Steak tips – succulent, flavourful, and a favourite among meat enthusiasts. Whether you’re savouring a tender morsel grilled to perfection, enjoying the richness of pan-seared cuts, or relishing the mouthwatering aromas of broiled beef, steak tips never fail to captivate our taste buds.

This article delves into the art of preparing and cooking steak tips, uncovering the secrets to achieving tender, juicy, and irresistibly delicious results. Get ready to elevate your culinary prowess and embark on a journey of steak perfection.


Steak tips
Sirloin Steak tips

What are Steak Tips

Steak tips are generally beef from the sirloin, but the round, flank, and tenderloin work too. The versatile beef cut is excellent for grilling, kabobs, tacos, or sauteed for a simple main dish. It isn’t as tender as tenderloin but absorbs marinade flavours well.

How to Choose the Right Steak Tips

Choosing the right steak tips for your recipe is essential to ensure a delicious and satisfying result. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect steak tips:

Step 1. The Cut of Meat

Steak tips are typically small, tender pieces of beef cut from various parts of the cow. Popular choices include sirloin, tenderloin, flank, or tri-tip. Sirloin tips are the most common and widely available. If you want tenderness, go for cuts from the tenderloin or ribeye, but they might be more expensive.

Step 2. Marbling

Look for steak tips with good marbling, which means thin streaks of fat running through the meat. Marbling enhances the flavour and juiciness of the steak, providing a more enjoyable eating experience.

Step 3. Grade of Beef

Pay attention to the grade of beef. The United States typically grades beef as Prime, Choice, Select, or lower. Prime grade has the highest level of marbling and tenderness, but it can be costly. Choice-grade beef is a good balance of quality and price, suitable for most recipes.

Step 4. Freshness

Choose fresh steak tips whenever possible. Check the sell-by date if you’re buying from a supermarket. Ask when the meat was cut or delivered if buying from a butcher.

Step 5. Colour

The colour of the meat can indicate its freshness. Look for steak tips with a bright red colour. Avoid steaks that appear brownish or have a greyish tint.

Step 6. Thickness

Consider the thickness of the steak tips, especially if you have a specific cooking method in mind. Thicker steak tips might require different cooking times and techniques compared to thinner ones.

Steak tips
Grilled steak

How to Cook Steak Tips

Cooking steak tips is a straightforward process, and the method you choose will depend on your preference and the cut of meat you have. Here’s a simple guide to cooking delicious steak tips:


  • Steak tips (sirloin, tenderloin, flank, or tri-tip)
  • Salt and pepper (or your preferred seasoning)
  • Olive oil or cooking oil (optional for searing)

Cooking Methods:

  • Grilling:
    • Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
    • Season the steak tips with salt and pepper or your desired seasoning.
    • Place the steak tips on the grill and cook for about 4-6 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the tips and your desired level of doneness (medium-rare, medium, etc.).
    • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. For medium-rare, aim for 130-135°F (54-57°C). For medium, aim for 140-145°F (60-63°C).
    • Remove the steak tips from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.
  • Pan-Searing:
    • Heat a skillet or frying pan over medium-high heat. Add a small amount of olive oil or cooking oil to the pan if desired.
    • Season the steak tips with salt and pepper or your preferred seasoning.
    • Once the pan is hot, add the steak tips and cook for about 3-5 minutes per side, depending on the thickness and desired doneness.
    • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature, as the grilling method mentions.
    • Remove the steak tips from the pan and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.
  • Broiling:
    • Preheat your broiler high and set the oven rack to the top.
    • Season the steak tips with salt and pepper or your preferred seasoning.
    • Place the steak tips on a broiler pan or a wire rack set over a baking sheet.
    • Broil the steak tips for about 4-6 minutes per side, depending on thickness and desired doneness.
    • Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer and allow the steak tips to rest before serving.
Steak tips
Pan seared steak

Steak Tips Cooking Tips:

  • For tender cuts like tenderloin, medium-rare or medium is often preferred to retain juiciness and tenderness.
  • For tougher cuts like sirloin or flank, you can go for medium to medium-well to ensure they are not overly chewy.
  • Let the steak tips rest for a few minutes after cooking to allow the juices to redistribute and ensure a more flavorful and tender result.
  • Feel free to add your favourite marinade or sauce before or after cooking to enhance the flavour.

