Aging Too Fast? Here’s How to Slow it Down -

Aging is a natural process. It happens to all of us. With it comes wisdom and experience (lol) but it also comes with wrinkles and weak knees.

So who wouldn’t want to slow that down? 

Whether you are aging gracefully like Kate Henshaw or embracing grey hair and fine lines like Joke Silva, the truth is, aging can be exhausting. Our cells aren’t built to last a lifetime, and over time, their shapes and abilities weaken. 

Why does this occur? Scientists have been researching the topic for many years. Currently, there are more than 300 theories explaining why we age, and scientists are discovering new ones every day.

Thankfully, experts on aging affirm that there are proactive actions you can do to improve the quality and satisfaction of your “golden years.” And, they might just add as much as a decade or more to your life. 

Let’s explore why humans age, and how you can slow down the effects.

So What is The Aging Process?

The aging process refers to the continuous process of natural change the body experiences. 

This process starts from the moment a child is born, and for the young, it is exciting and hopeful. The case is not the same for the middle-aged.

Aging, usually from the age of 40, involves greying of hair, wrinkled skin and some amount of physical decline.

Truth is, even the healthiest, most active adult cannot escape tit. The best you can do is be graceful about it and try to slow down the process. 

Read on for some tips on how to slow down aging.

Can You Reduce How Fast You Age?

Apart from surgeries and botox treatments, which if we are being honest, are not the best solutions. Are there other suggestions on how to slow down aging in humans? 

A recent study by molecular biologist David Sinclair has seen the reverse aging effect in mice. Using the Benjamin Button effect, Sinclair and his team have reset aging cells in mice to earlier versions of themselves.

They observed that the old mice with poor eyesight and damaged retinas could suddenly see again, and their vision at times rivaled their offspring. Sinclair is working on providing the world with a do-it-yourself biological age test.

We all know this could take a while, especially since he spent the last 20 years getting to where he currently is. So while we are waiting for Sinclair’s aging solution, we might as well do our best to slow down aging on our own, right? 

To help you with that, I’ll give you some tips you didn’t know could help you age slower. 

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Tips on How To Slow Down Aging

Sleep well

Do you know that sleep deficiency has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and stroke? All of these diseases speed up the aging process. 

Sleep helps the body recharge and repair. In fact, a study published in 2018 by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine of the United States of America found that just one night of lost sleep can cause a five% increase in the brain’s beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

You can reduce aging by eating a healthy diet. A simple place to start is fruits and vegetables in various colors should take up half of your meal. Add fresh, canned, or frozen vegetables to salads, sides, and main courses to vary your vegetable intake.

Increase your vitamin D intake

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If you know why I’m laughing, just take a moment to go ask God for forgiveness

According to research, low vitamin D levels have been tied to aging-related illnesses like osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, depression, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. 

Additionally, vitamin D lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, mostly because it functions as an antioxidant. This aids your body’s defense against free radicals, which are thought to be the root of wrinkles and other signs of aging such as skin degeneration.

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Exercise more

I’m pretty sure you were expecting this. I’m also sure that you have heard it over and over again. 

Regular physical activity is vital for healthy aging and can help prevent, delay, or manage a number of chronic diseases common in adults ages 50 and older, says the CDC

It also reduces the risk of premature death and supports your mental health. Some cardio, jogging, running and light lifting will go a long way to slow down your ageing process.

Eat early

Apart from eating well, it’s important to eat early.

A study has shown that avoiding late-night meals will most likely slow down the aging process. When you eat early, your body has enough time to digest the food before you go to bed. And your digestive organs can rest, while you rest as well. 

This one if the best way to prevent your organs from quickly aging.

Protect your skin

One of the fastest signs of aging is wrinkled skin and fine lines. The contains ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which causes premature aging of the skin. 

You can protect yourself by ensuring that you use sunscreens when you go out. Limit the amount of time you spend exposed to the sun. If it’s unavoidable, then use broad-spectrum sunscreen.

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Smoking – Don’t do it

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Oshey! The Great Chimney! The Real Mother of Dragons!

I know you have heard time and time again that smokers are liable to die young. I mean, it is practically printed on the pack. So if you smoke, the best thing for you to do would be to stop. 

Smoking weakens your lungs and causes diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The latter includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. 

Smoking will age you like no man’s business, and it has no advantages.

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Exercise your brain

One of the sure signs of aging is brain-related issues like forgetfulness, hazy details, and the like. Studies have found that your brain can continue to adapt, learn, and strengthen its neural connections, even when you’re older.

This process is known as neuroplasticity

Many aging-related brain diseases seen in adults are caused by a lack of neuroplasticity in the brain. You can help yourself by exercising your brain. 

Perform brain-tasking exercises like learning a new language. Play brain-tasking games to strengthen your brain. This could be the best aging hack.

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Make friends and have a community

The stress hormones released when you’re lonely can increase the number of health issues, including high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Set aside time each week to spend with friends and family since maintaining a social life can do wonders for your health. 

Stay happy

You’ll live longer and age better if you’re content with life and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Surround yourself with people who keep your mood elevated and engage in healthy activities that make you happy. 

These are lifestyle hacks to help slow down aging, as well as live a longer healthier life. Sometimes they would seem like a lot but with dedication and focus, you can make them a part of your lifestyle. 

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