss?

Yes, it does.

Is it good to take Colon Broom every day?

It is not recommended, but if you have a serious constipation problem, then yes, you have to take it as prescribed until your symptoms are gone.

What are the side effects of Colon Broom?

ColonBroom may cause gastrointestinal side effects, including constipation or diarrhea, stomach cramping, increased gas (or flatulence), and/or temporary weight gain.

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