Steak Tips Marianade

A good marinade enhances the natural juiciness of the steak tips and infuses them with complementary herbs, spices, and seasonings. Whether you’re grilling, pan-searing, or broiling, a delicious marinade can make your steak tips an unforgettable dining experience.


  • ½ cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 cup Italian-style salad dressing
  • 2 teaspoons garlic pepper seasoning
  • 1 cup barbeque sauce
  • 2 pounds beef sirloin tip steaks


  • Mix Worcestershire sauce, Italian-style salad dressing, garlic pepper seasoning, and barbeque sauce in a medium bowl. Place steaks in the marinade and turn to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  • Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat and lightly oil the grate.
  • Place steaks on preheated grill; discard the marinade. Cook steaks until they are beginning to firm and are hot and slightly pink in the centre, about 10 minutes per side, or to desired doneness. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the centre should read 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) for medium.
Steak tips
Steak and mushroom

Importance of Marinade

Marinades play a crucial role in enhancing the flavour of meats, and they offer several benefits that contribute to a more enjoyable and delicious dining experience. Here are some key reasons why marinades are essential for enhancing flavour:

1. Infusion of Flavors

Marinades are a mixture of various herbs, spices, acids, and oils that penetrate the surface of the meat. As the meat sits in the marinade, it absorbs these flavours, infusing the entire cut with a delicious blend of taste-enhancing ingredients.’

2. Tenderization

Many marinades contain acidic ingredients like vinegar, citrus juice, or yoghurt. These acids help break down the connective tissues in the meat, making it more tender and easier to chew. This process is particularly useful for tougher cuts of meat, transforming them into tender and juicy bites.

3. Moisture Retention

The marinade’s oils and liquids help the meat retain moisture during cooking. As a result, the meat remains juicy and succulent, preventing it from becoming dry or tough.

4. Customizable Flavors

Marinades offer endless possibilities for customization. You can tailor the ingredients to suit your taste preferences or match a specific cuisine. Whether you prefer a tangy, sweet, spicy, or savoury flavour profile, the marinade allows you to create the perfect combination.

5. Aromatics and Herbs

Marinades often include aromatic ingredients like garlic, shallots, ginger, and fresh herbs. These aromatic elements add depth and complexity to the flavour profile, enhancing the overall taste experience.

6. Caramelization and Browning

Certain marinade ingredients, such as sugars or honey, contribute to caramelising and browning the meat’s surface during cooking. This adds an appealing colour and rich flavour to the finished dish.

7. Enhancement of Natural Meat Flavor

While marinades introduce additional flavours, they also work to highlight and complement the natural taste of the meat. The right combination of ingredients can bring out the best in the meat’s inherent flavours.

8. Healthier Cooking

Marinades can encourage healthier cooking methods like grilling, roasting, or broiling, as they add flavour without the need for excessive fats or heavy sauces.

SEE ALSO: Browning Sauce Recipe: 7 Interesting Things To Know

Steak tips
Barbecued steak

Steak Tips Grilling Process

Gather your charcoal briquettes, fire up the heat, put together a flavorful steak seasoning, and get ready to grill! These tips will get you quality steak tips right from your own barbecue.

1. Choosing Quality Steak

How do you choose quality steak tips when you visit the grocery store or butcher? You’ll want to look for meat labelled as flap meat, another term for the steak cut from the sirloin bottom. Or, ask the butcher to cut your steak tips from the sirloin bottom they have on hand. 

2. Preparing the Grill

To get your grill ready for your steak tips, add some olive oil to the grates to keep from sticking. Preheat the grill to between 450 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit. You should be able to feel the heat strongly when you hold your hand above the grates for a couple of seconds.

3. Preparing and Seasoning

Dab the steak tips with a paper towel to remove any juices that could prevent them from searing correctly on the grill. Leave the steaks at room temperature as your grill heats up. Brush a small amount of olive oil on both sides of the steak tips to prevent sticking on the grill. Then, sprinkle each side with salt, pepper, or your favourite steak seasoning. A small amount of minced garlic is also a tasty option.

4. Consider a Marinade

Steak tips are wonderful with marinades because they’re already so tender that the marinade doesn’t need to do much work to dig into the meat and give it a flavorful burst. If you want to marinade your steak tips before grilling them, allow them to do so for at least two hours. 

