Do you know that a nine-figure paycheck won’t change anything if you don’t like what you do? People have walked away from highly lucrative options for no other reason than… they just weren’t feeling it.

Even the employers know this. That’s why we have interviews.

Now, I will explain what a dream job is and how to get it, should you please.

A Personal Experience

It was the last quarter of Corona year when I landed my first job. Prior to that period, I’d been adrift in this fog of unemployment, made worse by the pandemic. I started working in this textile factory by the first week of December. Good pay, believe me. But it isn’t my dream to wake up at 4 am each morning, spend all day with oil and gear, then return home at nightfall reeking of paint and chemicals.

Now, I have nothing against hard work. For many, rigorous labor is their happy-ever-after, and that’s cool. But it’s not mine. So I quit by the second week of April and never looked back.

After that, I worked as an intern for a medical lab; I knew it was time to leave when, still tired from sleep, I lost focus and nearly stabbed a baby in the wrong vein.

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It would have been my blood filling those vials, the mother threatened, if harm had come to her child. My next gig was bussing tables at a high-end restaurant. Didn’t last till Christmas.

There were some who called me a quitter, unresolved and lazy. But I do not listen to the clucking of chickens. I knew what I wanted. I just needed some professional development to reach it. And when I followed the steps I’m about to share with you now, things really changed for the better.

I found a job intertwined with my passion (writing, if it’s not yet obvious), and I love what I do. Unlike many, I look forward to Mondays because my work is my dream job.

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10 Easy Ways To Bag Your Dream Job

With thoughtful preparation, skill development, and networking, you can take your career to the next level.

It may seem impossible, but with grit, determination, and stubborn networking, you can land your dream job and truly do what you love. Here are ten ways to help you:

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First, Have a Plan

The first step toward achieving your goals is actually creating them. To achieve your career ambitions, articulate your goals and develop a plan to get there.

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Start with your vision, or where you want to be in five to ten years. Then, identify the organizations you admire and the specific roles that will help you get there. Identify achievable roles and get to work.

SEE: Common Job Interview Questions and Answers

Then Hone Your Skills

Part of your planning process should be an honest assessment of your skills compared to those required for the roles you’re pursuing.

If your career goal is to eventually move into a position of management or leadership within your organization, what skills will be most instrumental in getting you there? Where do you currently excel, and where do you fall short? Where there’s a glaring hole, look for online courses and certifications that can help round out your experience.

For example, perhaps you excel at directly managing your team and ensuring they stay on track with projects but find it difficult to articulate your department’s contribution to an overhead or the return on investment (ROI) of a given initiative (I know; it took me about three tries to also understand that, and I wrote it). In this case, completing a course, such as Economics for Managers or Financial Accounting, can help you develop your understanding of those concepts and make you a well-rounded candidate for managerial roles.

In my case, I took writing classes. I spent hours on sites like Udemy and Coursera, if not anything, for the sole purpose of bettering my craft. I took courses on copywriting, technical writing, and even screenplay. When you sharpen your blade, it can help you stand out as an applicant during the hiring process.

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Okay, maybe take it easy

Related: How To Build Professional Development

Refine Your Curriculum Vitae

One common mistake job seekers make is taking a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing themselves for a job. Don’t just dust off your standard old CV. And before y’all get any more confused, CV is short for Curriculum Vitae.

So take a close look at the requirements for your dream job and make sure your CV highlights those essential qualities. Make your CV stand out not just to recruiters, but also to computers.

According to statistics, more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to screen resumes for relevant keywords and qualifications. Using keywords from the job posting can help your CV move through the screening process into the hands of a hiring manager.

Related: 10 Marketable Skills for the Future

Cast Your Net…Work

Building and making use of your network may be the most critical step to landing the job of your dreams. Many career experts say less than two% of online applicants get an interview, so rather than relying on applications, make LinkedIn your friend. The larger the universe of people you can call on to put your resume on the right desk, the better.

Statistics report that up to 70% of all jobs are not published on job search sites, which further emphasizes the importance of networking. Through your connections, you’ll likely discover jobs before they’re advertised, giving you a competitive edge.

Related: How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile 

Ask for Help

help me emotional

Once you have your shortlist of dream employers and a robust personal network, turn to your connections and ask for introductions. Most people are willing to spare a few minutes for a friend or a friend of a friend. Even if there’s no immediate job opportunity, you may get some free advice and introductions to people they know.

This is actually one of the major pathways by which I got my dream job. So I can tell you it definitely works.

Prepare and Practice for Interviews

Once you secure an interview, either virtual or in person, do your homework about the organization. Spend time on its website to learn about the business and its leaders. Look for news articles and check sites like review sites like Jobberman or Glassdoor or Indeed to see what employees are saying.

Equally important is researching the individuals with whom you’ll meet. Learn as much as possible about the interviewers and compile a list of questions to ask. Interviews are not just about the employer asking questions. In fact, asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding.

In addition, be sure to prepare and practice answers to common interview questions. Just like sports or school play, the more you practice, the better you’ll perform. Ask a friend to role-play and pose difficult questions to make sure you’re ready to think on your feet.

Dress for Success

In this era of casual dress codes, what to wear to an interview can be perplexing. Ask the person who schedules the interview about the company dress code. If it’s casual, a suit is likely overkill. There’s still something to be said for dressing for success, and you want your appearance to convey that you’re serious about the opportunity.

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Prime Your References

Almost as important as your interview performance is the quality of your references. Prospective employers need third-party validation that you have the appropriate skills and right temperament to succeed in the role they need to fill.

Be prepared with at least three references — whether former employers, colleagues, professors, or mentors — who can speak to your skills, character, and work ethic. Ask permission before you give out contact information and tell your references the key points you want them to make.

Be Sure To Follow Up

As a child, you may have been taught to always say please and thank you. Never is it more important than after an interview. It’s imperative that you follow up after your interview to show you’re grateful for their time and enthusiastic about the opportunity.

The question is: Will an email suffice? That depends on time. A handwritten note is a great way to stand out, but if the prospective employer is moving quickly to fill the role, you need to act fast and send an email within 24 hours of your meeting. It’s not just a polite overture, but a valuable opportunity to remind them of the key qualities you’ll bring to the job and emphasize points they may have missed in your interview.

Thanking your references is just as important. Often, it’s your references who help you seal the deal. Be sure to tell them how much you appreciate their time and effort. Your gratitude will go a long way toward ensuring they’ll be there for you the next time you need a reference.

Negotiate Your Job Offer

After receiving a job offer from the organization of your dreams, it can be tempting to hastily accept the initial offer out of excitement. However, it’s important that you remember to negotiate your job offer to maximize your earning potential.

Take your time to respond to the offer so you can prepare talking points that speak to why you deserve a better compensation package, and what it might comprise. Do your research to determine the standard pay range for someone with your experience and education.

There’s a reason the company is offering you the job and not another candidate, so remember your worth and negotiate confidently.

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A Word From Battabox

Getting your dream job might not be easy, but I can tell you it is certainly worth it. Maybe give it a shot and see if you have any complaints.

If you have any complaints, direct them to the comment section. We would like to know. Knowledge is power.

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