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I promised myself not to get into this discussion of Mac vs Windows. But, I see more tech bro’s moving up the technological ladder and migrating from Windows to Mac.

I know you all would be wondering why, I am too. Let’s compare both computer operating systems and find out the reason.

Mac vs Windows

I am a Windows user. On second thought, let me tell you a short story.

I was at a party once with my Android; I wouldn’t be specific about the brand. At this party, my friends asked me if I wouldn’t like to switch from Android to iPhone. My reply was emphatic, decisive, and vigorous.

“I like my Andriod, there are many things Android can do that iPhone can’t. iPhone is even confusing”

Ladies and gentlemen, I am using an iPhone now and I am loving it. The reason for my story is to let you know that though I am a Windows user, I now realize I should not discard the proficiency of other products when I’ve not used them.


Mac vs Windows is the Tyson vs Wilder of Operating Systems. These giants, each with different models, styles, and ideologies, have saturated the market and continually push themselves to satisfy more customer wants.

And to answer your question, No. Windows and Mac are not the only operating systems out there. They just happen to be the most popular due to availability, function, market reach, consistent marketing, affordability, branding, development, and so on. Other operating systems include:

  1. openSUSE
  2. ZorinOS
  3. ChromeOS
  4. Free BSD
  5. Chalet OS
  6. Ubuntu
  7. Linux Mint
  8. ReactOS
  9. Fedora
  10. Chromium OS

All these OS and we still decide to concentrate on Mac vs Windows. Did we decide or does it boil down to marketing?


In the battle between Mac vs Windows, we will pick out similar characteristics and compare how well they both perform them. I would be writing from the seat of a Windows user and a Mac admirer to avoid any biases on my part.

Let’s get into it.

Mac vs Windows: Similar Characteristics

As we move through these characteristics, I would leave you to pick the one with the advantage over the other in said category. In the end, there would be an overall winner. (oh you didn’t think there’d be a winner?)

It’s Mac VS Windows.


Mac vs Windows: Price

This is the most important factor in a buying decision. The cheapest Macbook, which is the MacBook Air M1, costs about 999$. This is no small amount to pay for a computer brand.

The saturation of the iPhone in Nigeria has made me realize that no matter how expensive your brand is, people will pay if it makes them feel good. Mac has decided that their brand is not one for any common man. You want a Mac? Work hard.

Windows, on the other hand, is comparatively cheaper than Mac. For those with minimum income who want a computer, Windows is best for you. Some brands are also very expensive but they are kind enough to consider the affordability.

For that consideration of affordability, Windows is more plethoric in the consumer’s hands.

Market Cover

Both Mac and Windows appeal to very different customer bases. For Mac, you will usually find them among graphic designers, web developers, UI/UX designers, etc. This explains why you will find more Macs among the tech brothers.


Windows has a wider reach. They cover everywhere that Macs reach and even more. They are used in businesses, schools, hospitals, and many more. This shouldn’t be a shocker considering their affordability.

Onboarding Experience

Onboarding Experience

Onboarding comprises getting started and logging in. And while there are some similarities in this regard such as Fingerprint and Face ID, both Mac and Windows offer varying and unique experiences with this process.

They give you the freedom to personalize your experience through good security and other features.

Mac OS allows you to log in with your Apple accessories such as your iPhone and Apple Watch. Windows happens to have an easier getting-started and logging-in experience though.

SEE: UI vs UX: The Battle for Supremacy

File Management

Regarding the management of files, Mac and Windows have Finder and File Manager respectively. On Windows, File Manager presents a panel that arranges your files according to Videos, Pictures, Desktop, Downloads, and so on. A particularly helpful feature is Quick Access which shows your recently viewed files.

Considering its primary job is file management, Windows does a very good job at that.

In Mac, Finder helps with the general management of files and the launching of other applications. A unique function of Mac is its color-coded folders and its preview function which allow you to quickly display files.

Unlike Windows where you can view your computer’s storage capacity from the file manager. In Mac, you have to go through settings before getting to the general storage.

User Interface and Experience Customization

Ever since the focus shifted to user experiences on digital devices, there has been more concern placed on the way users feel and how they can better their experiences with these devices. The features allow you to personalize your experience and give you a sense of ownership during usage.

Both Windows and Mac offer a lot of customizable features that are so appealing. On Windows, you can use wallpapers, light mode, dark mode, reduce or increase icon size, and many more.

Although, some Windows dialogues do not change to dark mode. Mac offers a more consistent application of customizable features. If you want to buy either based on customizable features, you can go for either.

RELATED: Tech: The New In Thing

Range of Hardware Devices

Range of Hardware Devices

When it comes to hardware devices, Mac and Windows have very different ideas. Windows offers a wider range for consumers while Mac’s idea is for more quality hardware devices.

Mac hardware devices have better battery life and durability and they are known to last longer. This removes nothing from Windows by the way. Windows prefers to give customers a wider range to pick from. They consider affordability and flexibility.

Depending on your budget, do as you like.


Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac.

I know I’m a Windows user, but we can all agree Mac has better security. They offer better security features such as better privacy settings, data encryption, and built-in malware protection. Macs are less likely to be infected by viruses. The key word is “less likely”.

To defend the honor of Windows, they try to continually upgrade their security and push a lot of updates and antivirus software.

Third-Party Applications Compatibility

Third-Party Applications Compatibility

Software developers develop their applications for Windows first, which means Windows is compatible with more Third-Party Applications than Mac. This importance is good for businesses and gaming applications.

It makes it easier for them to get their ship sailing before advancing.

“Follow come” Applications

In Nigeria, “follow come” means something that accompanies or comes along with a product. You can call them Included Applications. Both Mac and Windows offer a great deal of Included Applications.

On Windows, you have Windows Media player, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Store, Movies and TV, Media player, Camera, Calculators, etc.

Mac Operating System is more like a show-off. They pride themselves on quality video editors and distinct music streaming platforms. They also have other miscellaneous like the Camera and Calculators.

Search Settings

These are little user experiences that are usually overlooked but Mac and Windows pay attention to it. Windows used to have a search bar displayed at the bottom left of the screen which was super convenient and useful.

Recently, they have both upgraded to a search icon. I guess it’s in pursuit of a minimalist design.

Gaming Experience

Windows wins this Mac vs Windows comparison straight-up.


Windows has long been the preferred gaming platform.

They provide better support for graphic-laden games and offer greater compatibility with games than Mac. Game developers focus on making games for Windows to make them available to consumers.

Conclusion on Mac vs Windows

mac vs windows

The Mac vs Windows debate is not one that is going away anytime soon. These two technological giants have continued to foster the growth and vision of ways to make life easier, so as long as either of them stays keen on their marketing strategies, we can expect to see them for a long time.

I think your preference balls down to your preference, and most importantly, your pocket.


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