how to become dangerous

“A good man is a very dangerous man,” says Jordan Peterson. And I cannot agree more.

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Here is the reality. Most guys are harmless boys instead of dangerous men. If you fit the bill, there’s a high chance you will go through life being used, overlooked, and probably abused. But if you want to be respected, or taken seriously, then you must strive to become the most dangerous man in the room.

Because Danger and Respect are linked.

Now, society will fool you into thinking you are a bad person for wanting to be dangerous. However, every man will instinctively choose to be dangerous over remaining harmless. It is something you feel when you see a person move around with this … aura. You know what I mean. No reason to deny it.

Being dangerous is necessary to have peace. Some guys would argue against this. They would insist things can be peaceful enough if you just act like sheep and hold your tongue. Well, sheep are only peaceful because the shepherd walks around with a rod. When you seem as harmless as a mosquito (lesser still, because at least insects bite) and can be easily squashed, then you don’t really have any other choice but to be peaceful.

A dangerous man follows the option of peace not because he fears chaos. He is calm only because he desires to be calm. Do not mistake his calmness for weakness.

The gentility of the tiger, something something…


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What Makes One Dangerous?

I bet when you started reading this post and your eyes first came across the phrase “dangerous man”, you pictured some Hulk-looking wannabe with a map of tattoos and an eye patch or scars.

Probably a bit like this fellow here

However, a dangerous person can be the delivery man who smiles every day, or an employee you hired last week. It could be the geeky classmate with glasses and a smart hairdo. America knows what I’m talking about with the latter.

Being dangerous in this world goes beyond the physical profile. Although having physical prowess adds something, it certainly is not everything. In this article we are going to discuss four things that make a person completely dangerous:


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4 Ways To Become Dangerous

Articulate Your Thoughts

how to become dangerous

A dangerous person can articulate his thoughts. A man who communicates properly is scary to people that want to do him wrong.

This is one of the primary things that got Andrew Tate canceled. It was not his kickboxing skills or his wealth that threatened the higher-up, but because he’s a good orator and his thoughts directly conflict with the modern agenda. Whether you like or hate Andrew Tate doesn’t matter yet. The point is that he can articulate his thoughts well, and has a silver tongue. Wish it could have helped him avoid solitary confinement but I digress.

The same goes for a man like Jordan Peterson. We have seen him hold his own on multiple occasions when people try to put words in his mouth. Most men underestimate how lethal it is to master this skill. Things have changed in the modern world, and many beta and sigma males are more dangerous than alpha males in this department because they have mastered this skill.

Think about it. There are thousands of popular Youtube channels where guys debate everyone on literally everything. Their content is directly based on making the other guy look like a fool in the debate. In the past, if you wanted to make a man look the fool, you had to be physically stronger than him. You’d use your fists and not your mouth.

However, that isn’t the case today. In order to survive, you must learn effective communication. The art of tongue, both flattery and poison. This will reshape your life.

“Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.” – Joyce Meyer


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Exercise Influence

“Leadership is influence.” – John C. Maxwell 
Influence allows you to get things done and achieve desired outcomes. At a basic level, influence is about compliance. Getting someone to do what you want them to do. Governments and the media have tremendous influence. They can make the majority of people move however they want them to move.
Take a second to realize the depth of their power. If they were to pin a false negative narrative on you, they can influence regular people into disliking you or even coming after you without questioning what they have been told. When you have the ability to have people stand by your side, you have the ability to raise an army.
No matter how dangerous a man is, he will become more dangerous with people on his side helping him out. Being able to articulate your thoughts well helps you influence people and gets them on your side.
Now, there are many other ways to influence people, but that’s a topic for another article.
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Put on the Cloak of Invisibility

how to become dangerous

Invisibility is a valuable power. Just ask Harry Potter.
Many people love to show their lives on social media, but unless you have a private account with just your family and loved ones, or are earning money from it, there is not much advantage to showing what you’re doing or what is happening with you. This is because people can use everything they know about you to their advantage, and it’s easier to control people when you know everything about them.
Even Twitter, Google, and Facebook use everything they know about you to show you ads based on your interest. And they know that information because you give them the power to do it. It’s like living in a glass house with no curtains.
When you are not known, you can make moves in the shadows. You can compete with someone that doesn’t even know you exist. You can catch people by surprise by blowing up with results and success. They will not have time to prepare or try and stop you because you are unknown, and by the time you rise like a dragon ready to fly, it will be too late to stop you.

dangerous bird

Think of a UFC champion. He stands on top of the hill, but there are competitors who study him day and night. They eat, sleep and dream about beating him. The champion can’t prepare for them while they are specifically preparing to take him out. It is a dangerous ability when you can prepare and work without anyone being aware of it.
“Privacy = E/t– This one is for the physicists in the house.
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Change the Narrative

This is important. I’m not saying you should be fake, but you must master the gift of false illusion. Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. Seem ignorant when you’re the smartest in the room, and clever when you realize you’re the dumbest in the room.
Appearing different than expected, whether unprepared or meek, can lure your opponent into traps and make them susceptible to misguided actions or responses. Looking weak can make someone underestimate you and play into your hands.
For instance, if you’re sitting in a court and might go to jail, it is not the best decision to seem as powerful as possible. It doesn’t matter whether you’re innocent. It is unwise to appear as strong as possible in this scenario. The strong man must know how to appear weak in such situations.
Use the right body language to influence people’s perceptions of you. At the same time, if you’re in a business negotiation and are desperate to get a deal, you must appear calmer than you actually are. Act like you have plenty of other business offers lining up for you. Your confidence and false illusion will make people second-guess themselves, wondering what you got up your sleeves.
Subtle body language makes a huge difference in people’s perception of you. The man who knows how to use this ability to his advantage is a dangerous man.
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A Word From Battabox On Being Dangerous

Well, there goes the bell. Isn’t it funny … how you didn’t read anything related to growing a six-pack? You have learned four ways to make yourselves more dangerous and I implore you to utilize these tips in your life to see improvements in your personal and professional lives.

If you have any questions, let us know below.

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