The lilac French bulldog is a fine and distinct variation of the French bulldog family. They have a pale brown look and can often be mistaken for the blue French bulldog.

Lilac french bulldog
Lilac french bulldog

Speaking on Blue French Bulldog, here is a detailed article to tell you all about it.

Where does it end with these French bulldogs, though? Blue, Lilac… what do we have next? Green? (haha).

Keep reading to know all the Lilac French Bulldogs.

What Is A Lilac French Bulldog?

What Is A Lilac French Bulldog?
What Is A Lilac French Bulldog?

The Lilac French Bulldog is from the French bulldog family. The only difference is the colour of their skin, the coat. They have a calmer and finer variation from other French bulldogs.

Does Racism exist in the dog world? That’s by the way, though (haha).

Lilac French bulldogs can also be called lilac Frenchies. That rolls off the tongue and is less wordy.

They are usually confused with the blue French bulldog because of their similar colour. Keen dog enthusiasts would know the difference, though.

There is an underlying blue hue in the coat of the lilac Frenchie, hence the confusion. The lilac French bulldog is an extremely rare breed and expensive.

The rarity is based on the difficulty of getting their colour right. Indiscriminate inbreeding or cross-breeding would only produce weakened species instead of your heart’s desire.

The genetic combinations of the lilac bulldog are made up of chocolate and blue genes. This dilution creates a soft, muted hue with a bluish undertone. Their aesthetically distinct and pleasing appearance makes them highly sought after.

Lilac French Bulldogs are also mistaken with Isabella French Bulldogs. Are there similarities or differences? Let’s find out.

What Is The Difference Between Lilac French Bulldog And Isabella French Bulldog?

What Is The Difference Between Lilac French Bulldog And Isabella French Bulldog?
Isabella french bulldog

Yes, there are both similarities and differences between lilac Frenchies and Isabella Frenchies.

They both share a diluted chocolate colour. That makes them look so alike, which is confusing.

The difference is lilac French bulldogs have a diluted chocolate colour with a bluish tint, while Isabella Lilac French Bulldogs typically have a lighter, silverish or lavender tint in addition to the dilute chocolate.

Both of these French bulldogs are highly sought after because of their visually satisfying colour coats. This trait makes them rare and expensive.

Blue French bulldog? Lilac French bulldog? Isabella French bulldog? These types of French bulldogs are known for their rarity and how exotic they seem.

How many more exotic types can we find?

Types Of Exotic French Bulldogs

Here are a few types of Exotic French Bulldogs. Exotic French Bulldogs often refer to those with rare or unique coat colours.

1. Blue French Bulldog

Blue French Bulldog
Blue French Bulldog

The blue Frenchies have a diluted black coat. This gives them a blue-greyish appearance.

They are highly coveted because of their easy temperament and highly trainable tendency.

2. Chocolate French Bulldog

Chocolate French Bulldog
Chocolate French Bulldog

It’s not your dark chocolate bar colour but light chocolate. Their coat is a solid chocolate colour, resulting from the expression of the chocolate gene.

3. Isabella French Bulldog

Isabella French Bulldog
Isabella French Bulldog

Isabella looks like eatable chocolate, that sumptuous chocolate, that, (okay Bolu, stop).

Isabella Frenchies have a diluted chocolate colour with a lighter, silverish or lavender tint.

4. Merle French Bulldog

Merle French Bulldog
Merle French Bulldog

Merle is a pattern rather than a colour, characterized by splotches or streaks on a lighter coat.

It can be in various colours, including blue or chocolate.

5. Cream French Bulldog

Cream French Bulldog
Cream French Bulldog

Cream Frenchies have a pale, creamy coat colour, often with a slightly lighter mask.

6. Black and Tan French Bulldog

Black and Tan French Bulldog
Black and Tan French Bulldog

This variation features a black coat with tan markings on specific areas like the eyebrows, cheeks, chest, and paws.

These and many more can be achieved by respectable and cultured breeding of French bulldogs.

There are various reasons one would choose to breed dogs. Colour and health problems and characteristics to consider when breeding dogs.

Take it easy when breeding for colour, though. You don’t want to breed unprofitable species in the sense of money and value.

The colours of these animals and their build demand a whole lot of care. Here are the following ways to care for a lilac French bulldog.

How To Care For Lilac French Bulldog

How To Care For Lilac French Bulldog
Four Lilac French Bulldogs

Caring for a Lilac French Bulldog involves several aspects to ensure their well-being:

1. Nutritious Diet

A balanced and high-quality food is important for dogs. Caution, though, there are different appropriate foods for different ages and groups.

If you are confused about how to treat your dog, consult with a vet for specific dietary recommendations.

2. Regular Exercise

One of the downsides of having the lilac French bulldogs and other French bulldogs is their tendency to get overweight.

They need regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and overall fitness. Daily walks and playtime are beneficial.

3. Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary visits for care, health assessments and vaccinations are important for lilac French bulldogs.

Schedule them regularly to get optimum health boost.

4. Grooming

There are several grooming practices to do that will help develop your pet, such as;

  1. Removing loose hair
  2. Cleaning their hairs
  3. Trimming the nails
  4. Maintaining dental hygiene

5. Temperature Sensitivity

Avoid exposing your lilac Frenchies to prolonged hot or cold weather. They can be very sensitive to extreme temperatures because of their short snouts.

