Oftentimes, people forget that art (writing, drawing, etc) is a mixture of physical and mental work. Creative people execute brain work, and it can be difficult when one experiences burnout.

With burnout, one may not be able to deliver quality work or have a good attitude toward work.

What is burnout? 


According to the ICD-11, burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Oftentimes, it is characterized by three symptoms; 

  • Feelings of lessened energy or exhaustion.
  • Increased mental distance from one’s job.
  • Reduced professional efficacy.

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Burnout vs Block

One may think that block (like writer’s block) and burnout are the same things. However, there is a difference.

With block, you usually want to work, but the creativity simply is not flowing. It arrives from a problem with the process itself, not a mental state.

However, when it comes to burnout, it results in a complete lack of desire to do anything in the first place, even when you know what to write down or draw.

Signs and symptoms of burnout

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Here are some signs and symptoms of someone experiencing burnout;

Physical signs

  • Feeling tired and drained most of the time.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Change in appetite or sleep routines.

Emotional signs

  • Sense of failure and self-doubt.
  • Feeling helpless, and defeated.
  • Detachment and loneliness.
  • Lack of motivation
  • Decreased sense of accomplishment.

SEE: Stress: 10 ways to manage it

Behavioral signs

  • Withdraw from responsibilities.
  • Isolate from others.
  • Procrastinate work.
  • Use food or drugs as escapism.

How to prevent burnout

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Burnout is better prevented than healed. So what are some steps to prevent burnout from happening?

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Establish a regular routine

Some people feel comfortable working in the morning, and some at the night. You just need to find the right time for you.

Check your writing routine and establish the time you would use to write, or draw. The most important thing is that you remain consistent.

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Eat a healthy diet and exercise

Improving your diet and regular exercise can greatly improve your mood and productivity. It also lowers your stress.

Organize yourself

Sometimes it could be your workplace. You just need to clean it to get back on track. 

This could be clearing off your desk, or fully reorganizing your house.

This is another way to improve mental clarity by making your physical space more manageable and less cluttered. Do you know that a cluttered workspace can be detrimental to your mental health? 

SEE: 10 Ways to Keep a Healthy Lifestyle

Focus on “one thing”

Additionally, having too many things on your plate can be a contributor to burnout. So eliminating those things and focusing on just one thing is a great way to avoid it.

Find the thing that generates the most results for you, and focus on that for a while.

Take regular breaks

One tip is to take regular breaks from what you are doing. It’s good for your mind and prevents burnout.

READ: How To Build Professional Development

Treat yourself

Finally, and this is a big one on how to handle burnout. Treat yourself now and then.

It’s very important that we reward ourselves for working well. You work hard, so celebrate yourself.

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This can be as simple as taking a day off when you finish a book or a work of art, or going out to dinner on Friday night after you have accomplished everything you set out to do during the week.

How to recover from burnout

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One thing to know about burnout is that it’s not your fault, so don’t feel bad. You just have to do the right thing about it. 

Every creative person has experienced burnout at least once, if not multiple times. This is a time to reflect and not panic. If you are experiencing burnout, you can do these;

Take time off

Some people may say to keep plugging away, but it would get worse and affect your work. Everyone needs a break, so see burnout as a time to relax.

This can be in the form of a vacation, an extended weekend, or simply a week or two where you are not writing. I assure you that you will come back fully refreshed and focused.

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Pick up a hobby

For many of us, art is our hobby. When it becomes a job, that can often lead to burnout, because something that used to be your creative escape has now become work. It can stop all forms of creative juices.

You should take this time to pick up a new hobby – jogging, reading, playing sports, etc. The point is that you should expose yourself to something new that will refresh your brain.

Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

You always want to do everything! Write a book, do your work, run a business, and do everything! 

All that can build up burnout.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find things to eliminate, but this is an essential step if you want to reduce your symptoms of burnout.

Spend quality time with loved ones

Spend time with people that are supportive and encouraging of your goals. People who won’t bring you down further by unfairly criticizing your choices or your situation. Burnout can worsen if love, support and encouragement are not there.

Improve your sleep

Sleep is essential for stress management and renewing the mind and body. If you are not sleeping enough, you need to check your sleeping routine.

Eliminate less important items on your to-do list, and get that extra bit of sleep.

You need it to rest your brain.

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Change your environment

Another great tip on how to handle burnout is to get out of your current location.

This can help you see things in new ways, and also gives you the distance from the problems causing burnout. You may even get new creative ideas in your new environment.

Conclusion on how to handle burnout

If you have been experiencing burnout, consider the advice written above. When you do, I believe that you will see a huge difference.

The most important thing you can do as a creative person is to take care of yourself. If you can always remember that, the art will eventually take care of itself.

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