Emotional support pets help to better the emotional and mental state of their owners or holders. You don’t have to own a pet to enjoy its service of emotional support.

Emotional support pets
Emotional support pets

What Are Emotional Support Pets?

The services of emotional support pets have become increasingly needed in our society today. Why is that?

We now live in a time and age where the old and even the young experience a rise in mental stress. The mental stress creates an imbalance in emotional levels.

Emotional support pets have God-given and man-given abilities to relieve you of this stress. Whether natural or trained, they can help calm your nerves.

As such, pet ownership has skyrocketed, and even enterprises have sprung up offering services of pet leasing to those that cannot afford to own pets.

Pets don’t really have much of a say in this, do they? (pfft)

Emotional support pets are miles different from your service animals. Service animals help you to perform certain physical tasks.

The name is pretty deductive, uhn? “Service” animals. Some people have managed to take service animals to a gruesome extreme, which is why there are laws that protect animals.

Animal lives matter, too.

That’s the difference. So you have emotional support pets offer their services through touching and other ways. You can even do some sort of human-animal communication.

Though animals sometimes wear a blank expression when we talk, it’s almost like they have this telepathic connection to hear all we have to say.


Maybe it’s just because they can’t talk back at us and mirror listening ears to us. Isn’t that what we all need? Someone to hear us out without opposing or affirming views.

Emotional support pets give you emotional support. Simply put, even Aristotle couldn’t say it more simply. Though not sure how simple Aristotle’s style is.

Let’s look at the top 10 emotional support pets, and you can take your pick. Before that, here’s a meme to make you laugh.

Emotional support pets memes
Emotional support pet memes

Even your emotional support pet needs an emotional support pet.

Here are the Top 10 Emotional support pets you should know.

See: 20 Most Hilarious Dog Side-Eye Memes to Make You Laugh All Day

Top 10 Emotional Support Pets You Should Know

emotional support pets
Miniature pigs

Number ten on the list we have…

10. Llamas And Alpacas

Llamas And Alpacas as emotional support pets
alpaca to the left, llama to the right

The Alpaca will be a more natural pick if you are to consider a stereotypical view of emotional support pets. Llamas are also an excellent choice, though.

They might look like they are up to something, but some say they have an acute sixth sense of human feelings. They can tell when one is ill or even frail.

Surprising, uhn?

Both Alpacas and Llamas are domesticated hoofed animals from South America. They are excellent for emotional help. However, the llama is not helping my argument with that look.

It is important they are raised among humans so they have the gentle, friendly nature of a domesticated alpaca or llama.

Their soft coats are also one to look out for. ASMR videos should check out that niche. Owning an Alpaca or llama may seem weird, but you can take trips to farms to check out the incredible pets.

See: Dapple Dachshund: Everything You Need to Know

9. Chickens

Emotional Support pets
Chickens as emotional support pets

This is not my choice when it comes to pets for emotional support, but they do possess some helpful traits.

Do you remember the story of how animals were scared of the red on the chicken’s head, thinking it was fire?

Chickens are overlooked when it comes to supporting emotions, but they can do a job at that. They have to be trained and brought up among humans to build their relationships.

You can own yours or go to farms. Either way, there would be no issue taking care of them. They go about their business easily and don’t require too much attention.

Chickens, especially silkies and Australorps, have a good understanding of humans and are quite affectionate.

8. Sheep And Goats

Emotional support pets
Sheeps(left) and Goats(right) as emotional support pets

Sheep and Goats have been around humans for a long time. They’ve gotten used to being handled by humans, which makes it easier for them to understand us.

They are smart animals (especially Goats) and social. They have a unique ability to read human emotions and remember faces.

Sheep are calm and gentle and would even eat out of your hand if it senses no danger.

Goats, on the other hand, can be a bit tricky to manage. They are stubborn and tend to destroy things unprovoked.

Goats and sheep like to be amid their family. This means it would be unwise to get one of them to yourself. That would result in less optimal emotional support.

Related: What is a Mini Cow? Care Tips, Price, How to Get a Mini Cow

7. Parrots

emotional support pets
Colorful couple macaws sitting in a tree

About parrots, They have a funny way of showing emotional support. Parrots have a unique understanding of human speech and moods and can help support your emotions.

If you have a parrot in your house, it can be a great factor in determining the emotional state of that home.

The parrot of Alaadin’s villain was as gloomy as its aster.

Parrots are awesome emotional support pets, and you should be conscious of the feeling they see you exude. They are just like GIGO(Garbage In, Garbage Out).

You get what you give.

