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Are you looking to learn how to make puff puff? If you’ve ever tasted puff puff, you know how addictive this fried dough snack can be.

Puff Puff is a popular snack in West Africa that many people enjoy. It is a deep-fried dough that is soft and fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside. 

Puff Puff can be eaten on its own as a snack or served as a dessert with a variety of toppings like sugar, honey, or chocolate sauce. 

It is a simple snack that is easy to make and can be enjoyed by both adults and children. This article will show you how to make puff puff from scratch and give you some tips and ideas for flavouring and serving this tasty treat.

So, roll up your sleeves, get your frying pan ready, and let’s learn how to make puff puff! 

How to make puff puff
Fried puff puff ready to be served


How to make puff puff

If this is the first time you will be making puff puff, there are certain things you need to put in place to get started.

Your ingredients should be set on ground with luke warm water inclusive, you will need a tangible amount of groundnut oil for deep frying, Let’s get started:

Ingredients for making puff puff

Here are the ingredients needed for making puff puff:

Flour – about 500g (4 cups)

Sugar – about 100g (1/2 cup)

Yeast – about 2 teaspoons (7g)

Warm water – about 300ml (1 1/4 cups)

Salt – a pinch

Vegetable oil – for deep frying

Flavourings – (optional) such as nutmeg, cinnamon, or vanilla extract

These ingredients can be adjusted depending on the recipe and the desired quantity of puff puff.

SEE: How to Make Shawarma at Home

Preparing the Puff Puff Batter

Here are the steps for preparing the puff batter:

Mix half of a cup of warm water, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and the yeast in a bowl. Cover with a lid and set aside until the yeast becomes bubbly. It takes about 4-6 minutes.

Mix the dry ingredients together with flour, sugar, salt, and nutmeg until they are well combined.

Mix the lukewarm water and milk in a separate bowl until well combined.

Pour the proofed yeast and the remaining one cup of water together with the dry ingredients and mix until the batter is lump-free.

Keep adding the liquid until you have a smooth and thick batter.

Whisk the batter thoroughly for about 5-7 minutes until it becomes stretchy and elastic.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a towel and place it in a warm, draft-free area for about an hour to allow the batter to rise.

After an hour, the batter should have risen and doubled in size. (The risen dough has a distinct sweet smell, which will make you know the dough is ready for frying)

Your puff puff batter is now ready to be fried

Fried puff puff
Fried Puff Puff

Frying the Puff Puff

Heat the oil

Begin by heating up your frying oil in a deep pot or fryer. You’ll want the oil to be hot but not smoking. A good temperature range is around 350-375°F (175-190°C).

Scoop the batter

Using a spoon or ice cream scoop, carefully drop the puff puff batter balls into the hot oil. You can make the balls any size you like, but keep in mind that they will expand slightly as they cook.

Fry the puff puff

Let the puff puff balls cook for a few minutes on one side, then use a slotted spoon or spider to flip them over and cook on the other side. The puff puff should be golden brown and crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.

Drain the oil

Once the puff puff is cooked, use a slotted spoon or spider to remove them from the oil and place them on a paper towel-lined plate or wire rack to drain any excess oil.


Continue frying the remaining puff puff batter in batches until it’s all cooked. Be sure to keep an eye on the oil temperature and adjust it as needed to maintain a consistent frying temperature.


Puff puff is best served hot and fresh, so enjoy them right away! You can serve them plain or with a variety of dips or sauces, such as honey, powdered sugar or chocolate sauce.


Chocolate puff puff
Puff puff and chocolate Nutella

Flavours for Puff Puff

Puff puff is a versatile snack that can be customized to suit various tastes and preferences. Here are some different ways to flavour and customize puff puff:


One way to add flavour to puff puff is by using spices. You can add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, or any other spice of your choice to the batter. These spices add a warm, aromatic flavour to the puff puff, making it even more delicious.


Another way to flavour puff is by adding fruit to the batter. You can add mashed bananas, grated apples, or any other fruit of your choice to the batter. This will give the puff puff a sweet, fruity flavour that pairs well with the dough’s soft texture.


You can also add grated cheese to the batter to give the puff puff a savoury flavour. Cheddar, parmesan, or mozzarella cheese can be added to the batter to give it a cheesy taste that is perfect for savoury snack lovers.


Adding shredded coconut to the batter gives the puff puff a tropical flavour and a chewy texture. This is a perfect variation for those who love coconut and want to try something new.


For those with a sweet tooth, add cocoa powder or melted chocolate to the batter to make a chocolate puff. This is perfect for chocolate lovers who want to indulge in a sweet treat.

Cinnamon sugar puff puff
Cinnamon sugar Puff puff toppings

Puff Puff Toppings and Serving Suggestions

Puff puff is a delicious snack that can be served in a variety of ways. 

Here are some toppings ideas and serving suggestions:

Powdered Sugar

Dusting puff puff with powdered sugar is a classic way to serve this snack. It adds a sweet and decorative touch to the puffs and is perfect for those who like a little extra sweetness.

Cinnamon Sugar

Another sweet variation is to mix cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle it over the puff puff. This topping adds a warm, spicy flavour that complements the soft, fluffy texture of the puffs.


Spread Nutella over the puff puff to add a chocolatey hazelnut flavour that pairs perfectly with the dough’s soft texture.


You can also serve puff puff with your favourite jam or jelly. This is a great way to add a fruity flavour to the snack and make it more filling.

Ice Cream

For a decadent treat, serve puff puff with a scoop of ice cream. This combination of warm, fluffy puffs and cold, creamy ice cream is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

Chopped Nuts

Adding chopped nuts like peanuts or almonds to puff puff is another way to add crunch and flavour to the snack. This variation is perfect for those who want to add a little extra texture to the snack.

Fried Chicken

Puff puff is often served with fried chicken in many African countries, particularly Nigeria. The combination of crispy chicken and soft, fluffy puff puff is a match made in heaven.

These are just a few ideas for toppings and serving suggestions for puff puff. Get creative and experiment with different flavours and combinations to find the perfect match for your taste.



In conclusion, puff puff is a delicious and versatile snack that can be enjoyed in many ways. Whether you prefer sweet or savoury flavours, there are many ways to customize puff puff to suit your taste. From adding spices and fruits to using cheese and chocolate, there are many options for flavouring this tasty snack.

There are also many ideas for toppings and serving suggestions when it comes to serving puff puff. From powdered sugar and cinnamon to Nutella and ice cream, there are many ways to make puff puff even more delicious.

Making puff puff at home is a fun and rewarding experience that anyone can enjoy. With a little practice, you can master this recipe and impress your loved ones with your culinary skills. So why not give it a try and enjoy this delicious snack today?

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