Pornography Addiction: Is There Hope?

There are several schools of thought regarding pornography addiction. While some view it as a medically driven addiction, others opt for socially driven. Then there are some religious minds who think it is a spiritual attack from the devil. With all these hypothetical notions, is pornography as bad as it is being portrayed? Pornography: Etymology …

Social Media: Is it Social Enough?

Social media is life for some people. Their entire existence begins at the “s” and ends at the “a”. It is their alpha and omega, and outside it, they might as well not exist. For some, it might be for their work (dem WhatsApp CEOs), or it could be for information and entertainment. Either way, …

Easiest Ways to Lose Your Job

At the beginning of any job, lasting a while is always the goal. Sadly, there are occasions when some jobs turn out to be nothing like what you expected, and you end up regretting them.  You’re not the only one who thinks, “I wish they would just fire me already” when you get up every …

Junk Food: Why?

Sometimes, people don’t crave the usual heavy healthy meal. Some days, they need snacking. That’s where junk food comes in. It may not always provide the best nutritional value but it provides great comfort. Junk food: Etymology Junk encompasses food that is high in calories from sugar and fat, with little dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value. These …

Points to Consider Before Planning a Vacation

Vacations are the best!  A time to get away from all the stress and go somewhere exciting, exotic, and beautiful.  While it’s easy to dream about the fun things you would do on the trip, planning the vacation itself is no walk in the park. Especially if it’s not just you and you need to put …

Free speech: Is it Really Free?

The struggle of what not to say in our society is real. The gift of free speech that was fought for is trampled upon by an electronic generation. Freedom of speech is the power or right to express one’s opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty. Freedom of speech happens to be the most revolutionary …

Procrastination: How to Beat it and Meet Deadlines

Procrastination is risky. Whether it results from fear, laziness, or a medical condition, you have a deadline fast approaching and somehow you find yourself doing unnecessary things like checking social media, checking your mail, or watching a movie while you should be working.  Sometimes you know you should be working but you find you are …