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If you don’t know about the bro code, then you are certainly no bro.

I must have been 15 when I first heard about the bro code. A green and simple lad, I had the hots for this pretty girl in my class. Little did I know that she had been under my friend’s arms for a while before their breakup.

“A bro shall not hook up with another bro’s ex.” That is one law of the bro code. It’s a law I broke, repeatedly. It all came to a boil when my friend found out, courtesy of a snitch who’d been watching us grope each other on a Thursday afternoon. While I did make the snitch pay (I’ll keep the illegal details from your mind), let’s just say the drama…wasn’t pretty.

All in all, that’s how I came to learn the bro code.

Who Is A Bro?

A bro is many things, but a bro is not an ordinary guy friend. Bros do a lot of things for and with their bros: good, bad, funny, or ignorant. It’s more than just a friendship; it’s a close bond that is likely to survive a huge amount that life can throw at it.

Bros can be childhood friends that grow up together or they can meet and instantly click. Unlike the female squad, however, bros don’t tend to be cast away from the group very easily.

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Is The Bro Code Important?

The guy code rules give you a proper idea of how to maintain guy friendships with your bros. There are certain lines you can cross, and lines you can’t. In a sense, this is the guys’ definition of setting firm boundaries.

Whether it’s getting together with your friend’s ex or something as silly as bets, it’s important to observe all the rules. Your ability to maintain friendships for the rest of eternity relies on keeping sticking to these bro code rules.

If you break one, you can expect all your friends to either be mad at you, resent you, or even hate you. Yes, it’s that crucial. Watching the Netflix series Peaky Blinders might explain one or two things about the importance of brohood. You can also watch How I Met Your Mother to meet the father of the modern Bro Code…

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The Great Barney Stinson

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What Is The Bro Code?

Only men can understand the vitality of bromances in our lives. Of course, we love women. Well, some of us do. But when it comes to friendships, nobody can understand a man better than his guy friends. This is why every guy out there needs to know the bro code inside out.

Brohood is a kind of bond that explains how bros get away with trading insults as a form of greeting. How they get along despite all the dangerous and embarrassing pranks they pull on each other, and how they still share a beer and laugh immediately after a fistfight.

The Bro Code is a catalog of certain unsaid rules of a man’s friendship with another one that we all must agree to abide by. It is impossible to discuss all the laws that exist, but I will share the most important ones. Here we go:

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Section 1

  • You must do all you can to save your bro from hooking up with an ugly girl at a party. Chances are that he is too drunk to even make out if that person is a girl or a guy. If you’re sure he’s sober, then that means you can shrug off all responsibility and try your own luck with hotter women around.
  • There are four things about your bro that you must respect in all conditions – his house, his parents, his girlfriend, and most important of all, his car.
  • You just cannot get involved with your bro’s mother or sister. It is one of the biggest violations of the bro code. A stepmother whom he hates is still okay.
  • Even if a girl manages to enter the bro gang, you shall never reveal the bro code to her. You may treat her as one amongst you, but you can never disclose any rule until she wins your trust completely. She could be an undercover agent for all you know.
  • A bro is never allowed to drive in a drunken state. An exception can be made in the case of a bro who has acquired a Master’s in the art of drunken driving.
The Bro Code: Brotherhood at its peak - battabox.com
Okay, maybe not
  • If there’s a state of inebriation and a bro needs to be sent back home, arrangements shall be made for a ride at any cost. We got Ubers for that purpose. Stealing others’ car keys is allowed if necessary.
  • Anything a bro does in a drunken state is justified. Forgive him for his trespasses. You shall make excuses for him whenever required, for he shall do the same when the time comes.


Section 2

  • Never sleep with a bro’s ex-girlfriend. (What? Don’t give me that look.) If you are attracted to your bro’s ex, don’t make a pass at her without taking his permission. If he wants you to stay away from her, abide by his request.
  • If you get involved with a bro’s ex, with his permission, of course, don’t rub it in his face. Remember that it was the girl’s choice to date you and it has nothing to do with you being a better charmer than your bro.
  • You must greet your bro appropriately. A hug cannot come before a handshake, and a hug must be accompanied by a pat on the back. If you observe guy friendships in movies, there’s a reason why there are always handshakes or a pat on the back.
  • You must inform a bro if he is dressed horribly. If your friend is wearing a neon green polo with pink shoes, one of the bro code rules is that you are obligated to tell him he looks horrible. Honesty is the best policy in cases of his attire. Especially when his dating life depends on it, tell him when he’s dressing horribly. Unless you’re also wearing the same outfit, then rock it together.
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Bros who slay together stay together
  • Bros don’t brag about how many girls they’ve slept with. This might come as a shock to some of you, but the basis of guy friendships isn’t about boasting about how many girls you’ve slept with. Sure, it’s probably an impressive number, but no one cares and you look like an a-hole. Don’t be that a-hole. You don’t need to shoot off your ego when talking to your guy friends.

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Bro Code: Section 3

  • Pranking your fellow bros is seen as bonding. If you decide to engage in pranking, make sure these three things will not happen: Result in a trip to the ER, with you stealing their phone, or in you or him being in financial debt.
  • Pranks are always fun, but you must know when to stop. One of the big bro code rules is to make sure it doesn’t cost their health, finances, or anything significant.
  • Back up your friend. If your friend gets into a fight and you’re unable to calm the situation, back your friend. Even if he’s wrong and an idiot, he’s your idiot. Loyalty is an integral part of the bro code rules, so you need to always have their back. If you don’t, maybe you shouldn’t be hanging out with this person in the first place.
  • If given the title of best man at your friend’s wedding, it is your duty to prepare the bachelor party. Regardless of what he insists assuming that his values and beliefs don’t contradict, it is your duty to provide him with the best stripper, or the wildest act of the night.

SEE: Things You Should Never Tell Your Girlfriend

Section 4

  • Bros before hoes, always. A ‘Hoe’ is defined as any woman that is not your wife or direct family
  • A bro is always allowed to do something stupid, as long as all the other bros are doing it
  • Even in a fight to the death, a bro should never punch another bro in the balls.
  • A bro shall never, and I mean NEVER, gaze at another naked bro.
  • Whether a bro is into sports or not, they must pick a team and support them to their dying breath.
  • A bro shall never impede another bro’s chances to score (if you think I mean football, then you’re still far behind).
  • If a bro dies, another bro is expected to go to his house and clear his browser history.
  • And finally, perhaps the most important…
The Bro Code: Brotherhood at its peak - battabox.com

A Word From Battabox On Bro Code

There goes the bell. I hope you bros have learned something new today.

If you have any remarks, let us know below.

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