When I suggested writing on this subject topic, my editor’s reply was “What concerns UX and Interior design?” If you are reading this, it means you have the same question.

Rejoice, for I have your answer.

UX and Interior Design: What Is The Relationship? Gifs

UX means User Experience (I’m sure you know that already). Since the advent of many digital creations and the internet, there has been an increased need for humans to communicate with computers.

This mode of communication and how to communicate (User interface) keeps evolving into more attractive designs as the day goes by. A more empathic approach to this communication is what fuels UX. Instead of focusing on just the user end goal, there is an emphasis on the process to the end goal.

In two words, simplify and demystify.

Interior designing is a whole different scope on its own. It analyzes the prospect of making the interior of a building much more comfortable for consumers (customers). It focuses on making a space more aesthetically pleasing for the user’s eye, safety, and comfort.

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The question which arises is; how can such two distinct scopes of design have a relationship? UX is known to be digitally inclined while interior design is more physical. It can be easy to disregard any similarity when looking from a blurred angle.

UX and Interior Design

The answer to your question is;

  1. Who and
  2. Why

Funnily, the answer to your questions are questions. Who and Why. These questions would help us understand the relationship between UX and interior design.

Who: The person getting the service

Design, whether digital or physical, is a service-based business. There is an end user who requires the service of a designer. This is one similarity between UX and interior design. Each scope is satisfying the need of a customer.

Knowing your customer can go a long way in affecting your design process. Identifying factors such as; likes, dislikes, occupation, favorite color, phobia, etc can affect your choice of design for customers.

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This is called user persona in user research and can go a long way in advancing interior design. After successful research about who your customer is, your next question to answer is Why.

Why: The Reason for Your Service

UX and Interior Design: What Is The Relationship? Gifs

The core of UX is to create a user-oriented design. This is also a recent practice adopted in interior design. Designers (interior) should take into consideration factors such as user preference exclusivity, functionality, use of space, etc.

Interior designing used to be about just being creative and conjuring an aesthetically pleasing design. But with recent UX practices, the users take center stage in the design process which ensures that the users’ pain points and wants are efficiently recognized throughout the design process.

If you are ever in the interior designing business, the ideal questions should be, “Who am I designing for? Why do they require my service? and How can I satisfy them?”

This line of thought would significantly enhance your work and make it more relatable.

This ideology is fully implemented in UX design and is being adopted in interior design. It has established a relationship between these separate branches.

UX and Interior Design: What Is The Relationship? Gifs

With these questions answered, there are several other similar terminologies between UX and interior design. Let’s explore them.


Similarities between UX and interior design

These similarities are terms used in both fields that accentuate a user-centred design.

Visual hierarchy

In UX design, visual hierarchy involves the arrangement of design elements on a page in the order that eases and helps the rate of consumption to the human eye.

UX and Interior Design: What Is The Relationship? Visual Hierarchy

A web page with a clean visual hierarchy would help for easy assimilation of information to users. Visual hierarchy makes use of colors and contrast. A poor visual hierarchy would only evoke a feeling of confusion.

This is one of the key pillars of a successful UX design.

In the same vein, visual hierarchy is helpful in interior design. Colors, lighting, texture, contrast, etc. are all important accessories that can help people navigate through the building properly.

Visual hierarchy creates a feeling of orderliness and eliminates visual chaos.



This means designing for everyone or almost everyone.

Digital UX design focuses on creating an accessible design for everyone. It can be easy to neglect some people with certain disabilities when designing. An inclusive design is about all or none (well, almost all).

In interior design, it would be important to consider everyone, disabled or not. An inclusive would in no way affect your creativity or style. It would help create a more empathic and conscious design.

There are several ways to be inclusive in interior designing

  1. Making sure the kitchen shelf is alright for all heights
  2. Providing a control that can reduce light brightness or providing different light colors i.e bright and dark colors
  3. Non-slippery tiles for kids
  4. Soft and hard cushions, etc.

Usability testing

UX and Interior Design: What Is The Relationship? Usability Testing

The whole idea behind usability testing is to get users to use your product and you can make improvements based on their remarks and feedback. This is good for updates and development as you can make key corrections.

Usability testing can also be a vital process in interior design. You can watch and understand how people interact in a given space, note their body language and jot down feedback. This helps improve comfort and usability.

UX Design System

A Design system is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled to build any number of applications.

One vital importance of a design system is it gives tailors your design to have a brand identity. In UX design, many designers have systems on which they fall back, this keeps them in line and also displays past successful projects to users.

Interior designers also use design systems. They keep a record of their past Jobs and also present a brand with similar styles, colors, and settings. Design systems give you a voice and people just need to see your work to identify you.

Interior design


UX and Interior design are a match made in heaven. Both fields focus on creating intuitive, friendly, and user-centered designs. There are no bad sides to their relationship. They will only help foster the business of interior design.

I have cleared your doubts and my editor’s too( haha). I hope you are convinced; if not, comment and I’ll be here.

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