The Obama medal meme has become one of the most widely used meme templates today. Why? Because it can be easily translated to pictorially represent a message or an expression to any culture or class. Aren’t you getting bored with these stories? I mean, we are talking about memes here. I need to lighten up.

Obama Medal Meme

Memes have become something of a critical social pillar lately. It helps to pass a message to the general public in a playful and subtle. Some memes can be hurtful, though. Remember, we all have a different temperament.

So, just like any other evergreen meme templates, these things trend because they can conveniently convey different emotions and messages to the audience.

As you’ve already guessed, the Obama medal meme is a picture of Obama presenting a medal to Obama. Is Obama a Twin? No. So, how can Obama present a medal to Himself? He is America’s first black president, is anything impossible for him? Haha, for real, though, these are memes. Should we take anything seriously?

The Obama medal meme trends because of Obama’s actions and significance in society. He is a beacon to every person out there that “the impossible can start with you”. This significance skyrocketed the Obama medal meme’s chance, among others. Who would not want to be given a medal of honour by Obama?

Not everyone is a meme enthusiast. If you are confused about how to use the Obama medal meme, I can give you an example for a price. You keep reading this article. Promise? Alright.

“I want to congratulate myself for finally being able to bag that girl that my friends said was way above my league.”

That’s the feeling! Haha!

Every meme has an origin. Even the Obama medal meme. Let’s use this next chapter to talk about where it arose from


Where did the Obama Medal Meme Originate?

On November 12, 2015… now I have you glued.

On that day, Florent Grobeg, a retired army captain, was given a medal of honour by President Obama. Who is Captain Florent Groberg? Captain Florent Groberg is an American soldier whose exemplary action in Afghanistan is heroic and memorable.

He tackled a suicide bomber and prevented him from getting to where the rest of his colleagues were set up. He saved lots of American lives that day. That action is one of selflessness, heroism and devotion. It deserves the Medal of Honor.

Obama Medal Meme

This picture was taken, and you can trust the internet to make content out of anything and everything. With such a dutiful look on the face of President Obama and a Prideful on Florent Groberg’s face, the internet decided to hop on this picture and replicate various scenarios on the internet.

Do you doubt that? Search Obama Medal memes on Google and see a million memes that come out.

Wait!!, After you finish reading the article. Don’t rush.

I am sure you can also think of many scenarios that fit that picture right now. For all ye meme lovers, start editing. But as Adele said, Go easy, please. Are you confused about how to go about creating your meme? You don’t want to be an “internet snub”. Below I’ll tell you how you can make your own Obama medal meme.


How To Create an Obama Medal Meme

To create an Obama Medal meme, you have to use some photo editing tools like Photoshop or many other online tools. This will help to erase images and add content and text to the picture.
You want your meme to be easy to understand and grasp. It should also be lighthearted and relatable. You don’t want to offend a minority or present an unrelatable front.
Let’s jump to the real deal, how to create an Obama Medal meme? I decided to break this into listicles so it would be easy for you to follow and understand. The first thing to do is…

Get the Base-Image

The Base image is a real, unedited picture. They would give you a clean slate to pour whatever idea you might have. Editing an already edited image can send double messages.
Have you seen that WhatsApp status where someone screenshots someone else’s posts and reposts them with a caption? It’s hard to understand because you don’t know which you would like to focus on.
You must get a base image to use for your edit.

Remove whatever is not needed

Everything is allowed to be removed except the face of President Obama. Why else would it be called an Obama medal meme? You can get rid of the medal or the face of Florent Groberg. This would give you a slate to start afresh and anew.

Either way, ensure you have a concept in mind to ease your process.

Add your Contents

This is where your creativity comes in, and you can hope to pass a message. You can add captions to the picture or change faces on the picture. Try adding the face of a funny celebrity like Ryan Reynolds, Ice Cube, Kevin Hart etc. You could just do the norm and use two Obama faces.

After changing pictures, you can use app captions too. This is the part where you pass your message. There is no meme without a little write-up. This should help people understand the meme.

Check and Review

Various memes out there lack humour. You don’t want to add to that list. You could privately share your memes with close friends to make sure it is humorous or informative.

If it is or they are, then we move on to the final step.


Nothing is holding you back now. Share your memes and infect the world with laughter. Do your part in the Lord’s work. Do you think sharing memes is easy? Think again

You can share memes on sites such as Tumblr, Reddit, and Pinterest. You can now add to the innumerable list of Obama medal memes on the internet. With this knowledge you have of the Obama medal meme, we must look at a few importance of the Obama medal meme.

Apart from the fact that it is a lovely picture, what else does it represent?


Importance of Obama Medal Meme

Just like other memes, the Obama medal meme represents a few things to society. This would explain the reason why the meme is as relevant as it is today. We would also look at a few importance of memes in general.

There’s a Reward for Diligence

Just like Florent Groberg, it’s good to know that good work can be celebrated in the world today. A recognition as big as the President of America giving you a medal is possible.

People redesign this meme to celebrate their wins. For anything and everything you can achieve, give yourself a medal.

Social Bonding

A community is a group of people with similar interests. A community can be online nowadays. Memes often spread rapidly through social media platforms, creating a sense of shared experiences and cultural references among individuals.

They can foster a sense of community among internet users who find humour and understanding in the same memes. This shared cultural currency can bring people together and create connections.


Emotional Expression

Memes often tap into universal emotions and experiences, providing an outlet for self-expression and catharsis. They can help individuals cope with stress, anxiety, or other emotions by providing humour, empathy, or relatability. Memes can serve as a form of emotional release and promote mental well-being.

Cultural Commentary

Memes can comment on and satirize various cultural, social, and political phenomena. They can succinctly convey criticism, challenge ideas, or highlight absurdities in a humorous and relatable way. Memes allow for the dissemination of social commentary and encourage critical thinking.


Obama Medal meme


The Obama medal meme has become one of the most widely used meme templates today. Does that feel like Deja Vu? It’s because I already said that same sentence at the beginning of this article.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Frequently Asked Questions on Obama medal Meme:

Why has the Obama medal meme become so popular?

The Obama medal meme has gained popularity because it effectively translates a message or expression into a pictorial format that can resonate with different cultures and social groups.

What is the significance of the Obama medal meme?

The Obama medal meme is not only funny but also significant as it represents Obama’s actions and his role as America’s first black president. It symbolizes the idea that “the impossible can start with you” and has become a beacon of inspiration for many.

How did the Obama medal meme originate?

The Obama medal meme find it origin from a photograph taken on November 12, 2015. It captured the moment when President Obama presented a medal of honor to Captain Florent Groberg, a retired army captain who displayed heroism and selflessness in Afghanistan.

How can I create my own Obama medal meme?

To create an Obama medal meme, follow these steps:
Find an unedited base image of Obama.
Remove any unwanted elements from the image, but keep Obama’s face intact.
Use your creativity to add captions, change faces, or modify the picture to convey your desired message.
Review your meme to ensure it is humorous and engaging.
Share your meme on platforms like Tumblr, Reddit, or Pinterest to spread laughter and joy.

What are the importance and impact of the Obama medal meme?

The Obama medal meme, like other memes, holds several significances:
It represents the reward and recognition for diligence and achievements.
It fosters social bonding and a sense of community among individuals who relate to the meme.
It serves as a form of emotional expression, providing humor and catharsis.
It offers a means of cultural commentary and satire, encouraging critical thinking and highlighting societal absurdities.

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