Imposter Syndrome: What It is, How to Cope With It

Everybody has imposter syndrome. Now, before y’all start lynching me for insulting you or diagnosing you with an illness, take a moment to listen. Yes, everybody has imposter syndrome; it just varies from person to person. Some people might be overwhelmed by it, while others experience it in just a few areas of their lives. …

Types of Intelligence

Intelligence is not a single concept, but a collection of abilities and skills expressed in different ways. Learn the types of intelligence.

3 Point Slinger for Camera

You’ll see famous YouTubers riding their bikes with a 3-point slinger for a camera carried tight on their backs. The stuffed shoulder belt makes it a comfy way to carry heftier cameras too. When you have something worth photographing or videoing, you can pull the 3-point slinger around to the front of your body and …

How to Know You Are Entering Your African Aunty Stage

An African aunty is the best and the worst.  A paradox of good and bad, we can’t do without them, yet we need to escape them.  The weirdest part is that, as long as you are female and African, you cannot escape the inevitable reality that you are going to become an African aunty. You …

Gtbank Transfer Code

GTbank transfer code is a convenient and secure way for customers of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTbank) to transfer money, check their account balances, buy airtime and data, and perform other banking transactions from their mobile phones.  The transfer code is a USSD-based service that allows customers to perform transactions without the need for internet access …

Tech: The New In Thing

Do you know how oil and gas was a career everyone wanted to go to? They would scream out “oil and gas, oil and gas”. Guess what? Tech is the new oil and gas. It’s the career that everyone wants to go into. Scratch that, it’s the career everyone is in currently! Tech, tech, tech!  …

Peer Pressure: How to Deal With It 

At one point in life or another, everyone has faced peer pressure to do one thing or another. You may not have liked the activity you engaged in but chose to do so because of validation from your peers. The word “peer pressure” basically means pressure from your peers. Peers in this case could be …

Women Not Supporting Other Women

We live in a gender-inclusive world now. This is due to the many efforts of people to understand the importance of gender equity and the support of women in all spheres. But even with all the talk about gender equality, there are still many people who do not support all genders. Feminism: Let’s talk For …

The Science of Deadbeat Dads

Deadbeat dads are a pervasive issue in society today. Explore the causes and consequences as well as possible solutions