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Corn on the cob is a beloved summertime treat that is enjoyed by many people around the world. Boiling is one of the simplest and most popular ways to cook corn.

Boiling corn is a popular and easy method of cooking this delicious vegetable. Whether you are grilling, roasting, or simply enjoying a summer picnic, boiled corn is a classic and tasty addition to any meal. 

Boiling corn can be done in just a few simple steps, and with a little bit of know-how, you can ensure that your corn is perfectly cooked and ready to eat. 

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to boil corn, from choosing the right corn to serving it up on your plate. So let’s get started!

How to boil corn on cob
Corn boiling with butter and milk


Choosing the Right Corn

When it comes to boiling corn, choosing the right corn is crucial to achieving the best taste and texture. Here are some factors to consider when selecting corn for boiling:


Look for fresh ears of corn with green husks and moist silk. Avoid corn with dry, brown husks or wilted or brown silk.


There are many different varieties of corn, each with its own flavour and texture. Choose a variety that suits your taste preferences.



The size of the corn can affect how long it takes to cook. Smaller ears of corn will cook faster than larger ones.

Kernel plumpness

Choose corn with plump, full kernels. Corn with shrivelled or dented kernels may be old or dried out.


If possible, choose organic corn to avoid exposure to pesticides.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best corn for boiling, which will result in a delicious and satisfying meal.

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Preparing the corn for boiling

After selecting the right corn for boiling, the next step is to prepare it for cooking. Here are the steps to follow:

Remove the husks

Start by peeling off the outer husks of the corn. You can either remove them completely or leave a few layers of the husk intact to help protect the kernels during boiling.

Remove the silk

Pull off any remaining silk strands by hand or use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the corn.

Trim the ends

Cut off the stem end of the corn and any excess husk or silk at the other end.

Rinse the corn

Rinse the corn under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.

By following these steps, you will have clean and ready-to-cook corn that will result in a delicious and flavorful dish.

Corn on the cob
Removing boiled corn from the water

Boiling the Corn

Boiling the corn is a simple process, but it requires a bit of attention to ensure that the corn cooks evenly and retains its flavour and texture. Here are the steps to follow:

Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Use enough water to cover the corn completely, but not so much that the pot overflows when the corn is added.

Add salt to the boiling water, if desired. Salt can help enhance the flavour of the corn, but it is not necessary.

Carefully add the corn to the boiling water. Be sure not to overcrowd the pot, or the corn will not cook evenly. If you have a lot of corn to cook, it’s better to do it in batches.

Let the corn boil for 5 to 10 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the size and freshness of the corn, so it’s a good idea to check the corn for doneness frequently.

Stir the corn occasionally to ensure even cooking.

Turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove. Use tongs or a slotted spoon to carefully remove the corn from the water.

Place the corn on a plate or serving platter and let it cool for a few minutes before serving.

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Corn Serving Suggestion 

Butter and salt

This is a classic way to serve corn on the cob. Spread a pat of butter over the hot corn and sprinkle it with salt to taste.


You can also experiment with different seasonings to add some extra flavour to the corn. Try sprinkling on some chilli powder, garlic powder, or grated Parmesan cheese.

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Grilled corn

If you have access to a grill, you can take the boiled corn to the next level by grilling it for a few minutes after boiling it. This will give the corn a smoky flavour and some grill marks.

Roasted corn

In Nigeria, roasted corn is a popular street food that is enjoyed year-round. The corn is grilled over an open flame until it is charred and tender and then served with spices like salt, pepper, and chilli powder.

SEE ALSO: Tastiest Nigerian Street Foods

Cornmeal porridge

Cornmeal porridge, also known as “ogi” or “pap,” is a staple breakfast dish in Nigeria. It is made by boiling cornmeal in water until it thickens into a smooth, creamy porridge. It is often served with milk and sugar or with savoury toppings like beans, stew, or fried fish.

Corn salad

If you have leftover corn, you can cut it off the cob and toss it with some chopped veggies, herbs, and a simple dressing to make a delicious corn salad.

Corn chowder

Boiled corn can also be used in soups and stews. Try adding it to a creamy corn chowder or a spicy chilli.

Corn sprinked with salt
Corn on the cob sprinkled with salt and ground pepper

How to make Roasted Corn


Corn on the cob

Olive oil or butter

Salt and pepper (optional)

Aluminium foil (optional)


  • Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  • Remove the husks and silk from the corn cobs. If desired, leave a small section of the husk intact to use as a handle.
  • Brush each corn cob with olive oil or melted butter, making sure to coat all sides evenly. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper to taste, if desired.
  • Place each corn cob on a large sheet of aluminium foil, wrapping the foil around the corn to create a tight seal. Alternatively, you can place the corn directly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Roast the corn in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, turning the corn occasionally to ensure even cooking. The corn should be lightly browned and tender when pierced with a fork.
  • Remove the corn from the oven and allow it to cool for a few minutes before handling. Carefully unwrap the foil or remove the corn from the baking sheet.
  • Serve the roasted corn hot, garnished with additional salt, pepper, or other seasonings as desired.

Enjoy your delicious roasted corn!

SEE: How to make Banga Soup


In conclusion, boiling corn is a simple and easy way to enjoy this delicious vegetable. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can boil corn perfectly every time, whether you’re using fresh corn on the cob or frozen corn.

Remember to choose fresh, high-quality corn, prepare it properly, and boil it for just the right amount of time to achieve the perfect texture and flavour. 

You can enjoy boiled corn as a healthy snack, a side dish, or as part of a larger meal. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even experiment with different seasonings and cooking methods, such as roasting or grilling, to create new and exciting variations of this classic dish. So go ahead and boil some corn today – your tastebuds will thank you!


How much time do you boil corn?

Boil the corn until the kernels turn bright yellow and are crisp and tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Carefully remove from the water with tongs to a serving platter and serve warm.

How to boil corn in Nigeria?

Here’s how to boil corn in Nigeria:

Corn on the cob
Salt (optional)
Choose fresh, unhusked corn on the cob. The kernels should be plump and firm to the touch.
Remove the husks and silk from the corn cobs.
Fill a large pot with enough water to cover the corn.
If desired, add a pinch of salt to the water to enhance the flavour of the corn.
Place the pot on the stove over medium-high heat and bring the water to a boil.
Add the corn to the pot and reduce the heat to medium. Make sure the corn is fully submerged in the water.
Boil the corn for 10-15 minutes or until the kernels are tender and cooked through. The exact cooking time will depend on the size and maturity of the corn.
Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove the corn from the pot and place it on a plate or tray to cool.
Serve the boiled corn hot or warm, either on its own or with a sprinkle of salt or other seasonings.
Enjoy your delicious boiled corn as a snack or as a side dish with your favourite Nigerian meal.

Do I Boil Water First for Corn?

Boil a large pot of salted water.
Fill a large pot with water until it’s about halfway full, then bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Once the water is boiling, seasoning generously with salt (it should taste like the ocean). This is very important, as it will season the corn and bring out its natural sweetness.

Do you boil corn covered or uncovered?

Add the corn to the boiling water and cook, uncovered, until the kernels are tender and golden.

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