Steak tips
Steak tips and soy sauce

5. Understand Direct and Indirect Heat

You’ll want some direct and indirect heat for perfect steak tips on the grill. If you are a grilling beginner, here’s what that means: Direct heat is how you’ll sear the steak, while indirect heat keeps it cooking through without being directly over the flame. When you first put steak tips on the grill, you’ll want them directly over the hottest area of the grill for a crisp sear. 

6. Let It Cook

Now, let those perfect tips for steak cooking! If you’re using a charcoal grill, check the charcoal briquettes to ensure they’re flaming well before you close the lid and let the heat work its magic. Avoid opening the lid to keep checking on your steak. Tips cook quickly; you’ll only need to flip them once while searing and once while cooking.

7. Time It

After searing, the steak tips will cook for 2-3 minutes on each side; flip them once to cook the other side before removing them from the grill. To ensure you’ve got the right time, set a timer after you’ve seared the tips for two minutes. Flip, then reset it for two minutes. You can always keep the tips on a minute or two longer if they don’t look done enough.

8. Let It Rest

After you pull steak tips from the grill, give them about ten minutes of rest time at room temperature. This process lets juices run back through the tips, giving them that flavorful burst of taste you want. Avoid cutting into your steak tips until the rest period is over.

Steak tips
Steak and potatoes

Tips for Tenderizing Steak Tips

Tenderizing steak tips can make a significant difference in the meat’s overall texture and eating experience, especially if you’re working with tougher cuts. Here are some tips and techniques to help you achieve tender and juicy steak tips:

1. Choose the Right Cut

Start with a tender cut of meat if possible. Sirloin and tenderloin tips are naturally more tender compared to tougher cuts like flank or skirt steak.

2. Pound the Meat

Use a meat mallet or the back of a heavy knife to gently pound the steak tips. This helps break down the muscle fibres and connective tissues, making the meat more tender. Be careful not to overdo it; you don’t want to turn the meat into mush.

3. Marinate the Meat

Marinating the steak tips can work wonders for tenderization. Acids like vinegar, lemon juice, or buttermilk in the marinade help break down the proteins, resulting in more tender meat. Aim to marinate the steak for at least 1-2 hours and longer for tougher cuts.

4. Use a Meat Tenderizer:

  • Chemical Tenderizers: Some commercial meat tenderizers contain enzymes like papain (from papaya) or bromelain (from pineapple) that help tenderize the meat. Follow the instructions on the tenderizer product carefully.
  • Natural Tenderizers: Kiwi, pineapple, and papaya contain natural enzymes that tenderize meat. You can either puree these fruits and use them as part of a marinade or rub them directly onto the meat.

5. Salt and Rest Method

Sprinkle salt on the steak tips and let them rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before cooking. The salt will draw out moisture from the meat, and then the meat will reabsorb the moisture, resulting in more tender and flavorful steak tips.

6. Cooking Technique and Temperature

Cook the steak tips to the right doneness. Overcooking can result in tough meat. Use a meat thermometer to ensure you cook the steak to your desired level of doneness (e.g., medium-rare, medium, etc.).

7. Slicing Across the Grain

When serving or slicing the cooked steak tips, be sure to cut across the grain (perpendicular to the long muscle fibres). This further breaks down the muscle fibres and makes the meat more tender

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What to Serve with Steak Tips

1. Sweet Potatoe Fries

Baked sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative to regular french fries. They’re low in fat, rich in vitamins, and delicious!

With just a sprinkling of salt and pepper, sweet potatoes add a lot of flavour to your feast. Make them even more gourmet by adding dried cumin and paprika for an extra punch of flavour.

Steak tips
Potatoes and steak tips

2. Baked French Fries

If you prefer the original, you can also bake regular potato fries.

For that classic restaurant feel, slice them thick, add a dash of salt and pepper, and bake.

Enjoy your crispy fries guilt-free without the grease and calories you get from frying them.

3. Onion Rings

Another steak tip staple, onion rings are the tangier alternative to French fries.

The best onion rings come from sweet Vidalia onions that are soaked in buttermilk and then dipped in a cornmeal mixture for extra crispy edges.

Don’t forget your favourite dipping sauces!

