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If you want a better life, this article will teach you the simple ways to achieve it.

The best thing about these changes I’m about to teach you is that they’re very simple to accomplish. They don’t require you to make too many alterations to your daily schedule, and if they do, I suggest you do them, anyway. That is, of course, if you want your life improved.

What Is A Better Life For You?

Before we talk about life improvement steps, I want you to consider what it means to have a better life. I say consider because if I decide to define it, my definition might not be the same as yours because we do not share the same ideals and background.

A better life for you might mean a well-paying white-collar job and a condo on the island. Mine could be a year-long vacation in Hawaii (yes, I’m allowed to dream big) or being an accomplished author. And for some, a better life could be waking up every day to go to Sodiq’s mechanic shop.

Note the similarity in these analogies. That was a trick. There is no similarity, and that’s because all three instances have different situations. That tells us something, but what?

It tells us that having a better life, contrary to what many believe, has little or nothing to do with your circumstances or your situation. A better life is a stage where, no matter your reality, you feel content and full of passion, and, most importantly, happy.

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Practices To Guarantee a Better Life

Now that we have discussed the meaning of a better life, let’s discuss the practices you can follow to guarantee a better life.

Set Clear Goals

Simple Practices To Guarantee A Better Life

An unrealistic goal would be something like you becoming the best lawyer in the world and making five million dollars a year in your first year out of law school. Avoid doing that, and instead, set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Specific goals are concrete. Rather than saying, “I’ll become a lawyer one day,” which is not specific, you might say “I’ll become a lawyer in 4 years,”. That is specific.
  • A measurable goal is a goal where you can track your progress over time. You might measure your progress in law school by counting the number of classes you need to take to graduate and checking off each class that you complete.
  • An attainable goal is a realistic goal. It isn’t about being the best lawyer in the world. Something more attainable would be to finish law school and get a job.
  • A relevant goal is something that is consistent with the values you have determined will lead to a better life. If you placed a high value on finding meaning (via helping people with the law) and increasing your income, then becoming a lawyer is a relevant goal.
  • A time-bound goal is a goal with a deadline. It can also include deadlines for sub-goals, such as a specific date to take the LSAT (a test required to get into law school).

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Move Your Butt

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Regular exercise can have minor antidepressant effects; exercise can also relieve stress, the key ingredient to having a better life. Exercise has these benefits in part because it releases endorphins, one of the brain’s “feel good” hormones.

When you exercise, put on some tunes that motivate you to workout harder. That said, be sure to listen to your body and don’t overdo it.

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Sleep Well

Simple Practices To Guarantee A Better Life

A substantial amount of scientific studies show that a lack of sleep can contribute to lower well-being by causing feelings of fatigue, sadness, and anxiety. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try making your room darker.

Also, try getting rid of noise sources and/or wear earplugs. Do your best to stick to a sleep routine every night. Take note of how many hours of sleep you need per night to feel rested upon waking; try to get that many hours each night.

Run From Comfort

why are you running why are you running away

I know, I know, this one probably sounds ironic, but trust me, that comfort zone is your enemy. Especially when you want a better life. Quit just doing your same old habits and routines. Instead, seek out a zone of “optimal anxiety.” Studies have shown that having some anxiety/arousal actually facilitates brain functioning and performance on a variety of tasks.

Ways to get out of your comfort zone include trying a new hobby, making new friends, or setting slightly tougher-to-achieve goals for yourself than normal. Keep in mind your values and your personality here though. If your definition of a better life involves primarily having time to yourself to self-reflect and you find yourself to be quite introverted, then perhaps getting out of your comfort zone isn’t as important for you. That said, you never know until you try.

Do Selfless Acts

Volunteering is one foolproof way to improve your quality of life. Give some of your time to help others out and you may find that both your physical and mental well-being increases. There are a number of ways you could volunteer your time. For instance, you could;

  • Research any cause you care about and ask the involved NGOs if you can volunteer your time to help
  • Get in touch with your local library and ask if they need tutors in an area in which you are skilled
  • Get in touch with your local political representative and ask about helping with campaign work for causes you care about
  • Volunteer in a food kitchen for an orphanage
Simple Practices To Guarantee A Better Life

Eat Healthily For A Better Life

When you eat unhealthily, it can make you feel negative. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy foods if you want to have a better life.

Eat things like lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables for the best effect, and remember to have a balanced diet. That means all things must be in moderation. In fact, among all the practices to guarantee a better life, this one is perhaps the most important. What goes into your system largely has an effect on your overall well-being.

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Courtesy Pays

Know how to communicate and listen. Going the extra mile to appreciate those in your life. Random acts of kindness toward strangers. These are all tenets of courtesy that bring unfathomable rewards. Imagine how it feels to speak to someone who listens to every syllable. Ever received a thank-you card from a friend? A free ride from a total stranger? Don’t you cherish simple acts of courtesy? I bet you do. So why not offer them yourself?

Sometimes we lose the urge to be courteous in our daily lives because the majority of people are enjoying and that cannot be over-emphasized. Regardless, wanting a better life is more about you than them. You can never control how people react towards you, but you can always…ALWAYS…control how you react towards them.

No Knowledge Is Useless

“We learn every day” has to be the most canon statement in existence. We exist in a river of information but are drowning in ignorance. You can never go wrong with trying to learn. In fact, I urge you to try reading at least one article a day. It can be anything that interests you; what you read is not as important as you actually reading.

Right now, you’re reading simple practices to guarantee a better life and that is your first step to actually having a better life because you would not have this valuable information if you don’t read.

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A Word From Battabox On A Better Life

Life can change for the better if you put in the work. And what is the work?

  • Set clear goals
  • Move your butt
  • Sleep well
  • Run from comfort
  • Do selfless acts
  • Eat healthily
  • Be courteous
  • Learn every day

Those are the simple practices to guarantee a better life. Although you may not see positive changes every day or every time you try to change, putting in the work to make positive changes in your life will pay off.

If you have questions, let us know below.

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