Do you know it is possible to increase your IQ throughout life?

No, don’t look shocked. I realize most people (not pointing any fingers here) don’t rely on their IQ, much less think of trying to increase it, so it’s not something commonly discussed.

I bet some don’t even know what IQ means. For all they know, it could either be Instant Quickie or Independent Quack. But not to worry, by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what IQ entails and how to increase it.

how to increase your iq

What IQ Means

IQ, also known as intelligence quotient, is a comparison of your cognitive abilities to others of the same age. Basically, it is a unit of how smart you are, so the higher your IQ, the more intelligent you are.

Also, note that intelligence here is not limited to academics alone. It entails your intellect in an all-around fashion; logic et al.

Can IQ be increased?

Well, the media is full of news about how to raise a child’s IQ.

“Give them music lessons!”
“Feed them croaker!”
“Teach them a second language!”

Well, granted, these are all proven ways to elevate IQ levels in children. But what about when you’re no longer a kid? Is it possible to increase your IQ once you’ve reached adulthood?

It was once thought that everyone was born with a set level of intelligence, but now we know that the human brain maintains the capacity to change and grow throughout a lifetime. This means that you have the potential to increase your intelligence, and your IQ, at any age.

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IQ Testing: The Controversy

IQ tests are designed to measure your general ability to solve problems and understand concepts, but they are not an absolute measure of intelligence. In fact, IQ testing as a tool to measure intelligence is not as straightforward as you might think.

Perhaps that’s why you’re here; maybe you just finished one IQ test and suddenly feel the need to learn how to increase your IQ. I applaud your sudden zeal, but get this; many experts consider IQ testing controversial since tests have built-in biases that put certain demographics at a disadvantage.

This means you could be at a disadvantage just for being young, female, or black. Maybe all three.

And yet, regardless of controversy, I will still encourage you (for those who haven’t) to do an IQ test. Here are the most common IQ tests in use today:

IQ VS Intelligence

You might think they’re one and the same, but they’re not.

In fact, I would say that gaining intelligence, overall intelligence, is more important than wanting to increase your IQ, but that’s just my two cents. Nevertheless, I’ll back it up a bit.

There are three main ways in which your overall intelligence is more important than your IQ.

  • First, while there is some correlation between high IQ and academic or career success, other factors are deemed more important. These are motivation, mindset, creativity, emotional intelligence, social skills, attitude, resilience, common sense, and self-discipline.
  • Second, even if you take active measures to increase your IQ, the scores tend to stay stable over a lifetime, whereas it is possible to increase your intelligence and cognitive abilities fairly quickly and dramatically.
  • And finally, a high IQ is no guarantee of success.

So, if IQ is not an absolute measure of your intelligence, what is the significance of your IQ score? Well, it only tells you where you stand compared to everyone else who has taken an IQ test.

A score of 100 is always the overall average score of all test participants.

Nearly 70% of IQ test scores fall between 85 and 115, 15 points less or more than the average score.

And 95% of scores fall between 70 and 130. Of the remaining 5%, half are below 70 and the other half are above 130. A score below 70 generally indicates a learning disability, while a score over 130 puts you in the “gifted” category.

Then again, if you’re the gifted one in a crowd of dummies, then are you really gifted, though?

how to increase your iq

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How To Increase Your IQ

Even though IQ is not the definitive measure of intelligence, there are many reasons why you might want to increase yours anyway. You may need to take an IQ test as part of a job application. If you are actively working to upgrade your intelligence, your IQ score can help you determine if your efforts are paying off.

Here’s a look at activities proven to boost general intelligence and IQ scores in adults:

Feed Right

If you want your brain to work its best, feed it high-powered fuel.

Some of the best foods for the brain include berries, walnuts, avocado, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate, cold water fish, and turmeric. And make sure the bulk of your diet consists of unprocessed foods.

Eating junk food has been shown to lower IQ in children and may do the same in adults. One huge study of one million students found that eating a clean diet free of preservatives and artificial dyes and flavorings resulted in an impressive 14% boost in IQ.

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Practicing meditation increases learning ability, memory, and problem-solving skills. Meditation makes you more efficient at processing information, so it should come as no surprise that it also can boost IQ.

One study found that those who meditated using brainwave training, such as binaural beats, experienced a remarkable 23% increase in IQ.

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Your Career Should Test You

Having a career that involves complex relationships, elaborate systems, or solving difficult problems will help keep you mentally sharp.

When a group of 250 middle-aged adults was followed for six years, those in mentally demanding occupations performed better on cognitive tests.


Physical exercise promotes the flow of oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to your brain. It’s also one of the best ways to stimulate neuroplasticity (brain plasticity), the brain’s ability to alter its structure and function.

Brain plasticity is associated with increased intelligence and larger brain volume. Even as little as one 30-minute exercise session can enhance brain plasticity. A landmark study that involved over one million young men linked physical fitness with higher IQ.

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Never Stop Learning

When I say your education shouldn’t top, I don’t necessarily mean formal education. Being open to new experiences and seeking out new things to do and learn is a personality trait associated with higher intelligence.

You might want to resume the music training you started as a child. The brain-enhancing benefits of music lessons taken during childhood can continue to adulthood and last a lifetime.

The benefits of visual arts programs are equally impressive. Art lessons improve brain plasticity, fluid intelligence, IQ, and attention in both adults and children.

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A Word From Battabox On IQ

Knowing how to increase your IQ is only the first step. It helps you better to work on improving your overall intelligence. To do that, you will need to know the different types of intelligence we have and how you can develop each. Sadly, I will discuss none of that in this issue.

Do stay tuned for the next one, won’t you?

If you have any questions, let us know below.

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