4. Green Beans

Steak tips
Steak with greens

Add a little more colour to your meal with a simple side dish of green beans mixed with lovely shallot butter.

Mix butter, shallots, sugar, and vinegar together in a pan, fry the shallots, and toss in your beans.

This flavorful side dish brings a sense of gourmet elevation to your meal while still being super simple and ready in minutes.

5. Corn on the Cob

You can’t go wrong with freshly grilled corn on the cob! If you’re already firing up the grill for your steak, go ahead and stick some corn cobs on the side.

Don’t forget to slather them in butter!

READ ALSO: Creamy Peppercorn Sauce Recipe With Steak


Steak tips are a delectable and versatile cut of beef that can elevate any meal to a gourmet experience. Whether you’re grilling, pan-searing, or broiling, mastering the art of cooking steak tips can turn them into tender, juicy, and flavour-packed delights.

Selecting the right cut of meat is crucial, with choices like sirloin, tenderloin, or flank providing different levels of tenderness and taste. Understanding the importance of marinades can transform the entire flavour profile of steak tips, infusing them with complementary herbs, spices, and seasonings while tenderizing the meat.

Using marinades, you can customise your steak tips to suit your taste preferences and explore various cuisines. Additionally, marinating in advance enhances the flavour and saves time during the cooking process.

Mastering the various cooking techniques is essential to ensure the most enjoyable dining experience. Whether you prefer the smokiness of grilling, the richness of pan-searing, or the convenience of broiling, each method requires careful attention to cooking times and temperatures.

Furthermore, incorporating the art of tenderization can significantly impact the tenderness of your steak tips. From marinating with acidic ingredients to using meat tenderizers or velveting techniques, these methods can turn tougher cuts into tender bites of culinary perfection.

Whether you’re preparing a simple weeknight dinner or hosting a special gathering, the techniques shared in this article will undoubtedly help you master the art of cooking steak tips, unlocking a world of culinary delight for you and your loved ones to savour.

So, grab your favourite cut of steak tips, experiment with marinades, and enjoy the art of creating mouthwatering meals.


What are tips of steak?

“Steak tips” refer to small, flavorful pieces of beef that are cut from various parts of the cow, such as sirloin, tenderloin, or flank. They are typically marinated or seasoned before cooking to enhance their flavour and tenderness. Here are some tips for preparing steak tips:
Marination: Marinate the steak tips in your favourite marinade for a few hours or overnight to add flavour and tenderize the meat.
Cooking methods: Steak tips can be grilled, pan-seared, or broiled. Cooking them quickly over high heat helps retain their juiciness and tenderness.
Doneness: Cook the steak tips to your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure they reach your preferred internal temperature.
Resting: Let the cooked steak tips rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute and ensure a juicy, flavorful result.

Why are they called steak tips?

The term “steak tips” comes from the way the beef is cut. They are small, triangular-shaped pieces of steak that come from various sections of the cow. The name “tips” refers to the tip or end portion of larger cuts of meat, which are trimmed and cut into smaller, bite-sized pieces.

What goes with steak tips?

Steak tips are versatile dishes and can be paired with various side dishes to create a delicious and well-balanced meal. Here are some popular accompaniments for steak tips:

Grilled or roasted vegetables, such as asparagus, bell peppers, or zucchini.
Baked or mashed potatoes.
Garlic butter sautéed mushrooms.
Fresh garden salad with vinaigrette dressing.
Creamy coleslaw or a side of pickles.
Rice pilaf or garlic butter rice.
Grilled corn on the cob.
A side of chimichurri or other steak sauces.

What are tips in meat?

In the context of meat, “tips” typically refer to small, trimmed pieces of meat that come from the ends or edges of larger cuts. For example, “steak tips” are small pieces of steak cut from various sections of the cow. Similarly, “pork tips” are small cuts of pork taken from different parts of the pig. These tips are often flavorful and can be used in various dishes.

What goes with steak tips?

As mentioned earlier, steak tips can be paired with a wide range of side dishes to create a delicious meal. Some popular options include grilled or roasted vegetables, potatoes (baked, mashed, or roasted), sautéed mushrooms, garden salads, coleslaw, rice, corn on the cob, and various steak sauces or condiments like chimichurri. The choice of side dishes depends on personal preferences and can be tailored to complement the flavour of the steak tips.

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