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How to cook okro soup is a question that many people ask, especially those who love trying out new dishes from different cultures.

Okro soup, also known as okra soup, is a popular soup in many West African countries, particularly Nigeria and Ghana. It is a thick, savoury soup made with okro, meat or fish, and vegetables, and it is often served with a side of fufu or other starchy foods. 

Okro soup is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, making it a healthy and satisfying meal. In this article, we will explore the steps to make a tasty okro soup that you can enjoy at home.

How to cook Okro soup
Okro soup made with chicken


Ingredients for Okro Soup

To make a delicious okro soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Okra (fresh or frozen)
  2. Meat or fish (chicken, beef, goat meat, fish, or shrimp)
  3. Stock or water
  4. Onion
  5. Pepper (fresh or ground)
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Palm oil or vegetable oil
  8. Seasoning cubes or powder (Maggi, Knorr, or any other brand)
  9. Salt
  10. Vegetables (optional) such as spinach, pumpkin leaves, or bitter leaf.

Preparing the ingredients 

When making okro soup, it is important to prepare the ingredients properly in order to get the best taste and texture. Here are the steps to prepare the ingredients for okro soup:

Wash and chop the okro

Rinse the okro pods under running water and use a sharp knife to chop them into small pieces. You can also use a grater to shred the okro if you prefer a smoother texture.

Cut the meat or fish

Cut your meat or fish into small bite-sized pieces. If you are using tough meat, you may need to boil it first to soften it before adding it to the soup.

Wash and chop the vegetables

Wash and chop any vegetables you plan to add to the soup. This can include onions, tomatoes, pepper, and leafy greens like spinach or Ugwu.

Measure out the seasonings and spices

Measure out the spices and seasoning you will be using in the soup. This can include salt, bouillon cubes, ginger, garlic, and any other spices you prefer.

READ THIS: How to Make Fufu (Foofoo) from Scratch

Preparing the Okro Soup

Here are the step-by-step process to prepare Okro Soup

Heat up the oil

Heat up some palm oil or any other cooking oil in a pot. Once the oil is hot, add the blended tomato and pepper paste and fry until the mixture thickens and the oil starts to separate from the mixture.

Add the stock

Add the stock or water to the pot and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Add the chopped Okro

Once the stock has simmered for a few minutes, add the chopped okro to the pot and stir well. Let the Okro soup cook for another 5-7 minutes, occasionally stirring to prevent the okro from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Add the meat or fish

If you’re using meat or fish, add it to the pot and let it cook for another 10-15 minutes until it’s tender.

Add vegetables

You can also add vegetables like pumpkin leaves, spinach, or Ugwu leaves to the soup. Add the vegetables and let the soup cook for another 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are tender.

Add seasoning

Lastly, add seasoning to taste. You can use salt, bouillon cubes, or any other seasoning of your choice. Stir well and let the soup simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Your okro soup is now ready to serve!

Okro Soup
Okro Soup served with Eba

Serving and Storing Okro Soup

Serving and storing Okro soup are important aspects of making the soup, as they can affect the flavour, texture, and overall quality of the soup. 

Here is an explanation of serving and storing okro soup:


Serving Okro Soup

When it comes to serving okra soup, it is important to consider the best accompaniments. Okro soup is often served with traditional Nigerian side dishes, such as Eba, fufu, or pounded yam, which are all starchy and help with the smooth consumption of the soup. 

The serving size of okra soup can vary depending on personal preference and the number of people being served, but it is generally recommended to serve about 1 cup of soup per person. Okro soup can be garnished with chopped vegetables, such as Ugwu leaf, Scent leaf, bitter leaf or onions..

Storing Okro Soup

Storing Okro soup properly can help to preserve its flavour and freshness for later consumption. Okro soup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days, or it can be frozen for up to 3 months. 

When storing okro soup in the refrigerator, it should be cooled to room temperature and then transferred to an airtight container or a plastic wrap. Before storing the soup, it is important to make sure it is completely cooled to prevent bacterial growth. 

When freezing Okro soup, it is best to store it in a freezer-safe container or a zip-lock bag, removing as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn.

To reheat stored Okro soup, it can be warmed up in a pot over low to medium heat or in the microwave, occasionally stirring until it reaches the desired temperature.

It is important to reheat the soup thoroughly to ensure it is heated evenly and to prevent bacterial growth. If stored properly, okro soup can retain its flavour and quality even after being reheated.

Overall, serving and storing Okro soup requires some planning and attention to detail, but it can help to ensure the soup remains fresh and flavorful for future consumption.


Health Benefits of Okro Soup

Okro is known to be rich in magnesium, folate, fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins C, K1, and A. It may help support a healthy pregnancy, heart health, and blood sugar. it may even have anticancer properties.

Contains beneficial antioxidants

Okro has many antioxidants that benefit your health. Antioxidants are compounds in food that fend off damage from harmful molecules called free radicals.

The main antioxidants in okro are polyphenols, including flavonoids and isoquercetin, as well as vitamins A and C. Research shows that eating a diet high in polyphenols may improve heart health by lowering your risk of blood clots and oxidative damage.

Polyphenols may also benefit brain health due to their unique ability to enter your brain and protect against inflammation. 

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It may lower blood sugar

Okro is low in calories and has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This makes it a good choice for people with diabetes or those who are trying to manage their blood sugar levels. 

However, Okro may interfere with metformin, a common diabetes medication. Therefore, eating okra is not recommended for those taking this drug.

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Support Heart and Brain Health

Polyphenols decrease your risk of heart problems and stroke by preventing blood clots and reducing free radical damage. The antioxidants in okra may also benefit your brain by reducing brain inflammation.

Okro soup contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. This can help to lower the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.

May Promote Healthy Skin

The nutrients in Okro, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, can help to promote healthy skin by supporting collagen production and reducing oxidative stress.

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May Support Weight Loss

Okro is low in calories and high in dietary fibre, which can help to promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake. This can be beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight.

May Boost Immune Function

Okro is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for immune function. It also contains other nutrients, such as vitamin A, zinc, and selenium, which can help to support a healthy immune system.

In summary, okro soup is not only a delicious dish but also has several health benefits.

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Seafood Okro


In conclusion, okro soup is a tasty and healthy food that is loved all over the world. It is made with okra, which is full of vital vitamins and minerals and has a number of health advantages, such as promoting heart health, managing diabetes, helping weight loss, supporting immune function, and supporting digestive health. 

Okro soup can be made quickly and with a range of meats, fish, and vegetables, depending on the cook’s personal preferences. Okro soup’s flavour and freshness can be preserved for later use by carefully serving and storing it. Overall, okro soup is a tasty and wholesome dish that anyone seeking a filling and wholesome dinner should try.

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