Here are some fun things to do with friends this weekend. Navigating adult friendship can be a chore, especially if you are miles apart and only talk when groundbreaking events occur. 

This is why friendship should be an intentional effort, from all parties involved. 

It’s understandable that life happens, adulting happens and everyone drifts apart. This is why intentional friendships are important. 

One of the best ways to stay connected is to do fun activities together. Whether it’s outdoors, indoors, or online, there are many fun things you can do with friends. 

Fun things to do with friends indoors

1. Host a house cleaning party

One of the fun things you can do with friends is chores. 

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If we are being honest, no one likes chores. But the best way to get them done and over with is by doing them with friends. 

Now, nobody is saying you should have your friends over every now and then for free labor. You can do this if you just moved into a new place and you are trying to get the place together. 

Just have food and drinks on the side, while you and your friends tackle the cleaning. 

It’s a fun way to bond while adulting. All you have to do is ensure that actual work is being done while having fun. 

Related: 16+ Fun Games to Play When Bored

2. Have an at-home spa day

Do self-care together.

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Get some spa salt, and easy-to-use skincare, and just have a relaxing day at home. 

You don’t have to break the bank to do this and you can play catch-up while you are at it. 

RELATED: Step-by-step Skincare Routine To Achieve Glowing Skin

3. Netflix and Chill 

I’m coming, mama

You can watch a movie at home and have some snacks (wink) while you are at it. 

From comedies to thrillers, pick a movie with a vibe you are comfortable with and just have fun watching. 

Movie marathons are also a great idea. What? You don’t have Netflix login? Sorry then.

4. Host a games night

Ludo, chess, monopoly… have everyone bring their favorite games and drink of choice. You can add a little excitement by staking something.

You can also use real money for the monopoly just to add a bit of spice to it. But you and I know you’ll probably choose Truth or Dare.

SEE: Fun Party Games to Play

5. Cook Together 

Cooking together actually tightens bonds. 

Studies have shown that people that cook together are closer than people who don’t. This is also why mother-daughter bonds are strengthened. 

You can make up a recipe together and just explore something new.

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It may not turn out nice, but the important thing is that you did it together. 

Fun things to do with friends outdoors 

Below are some of the things you can do with your friends outdoor:

1. Make a time capsule

Time capsules can come in different forms. 

You can all write letters to your future selves and have them buried. Or gather old currency in different notes and hide it somewhere for your future kids to find. 

Another cute time capsule idea is to take pictures of yourselves throughout the year and have it in a drive. Then open the drive at the end of the year and just go over the memories you created throughout that year. 

SEE: Besties: The Beloved Third Wheel

2. Scavenger hunt

Who says scavenger hunting is just for kids? You can have a fun scavenger hunting game with your friends. It’s a good way to task your brains and work in teams. 

Have a small prize for the winner at the end and you can also add this to memories in your time capsule.

3. Head to the beach

Who doesn’t love the sound of many waters, fun, sun, and sand? A beach day is one of the best ways to have fun with friends. 

Drive there together to create a comfortable atmosphere even before you get to the beach. This will force everyone to loosen up before the main fun begins. 

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4. Travel together 

Explore new cities together. You don’t have to break the bank to do this. There are numerous fun places that you can take a road trip to, like Natural parks and resorts, recreational attractions, and historic sites. 

Travel together and just have fun discovering new places. 

SEE: Top 20 Countries To Go For Vacations Around the World In 2023

5. Have a picnic

Picnics are chilled. A conditioned environment to just have some fun and good conversations. 

Good food, drinks, and some music are all you need. You can do this in a park or a nice grassy place. 

Fun things to do with Friends online

1. Start a savings challenges 

Learn to build wealth with your friends. Doing a savings challenge together will force you to be accountable to one another. 

Nothing makes you keep up with people like money does. 

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The savings challenge could be on an app, like PiggyVest or Thrift

2. Stream an event together 

You can attend a virtual event together. Register for an event and keep each other accountable for attendance 

3. Play games as a team

Pick games that you have to play online as a team. 

It could be Call of Duty, an online chess tournament, or iMessage games. Play as a team and if possible maintain streaks. 

SEE: See the Seven Wonders Of the Ancient World

4. Have a memories dump

Every memory you make throughout the year, even personal moments. Have a place you dump it. It could be a Snapchat folder or a drive. 

Share your moments with your friends. 

5. Explore a new city

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You can explore new communities on Google Maps together. You don’t even have to travel. Just pick a place and a time, then check it out together on the map.

Related: 7 Tourist Attractions in Africa You Need to Visit 

Fun things to do with friends: In conclusion

Doing fun things with friends as an adult is important. You shouldn’t just reach out to friends when you have a problem.

There are so many other fun options to explore, but you can start with these. Very importantly, initiate these conversations and activities in your friend group.

However, do not be discouraged if they don’t immediately show enthusiasm. One or two people will definitely come around and you can be sure the others will join in later. 

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