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How to make Oobleck with and Without Cornstarch (Your Quick Guide)

if you have ever wanted to make oobleck with your kids at home, then this tutorial is for you as we will be providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to make oobleck with and without cornstarch. Oobleck is a fascinating non-Newtonian fluid that can be both a solid and a liquid, depending on …

Disadvantages of Education: A Comprehensive Review

This article efficiently highlights the constraints and disadvantages of education. According to the center for migration studies, Nigeria is the only African country in the top ten list of countries with the most educated undocumented immigrants that come to the US. Similarly, a report by the Migration Policy Institute cites the Nigerian diaspora as the …

Why Duolingo Is The Best App For Learning Languages

Salut! Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui? Bienvenue à Battabox, la maison des questions Nigérianes d’origine… what? You don’t understand what language I’m speaking? That’s why you need Duolingo. It has never been easier to pick up another language. All you need to do is spend 20 minutes a day with a few virtual flashcards and you are …

9 Best Language Learning Apps For Your Journey To Fluency

If you have ever tried to learn a new language, you know that it is far from easy or straightforward. Fortunately, we have some of the best language learning apps out there, certainly more than our ancestors, who had just books and other humans to learn from. Hardly a day goes by that you don’t …

Social Anxiety: Causes and Symptoms

Amongst the list of phobias in Nigeria, social anxiety takes the lead with a whopping 12%. This percentage, however, only accounts for university students in Nigeria between the ages of 16 – 24.  This leaves us wondering what exactly the numbers are when it comes to social anxiety.  For a country that shies away from …

Idioms and Proverbs You Should Know

“Ma, she’s shedding crocodile tears!” That was my favorite idiom in Primary school. I could easily have said, “Ma, those are fake tears”. But, what better way to show my fluency in the English language and also sound very convincing? Now, whether she was indeed shedding crocodile tears or I was the one who was …