There are some things you should keep secret as an adult, never to tell anybody. And we see this practiced by people regularly. We all have stories of people with whom we sit together to cry about the shege that sapa is showing us collectively in Nigeria, thinking they are in the same shoes as us.

Whereas, in reality, their shoe is more like this…

Burna Boy's Shoe
The very same shoe that Burna Boy used to stomp the life of that unruly fan last year

We all have people to whom we can confide and share all the juicy and not-so-juicy details about our lives. They are known as our soulmates, parents, siblings, destined companions, and partners for life. Opening up to people close to us has its own benefits, but it can also sometimes lead to unnecessary confusion and possible disorientation.

However, there are certain things about you that you should keep secret.

Yes, your friends will always be there for you, but talking about your future plans and lifestyle may not be a good idea as some people try to demotivate you. Even your family problems or love life are not worth revealing. When you have a wide network of friends and family, revealing everything about you may complicate your life.

Here are seven things that you should keep secret.


7 Things You Should Keep Secret

1. Your Innermost Thoughts and Feelings

This is not to say that you should isolate yourself from everyone, because having close friends and family is something we all need. They are the people with whom we can discuss even the scariest topics.

However, the depths of your soul and your beliefs are special parts of yourself. Not every little piece of your heart should be shared with the world. Save some for yourself.

2. Your Future Plans

Your ambitious future plan is something you like to share with friends, as you expect them to encourage you. But, it may not happen that way.

Some of them may discourage you, undermining your potential to achieve them. They make you feel that you are not capable of doing it. And at the end of the day, your confidence will be shaken. If you share your business plans or startup ideas, they may even steal them.

Keep in mind that there are people in your community who are good at finding faults to demotivate others. Hence, your future plans are one of the things you should keep secret.

3. Your Desired Goals

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt really uncomfortable telling other people about my secret plan before actually realizing it. Probably because I’m a private person. Or probably because, as a Nigerian, I subconsciously believe that anyone could be a secret agent sent to monitor me by my village people.

Things you should keep secret
Nothing at all, ma

Once we share our goals and plans, it feels like we’ve already realized them. Therefore, we can become less motivated to continue moving in that particular area. Or our village people can move to sabotage them. Therefore, your goals are one of the things you should keep secret.

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4. Your Charity Work

As a philanthropist, you change lives and leave a positive impact on so many lives. But if you publicize the charity work, then its value is lost, because it may look like your generous deeds are for popularity.

Stop praising yourself for your actions.

5. Your Family Issues

Fights at home? Are you on the verge of divorce? These issues are never worth disclosing. They are one of the things you should keep secret.

It is disrespectful and rude to go around and share your family’s dirty laundry. This also goes out to all of the people you consider your close friends.

Exposing family problems can make you look weak in front of others. Moreover, these issues become more complex when you discuss them. It might seem harmless when you talk about your partner’s annoying habits, but you are degrading them in the process.

And if your partner learns about it, he or she will definitely feel hurt.

The problems between you and your family should be resolved in the privacy of your home. What happens inside your home should stay inside your home.

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6. Your Love Life

Yes, it’s quite tempting to boast about the moments with your partner. And, of course, you feel good when you tell your friends or colleagues about the beautiful date you had with your partner.

But it is not a good habit to share every little detail about your love life. By doing so, the intimacy and privacy that just the two of you enjoy will be washed away. If the powers that be don’t wash the partner away with it sef.

You learn this particular lesson the hard way if you live in Lagos, where there is even a particular caste of people whose spec is relationship people. So I don’t need to talk much. If you don’t quickly learn that your love life is one of the things you should keep secret, you will learn the hard way.

7. Unpleasant Things You Know About Others

There are several adjectives to qualify this in Nigerian dialects, and chief among them is…

Things you should keep secret

There are also several other advanced titles, like Gbeborun, Iya ile ookan, Shobole yo’ke, etc. (I have no idea what the last one means, except that it has something to do with a hunchback).

But the truth is, if a person trusts you enough to confide in you, you need to be decent and fair enough to keep that secret to yourself. There’s a reason why they decided to tell you and not the TV presenter. They believe in you, and they felt safe expressing themselves in front of you.

So, if it doesn’t concern you even a bit, it is one of the things you should keep secret. Mind your own business and keep those facts to yourself.

Things you should keep secret
Gist kee you there

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Wrapping Up Things You Should Keep Secret

It goes without saying that there are some things you should keep secret and not tell people. You need to understand that there’s a part of you that you should make sure to preserve for yourself. Revealing everything about you may complicate your life. You are wrong to assume that every person is a well-wisher; sometimes, they tend to use the information to weaken you.

There are a few things in your life that are worth keeping secret. A sacred fragment of your soul made up of all your deepest desires and greatest dreams.

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