Travel sickness can make travelling a situation to be endured rather than a trip to be enjoyed. However, there is some way you can prevent travel sickness. We will tell you how.

How to Prevent Travel Sickness 
A lady having a motion sickness

Are you always throwing up during journeys? Or are you always feeling uneasy and ready to run out at the next stop? You don’t need to be this way.

We have researched and we have come up with practical ways that can help deal with travel sickness, whether you are travelling by road, air, or water.

The fact that everyone suffers from this travel sickness at one point or another is a strong reason you should consider this article. If you’re travelling with your kids or friends, then know these tips for yourself and others.

Keep reading…


What is Travel Sickness

Travel sickness is a discomfort some people feel while travelling. There are many reasons people feel this way. It may be psychological or maybe a health-related issue.

Sometimes the discomfort may make them want to throw up, cold sweat, or make them dehydrated

Travel sickness can make you feel very uncomfortable during trips. It is likely to seize the fun of travelling for you and other passengers.

Sometimes travel sickness happens to most people when they are trying out a new transportation system. This means if you’ve not travelled by sea or by air before, you may develop a travel sickness on your first time

However, there are professional ways to handle it that can ease the stress of travelling.

Examples of Travel Sickness 

Some travel sicknesses may be very noticeable and cause a steer among fellow passengers. The sufferer may silently endure others. 

However, look below for the different shades of this motion sickness, that way, you can easily identify them. Identification is the first step in curation

Here are they

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Body weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Inability to walk and others

Other symptoms can be even more severe and require medical attention.


Practical tips to help you Prevent and Subside Travel Sickness 

How to Prevent Travel Sickness 
A man having nausea and seasickness. He is trying to stop vomiting.

There are some practical ways you can subside or completely prevent travel sickness. Here they are


Many drugs help subside motion sickness. Some of them are sold over the counter, like Antihistamines and Scopolamine. However, do not run off to take those drugs above without a doctor’s prescription.

Remember you always seek medical advice before taking any drugs.

Face the direction you are headed towards

While on the journey, it is good to face the direction in which you are going. Since travel, sickness comes as a result of imbalance, and motion, facing the direction of your journey will give you heads-up when there is likely to be an imbalance.

Also, it will help your senses stabilize when you face the direction you are moving.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies like ginger and some other plants that help to subside nausea and vomiting can be taken into the packing bags.

By taking these herbs, you can reduce the effect of motion sickness.

Change Positions

You should also change positions from time to time, especially if it is a long journey. That way, you do not have to always sit, and a little move here and there will help to stabilize your system again.


Get Distracted

One effective of preventing and subsiding travel sickness is to get distracted in a conversation or by music or audiobooks. By getting distracted, your mind forgets about the movement and settles like you’re in every other place.

Eat a Snack

Nibble on a snack. For some people chewing helps them keep calm. If you are like that, you should probably get chewing gum too.

Go for fruits and grains rather than heavy and overly processed food that is hard to digest. Hard-to-digest foods will worsen the situation.

And as an extra tip, peppermint is the best flavour for travel. Don’t ask me why till you have read the next three.

Take a Drink 

A drink will also help prevent a severe case of travel sickness. Water is always the best option. However, you can take fruit juices or milk too.

Avoid soda and beverages drinks like tea and coffee. They will do more harm than good to your condition.

Sleep off

Sleeping is also a good idea if you cannot get yourself to do any of the things listed here. If you sleep off, you’re partially unconscious, and you will not feel that you are in motion.

However, it may not be wise to induce sleep with medicines when you are travelling except in an intolerable motion sickness crisis.

Try Essential Oils

Some essential oils, like peppermint and Eucalyptus oils, can help with nausea. But they should be sniffed in negligible amounts. Too much of it may also cause harm.

Avoid Reading Text 

Anybody suffering from motion sickness will be unwise to try to read. Since you need to be steady to read, you will injure yourself more. 


With these tips above, you no longer need to suffer from travel sickness. Yes, you too can enjoy and talk about your trips without regret.

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