6. Pigs And Miniature Pigs

Pigs And Miniature Pigs
Miniature Pigs

Pigs come in different colours and sizes. They can also be multicoloured. Disabuse your mind from the textbook description of a pig. They are actually clean animals.

They have excellent communication skills with their snorts, laughter and squealing. They are among the most intelligent and social animals in the world.

You can confirm it if you have a pig farm. They are quite expensive to maintain but would give good returns for your money.

Pigs are also unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. A significant additional advantage.

Related: Polish Chicken: Everything you Need to Know

5. Miniature Horses And Ponies

Miniature Horses And Ponies
Cute red pony running trot at the field in summer.

I thought ponies existed only in Disney. That’s not true, though. Ponies and Miniature Horses are bred because they have a smaller size compared to real horses.

Ponies have shorter legs, thicker shoulders and denser tails. The miniature horses are just a bit shorter than real horses.

One key advantage they have is their ability to remain calm in stressful situations. They must be trained to acquire this ability, though.

That calm character makes it easy to pet them and share with their overwhelming calmness. They are also good at treatment for anxiety and depression.

4. Guinea Pigs (And Other Rodents)

Emotional support pets
Emotional support pets

Guinea pigs indeed hold a special place in human history and continue to be beloved pets for many people today.

Their long-standing association with humans as companions, cultural symbols, and even religious figures speaks to their unique charm and appeal.

The behaviour of “popcorning” is a delightful quirk that many guinea pig owners cherish, as it reflects their excitement and happiness.

Additionally, their generally gentle demeanour and willingness to be handled make them suitable pets for people of various ages, including children, provided they are properly socialized.

Given their social nature, it’s indeed recommended to keep guinea pigs in pairs or groups to prevent loneliness and promote their well-being, especially if they are being considered as emotional support animals.

While they can be introduced to each other at different stages of their lives, proper introduction and monitoring are essential to ensure harmonious cohabitation.

Related: Top 15 Smart Animals in the World You Should Know

3. Rabbits

Emotional support pets
Emotional support pets

Domestic rabbits, with their endearing traits of being adorable, affectionate, inquisitive, energetic, and forming strong connections with humans.

They serve as superb emotional support animals for managing both anxiety and depression.

Renowned for their exceptionally soft fur, they are accustomed to human handling and interaction.

For those who prefer not to manage their housing and care, visiting a farm or sanctuary offers the opportunity to receive emotional support from these delightful creatures.

2. Cats

Emotional support pets
Cats as emotional support pets

It was obvious cats were always going to rank high on the list of Emotional support pets. Cats are extremely empathetic animals, and they also wear their feeling on their “paws”.

They must be trained from little to ensure they have the required characteristics you’d want your pet to have. If gotten when they are old, it’s possible to have some unwanted characters.

Cats have a calm, soothing presence. Their eyes look like they tell a million tales. Whether they are curled on your lap or their own, you don’t feel rushed in their presence.

For your emotional support, cats are a good choice. Find out if you are allergic to them, though.

Related: How Often Should you Take your Cat to the Veterinarian?

1. Dogs

 emotional support pets
Dogs as emotional support pets

Dogs are not called Man’s Best Friend for nothing. They truly live up to their name. Dogs are the best Emotional support dogs with their playful, honest and upbeat attitude.

Some types of dog breeds are better emotional support animals than others. 

Golden Retrievers, Labrador RetrieversCorgisPoodles, Maltese, HavaneseGreat Danes, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel all rank highly for their natural affection toward people, whether familiar faces or strangers.

There’s no better option for an emotional support pet. Get one today.

That’s it on emotional support pets. You can get your preferred option and begin elevating your mental health today.

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Any Last Words?

Yes, there’s still fuel left in my tank. Emotional support pets are of growing relevance in the world. They help to keep mental health at a standard level or a very low level.

There are still many more animals to consider their support potential. Examples are fishes. Watching their fins move swiftly in the water can be mentally orgasmic.

Is orgasmic the synonym for calm? (haha).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. How do pets provide emotional support?

By providing unconditional positive regard, pets promot emotional stability through the regulation of feelings, management of stress and helping people to cope with difficult life events.

For people living alone, pets provided a source of ‘connectedness, reassurance, and normalcy.

2. What is the best pet for emotional support?

Any domesticated animal can be an emotional support animal; however, the most popular by far is dogs.

Some popular dog breeds for ESAs include golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, poodles and Yorkshire terriers.

3. What pet is best for anxiety?


4. What animals are trained to give emotional support?

An emotional support dog (ESD) is a dog that provides comfort and companionship to its owner, for which it requires no specialist training.

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