A famous expression says “People join companies but quit bosses.” So canon. While they provide a path to that desired paycheck, bosses can be challenging to manage, sometimes. Here, we will discuss the different types of bosses, particularly the common ones.

Who is A Boss?

A boss is simply a person tasked with managerial duties within a company. This means anyone who gets to manage or coordinate certain domains is a boss. A boss might not necessarily be the CEO of a company, but they certainly have people (subordinates) who report to them.

So, yes, that upline or handler to whom you submit your work and ideas is your boss, irrespective of their status in the company.

Take a media company for example. Let’s say you were hired as a content creator (writer, vlogger, reporter) and your job is to generate fresh content for publication. Chances are, you get to submit your work to an editor. The editor is neither the one who hired you, nor the one who will pay you, but since you report directly to the person, that’s your boss.

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What Are The Duties Of A Boss?

They direct or supervise their employees and handle important tasks of the company, including budgeting. Their key responsibilities often include making crucial decisions such as hiring, training, and empowering employees to complete their assigned tasks to meet organizational goals.

Can I Be A Boss?

Yes, you certainly can. If you decide to start your own company tomorrow and employ a host of people to work under you, then you are certainly a boss.

Alternately, if you do so well at your job that you get promoted to a new position with downlines who now report to you, then you are a boss. Even that auto engineer with just six apprentices under his wing is a boss.

So truly, anyone can be a boss.

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Are There Good And Bad Bosses?

Indeed. In fact, I hope you never get to experience a bad boss, but that’s like wishing for rain in a desert. The truth is, sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don’t. If you’re the type who has options, then you don’t always have to deal with annoying bosses.

But if you need that paycheck and don’t have other options, you must suck it up and deal with what you get. Beggars aren’t choosers, after all.

Some bosses are good, others are not, while the worst ones pretend to be good at first. You might think the temperament of a boss doesn’t matter so long as you get the job done, but that’s not true.

The type of boss you have largely has an impact on your career. A good boss can help you improve and feel welcome in the workplace. A bad boss can make every day a nightmare. You might often find yourself fighting to stay calm, or considering how you could get away with homicide (no jokes).

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10 Types of Bosses

In this segment, we will discuss the types of bosses (both good and bad) so you understand their traits.

This is important so that when you get that dream job, you will study the behavior of your handler and determine what kind of boss they are. You will have details to decide whether you should manage or quit them. As an employee, making a good impression on your manager can help you find satisfaction in your role and progress in your career.

Now, let’s talk about types.

1. The Bulldog

If you’ve ever witnessed a bulldog barking (click here for a video), I do not need to explain this type of boss. Cordial as they may seem, they are dreadful to work for, especially if you’re slacking at your duties. One bark from a bulldog boss and you might consider quitting, even on the first day.

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Patience holds no meaning for a bulldog boss. It’s even worse because half the time, they hardly make any effort to guide you. They just explode without warning when you perform below average or submit a report they deem poor. Indeed, they are the ones that make you consider homicide.

I can tell you that in every enterprise, nine out of ten employees usually spend their lunch break moping in the restroom because of a bulldog boss.

Does this mean you should avoid them at all costs?

Well, if you have no other options and the job is lucrative enough, I recommend staying. Don’t be a wuss. If you’re unlucky enough to have a bulldog boss, the key is to always deliver 110% and try not to take caustic remarks too seriously. Basically, grow a thick skin and be good at your job.

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2. The Ultron

Unlike the bulldog boss, the Ultron boss is always available to assist and supervise your work. And while you might think the ethic is good for your development, sometimes it can be a downer.

Why? Because the Ultron boss is not a human but a machine that spends most of their time working. Work is the reason they are made, their life’s purpose. Even outside scheduled hours, they work, including evenings and weekends. They may take limited vacation days or personal time because they prefer to be working.

An Ultron boss could wake you in the middle of the night with a work call. Ignoring it is tantamount to risking a dance with unemployment.

To an Ultron boss, laziness is not just a disease, but a vile rot to be eliminated at all costs. If you want to get along with one, you must be ready when they summon you. You must carry out your tasks efficiently and without delay.

If you’re still a bit confused, take a gander at Ultron from Avengers II. This type of boss is like that, in all ways except appearance.

3. The Old-Cargo

These are a drag to work for, especially if you have a trendy personality. Old-cargo bosses are so immersed in outdated protocols and styles of working that it leaves hardly any room for improvement in the company.

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Old-cargo bosses have a fixed mindset about the best ways to lead a team. Using power and prestige, they lead and expect employees to follow. To be loyal mindless soldiers to the system, the tradition.

They would waste no time reprimanding or firing an innovative employee because they despise change.

4. The Sunshine

I can tell you these are the best types of bosses to work for. As the name implies, they have warm and radiant personalities. Sunshine bosses always want to know about your experiences in the company, and your personal life, as well.

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They are the bosses you are most comfortable with, the type you can confide in. But do not get too comfortable. Sunshine bosses are known to bring the heat every now and then. But compared to the other kinds of bosses, they usually temper justice with mercy.

They understand mistakes are natural and encourage you to do better. For this reason, sunshine bosses are usually the most-liked managers in any company.

5. The Daredevil

Of all the bosses you could encounter, these are the most-spirited. A daredevil boss is the exact opposite of an old-cargo boss. Whereas the latter worships obsolete methods, the former preaches innovation, is bold and brave, and encourages subordinates to follow suit.

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To get along with a daredevil boss, you must be someone who thinks outside the box, has an unorthodox personality, and is willing to take big risks. Daredevil bosses are usually receptive to suggestions from their employees, and they always urge team members to bring new ideas or follow new protocols to accomplish their given tasks.

6. The Retard

This is the boss who knows little to nothing about the protocols of an organization. His duties are mainly to report daily and sign off on proposals and contracts. He does not engage with the team leaders or members.

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Imagine having this fellow as your boss

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7. The Preacher

The preacher’s sole duty is motivation. All they offer are platitudes and inspiring anecdotes from ancient figures you will never meet.

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Aspire to be inspired, and you can become Maguire before you retire

However, they are important because they keep the company unified and diligent.

8. The Ghost

As the name clearly implies, this one is a spirit. You will hardly ever meet a ghost boss for the duration of your employment. They usually never visit unless in certain circumstances.


9. The Captain

This is the kind of boss that makes sure you get better at your job. With a hands-on approach, they guide you through the different methods to employ and you usually improve under their tutelage within a few days or weeks at the most.

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10. The Overlord

This kind of boss is a narc. They only carry out decisions that benefit them and not the company at large. They have worse outbursts than bulldog bosses, can be difficult to work with, and you are advised not to work with one if there are other choices.

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There we go. Those are the main types of bosses you will encounter in every organization and it would do you good to study this article so you know how to deal with each one.

Also bear in mind that some bosses might be mutants, and I’m not talking X-Men here. What I mean is, they could a mix of personalities. For instance, you could have a boss who’s part bulldog and part sunshine, or you could have one who’s part daredevil and part-Ultron.

Whatever the case, make sure you discover their work methods and adhere strictly. it will keep you in their favor and make your career a lot easier.

Congratulations on your job and good luck if it’s a bulldog boss. You’re sure as hell going to need it.

If you have any comments or questions, let us know below.

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