The tiger, lion, or python, which is the most dangerous animal in the world? Read to know more.

Most Dangerous Animal in the World
Most Dangerous Animal in the World

It will blow your mind to know that the most dangerous animal in the world is not the one you have in your thought now. Many animals are dangerous, and we will tell you why. The animal chosen is number 1.

This article will not just tell you the number one most dangerous animal in the world, but we will list the top 10 dangerous animals.


10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Below is a list of the 10 most dangerous animals in the world. You may want to disagree, but there are core reasons for this hierarchy, savour every word and leave us a comment if you still disagree.

We’ll begin from the least to the most

10. Hippos – 500 Humans per Year

Most Dangerous Animal in the World - Hippos

Our number 10 is for the Hippopotamus. This is the 10th most dangerous animal in the world. Although they are smaller than the Elephants, they are more aggressive than them.

The hippos are very aggressive and protective of their habitats. They attack boatmen, hunters, and even tourists. They account for 500 death of humans each year.

Apart from trampling, throwing, and crushing its victims, this creature also holds its victim underwater until they drown. What a tough death!

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 9. Elephants 600 Humans per Year

Most Dangerous Animal in the World - Elephants

These animals are large and friendly, but they kill, are revengeful, and are protective of their young ones. Elephants are deadly. They weigh up to 6000kg. 

Most people who suffer from these deaths are hunters, circus owners, or lovers who die from being trampled, crushed, thrown, or by any other means.

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8. Crocodile – 2000 Humans per Year

Most Dangerous Animal in the World - Crocodile

Crocodiles also make it on this list. They account for 2000 deaths of humans every year. They are one of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World Crocodiles are extremely powerful animals; they run at a great speed and hunt humans for food.

Usually found in freshwater regions, crocodiles attack humans because they want to eat them or in defence of their territory or defence of their young ones.

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7. Scorpions – 3000 Humans per Year

Most Dangerous Animal in the World - scorpion

The stings of scorpions are very poisonous. Their venom contains some mixtures of toxins that can shut down the nervous system and, in the long run, cause death, especially in children.

Scorpions can be found anywhere, and they can stay in most habitats. Little wonder that can get access to humans and cause so many deaths. 

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6. Tsetse fly – 10,000 humans per year

Tsetse fly - 10,000 humans per year
Tsetse fly – 10,000 humans per year

This insect accounts for 10,000 human deaths per year. Although this insect is widely found in Africa, it still kills people.

The insect transmits a disease called sleeping sickness to its victims. It is mostly found in rural areas of Africa, and this is where the highest deaths are recorded since there are little or no medical treatments for victims of sleeping sickness.

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5. Asian bugs – 12,000 Humans per Year

5. Asian bugs - 12,000 Humans per Year
Asian bugs – 12,000 Humans per Year

Here’s another small but mighty, one of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World, the Asian bug, also called the kissing bug.

Surprised to see insects kill more than mammals? Well, it is because, unlike large animals, they can access the homes of people without raising alarms.

Species of the Asian bug that inhibit some areas in central and South America transmit a parasitic infection called Chagas disease. This infection is responsible for 12,000 human deaths per year.

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4. Dogs (Rabies) – 40,000 Humans per Year

4. Dogs (Rabies) - 40,000 Humans per Year
Dogs (Rabies) – 40,000 Humans per Year

Do friendly dogs ever kill? Sadly they do. They kill up to 40,000 people in a year. However, these statistics are for dogs with rabies.

It is not the dog’s bite that kills. It is rabies that is transmitted through the dog that causes the most death. Rabies is also found in Wolves too.

Although the numbers are higher in rural areas where health care is not readily available, you need to be careful with stray dogs and treat your dogs if you own one.

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3. Snakes – 138,000 Humans per Year

3. Snakes - 138,000 Humans per Year
Snakes – 138,000 Humans per Year

You guessed right! Snakes can’t miss this list of the most dangerous animal in the world. Only snakes kill up to 130,000 humans per year.

Little wonder because many species of snakes have venom that can kill in minutes. Yes, you should be careful of bigger snakes, but the smaller ones account for a higher number of deaths ain’t that big anyways.

The inland Taipan is the most venomous snake. Its bite can cause up to 100 deaths at once.


2. Mosquito 725,000 humans per year

Mosquito 725,000 humans per year
Mosquitos 725,000 humans per year

Mosquitoes are the second most dangerous animal in the world, accounting for over 700,000 deaths of humans per year. Small animals cause big problems too.

It is not their bite that kills. The microorganism that sticks to their proboscis and then enters into our bodies when they bite us causes malaria fever, Zika virus, Dengue fever, and West Nile depending on the vector.

The attack by mosquitoes on the human kingdom is severe. Although medical care to reduce deaths has been very extensive, death rates are still high in rural areas.

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1. Humans

Surprised? I don’t think so. We’re the most dangerous of all species. Humans have killed themselves in the last fifty years more than any other species.

We’re not only dangerous to ourselves but you other species too. Through deforestation, bush burning, and industry activities, we kill the flora and make life uncomfortable for the fauna. Global warming is a result of human activities.

Some species are considered endangered because tourism, fishing, and hunting are to blame. So there we have it, the caretakers of the earth are the most dangerous species on earth. Ironic and tragic!


FAQs on Most Dangerous Animal in the World

What is the 1 most dangerous animal on earth?

The most dangerous creatures on earth are humans. Funny right? But then, in the past fifty years, more humans have died out of war, homicide, and other human-related activities than out of attacks by other animals.

What is the 2 deadliest animal in the world?

The mosquito comes first, killing over 500,000 people in a year, then after that comes snakes with close to 200,000 deaths a year.

What are the 5 most dangerous animals in the world?

Here’s the list of the 5 most dangerous animals in the world
Asian Bugs

What animal lives the longest?

The Ocean Quahogs (Clams) have lived for over 500 years. They live underwater and are used for food by some humans. 

Which sea creature kills the most humans?

It is the box jellyfish. It is small but has a poison in its sting that can cause paralysis or death in minutes. It can be found in northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific region.

I hope you were thrilled to know what creatures kill the most. You now know why our ranks went how they did, and I’m sure you agree. However, if you feel unsatisfied, let’s have your comment below. You can tell us what surprised you.

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