7. Socialization

French Bulldogs are social animals. Ensure they have positive interactions with people and other pets to promote good behaviour.

Also, ensure they don’t pick up any bad behaviours from the pets. This is where the next point comes in.

8. Training

Training a dog or French bulldog isn’t rocket science. All it takes is consistency and tenacity. Give good rewards for learning, and don’t hesitate to shun bad behaviours.

Use basic obedience training from a young age. French Bulldogs respond well to positive reinforcement.

An example of basic obedience is Sit! Stand! Up! Down!. (Good boy, here’s a treat).

9. Health Monitoring

Monitoring the health of French bulldogs is super important. They usually get issues such as breathing difficulties, allergies, skin problems and many more.

Promptly consult a veterinary if any unusual cases occur.

Dogs need focused care just like any other individual. You must treat them with care but dare I say, “not too much care”.

Regular love, attention, and proper care contribute to a happy and healthy Lilac French Bulldog.

Health Challenges Faced By Lilac French Bulldog

Lilac French Bulldogs, like all French Bulldogs, may be prone to certain health challenges. Common issues include:

1. Respiratory Problems

French Bulldogs, with their short snouts, can experience respiratory difficulties, especially in hot or humid weather.

2. Joint and Back Issues

The sturdy, compact build of the French bulldog makes them prone to joint problems. They are also susceptible to intervertebral disc diseases.

3. Allergies

French Bulldogs might be prone to skin allergies, which can result in itching and discomfort.

4. Eye Conditions

Some French Bulldogs may be prone to eye issues, such as cherry eye or brachycephalic-related problems.

5. Sensitive Skin

French bulldogs have a short coat of finely drawn hairs. This type of skin requires attention and quick answers.

This would prevent irritation, infection, or dermatitis.

6. Heat Sensitivity

Due to their brachycephalic nature, Lilac French Bulldogs can struggle with heat regulation, making them more prone to heatstroke.

Ouch! What a pity.

Work closely with veterinary doctors to promptly address and monitor issues that might occur with your Frenchie.

Also, update yourselves on possible issues encountered by Lilac Frenchies for quick notice.

Concerning grooming, here are some tips that would help you with your lilac Frenchie.

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Lilac French Bulldog Grooming

Lilac French Bulldog Grooming
Lilac French Bulldog Grooming

Grooming a Lilac French Bulldog involves some basic care due to their short coat and specific needs:

1. Brushing

Regular brushing helps remove loose fur and promotes a healthy coat of lilac frenchies. While Lilac French Bulldogs have short hair,

Use a soft brush to avoid irritating their sensitive skin.

2. Bathing

Bathe them as needed, typically every 2-3 months or when they get dirty. Use a mild dog shampoo to prevent skin irritation.

3. Ear Cleaning

Check and clean their ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and potential infections.

4. Nail Trimming

Keep their nails trimmed to a comfortable length. Be cautious not to cut too close to the quick.

5. Teeth Care

Brush their teeth regularly to prevent dental issues. Dental chews and toys can also help with oral hygiene.

6. Wrinkle Cleaning

French Bulldogs, especially Lilac ones, have facial wrinkles. These wrinkles need attention. Clean gently between the folds to prevent irritation and infection.

7. Eye Care

Keep an eye on their eyes, wiping away any discharge. Some French Bulldogs may need special attention due to their brachycephalic features.

Remember, even though Lilac French Bulldogs have specific grooming needs, they generally require less maintenance than breeds with longer or more intricate coats.

Regular grooming not only keeps them looking their best but also contributes to their overall health and comfort.


The Colour lilac gives off the feeling of royalty, pride and difference. So is the feeling you get from owning a lilac French bulldog.

Amongst all the other French dog types, the lilac French bulldog is the most wanted. The combination of chocolate and blue genes creates a unique and distinctive colour coat.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How rare is a lilac French bulldog?

The lilac variety of the French bulldog is just one of several colour types. However, it’s undoubtedly one of the rarest.

It’s so rare, in fact, that only expert breeders are able to achieve it without engaging in any harmful inbreeding.

2. How do I know if my French bulldog is lilac?

If your dog has a light-coloured nose with a light-coloured coat AND a dark eye, then congratulations! Your pup is probably part lilac.

But if the eye and coat are both dark, but the nose is light, then you’re likely to have a blue Frenchie baby. There are a lot of French bulldogs that have lilac and blue hair.

3. What is the rarest colour of French bulldog?

Isabella French Bulldogs are considered the rarest in the Frenchie world. Similarly to lilac Frenchies, they are a combination of blue and chocolate, but they have a much more unique greyish liver coat colour.

Isabella Frenchies are extremely hard to come by, which makes them incredibly valuable for breeding purposes.

4. How do I know if my dog is lilac?

The coat of the lilac French bulldog is a lovely shade of lilac. This disorder is caused by the same diluting gene that causes blue hair.

The coat’s colour is a pale greyish brown, according to some. Their eyes and lips have delicate pink markings, and their noses are usually light pink or greyish brown in colour.

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