Do you know you can elevate yourself to a whole new level by just developing healthy habits?

What many people donā€™t know is that developing good and healthy habits contributes to great mental health and well-being.

Healthy habits 

We know you. You’re the kind that wants to be healthy so you set goals and make plans. Congratulations. Youā€™re better than the person who keeps hoarding unhealthy habits. 

Many people want to create at least one good habit or give up a bad habit, but find it hard. We know it’s hard to change everything all at once, which is why it is better to set smaller goals. Once you achieve these goals, you will be amazed at your improved work-life balance, your stable relationships, and most importantly, your health.

is this what healthy people feel like moe

It might take you several months to create a new habit. So you need to include the change as part of your routine. A diary or a wall planner may ease your healthy journey.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Keep a Healthy Lifestyle

List of healthy habits to develop

Always have breakfast

a lil breakfast would be nice floyd jackson

Okay, do you remember the phrase ā€œbreakfast is the most important meal of the day? Most people skip breakfast because they think itā€™s not that important.

Wrong! Itā€™s very important, for a bunch of reasons like jumpstarting your metabolism and stopping you from overeating later. If you canā€™t have a big breakfast, keep it light and take cereal or a granola bar. 

Just don’t skip it.

SEE: Physical Fitness: What it is and Why It is Important

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink water and mind your business!

thirsty water

Water has multiple benefits to your body, most especially your metabolism. Staying hydrated is at the top of the list, but it may also help you lose weight. 

Another reason to go for H2O? Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. If you aren’t a fan of plain water, add flavor with slices of orange, lemon, lime, or cucumber. Water is very important!

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meditate meditation

People underestimate meditation. Itā€™s not just a moment for you to sit still and mutter a couple of words. Itā€™s a time to gather your thoughts and somehow try to manage them.

Meditation is great for when you had busy days at work or even better, you can start the day with one. 

Exercise more

exercise treadmill

Yes. You have been making plans to join the gym and procrastinating.

ā€œI donā€™t want to go yet. Iā€™ll start next monthā€

ā€œThe gym is full of people that will be in my businessā€

No! Stop it and exercise.

You may think that you donā€™t need it but you do. Exercise is great for physical and mental health. You donā€™t have to go to the gym. You can work out in your house for over thirty minutes.

Start small with some stretches. We are not telling you to go all out with the push-ups and pull-ups.

Less social media

social media break social media

Heavy social media usage is so evident in our lives. Most of us cannot go an hour without social media. We must know what is going on – Twitter, scrolling through pictures on Instagram, sending snaps on Snapchat. Youā€™re addicted.

You should have a day where you have less social media usage. Set a time to log off and put the phone down. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things. Take a walk, and read a book, which brings us to our next point.

Read a book


People donā€™t read anymore and itā€™s ridiculous! Reading not only expands your vocabulary, it makes you unusually calm. Itā€™s a habit that everyone should invest in. 

And guess what? Reading makes you ten times more attractive!

Learn Something New

learn something new everyday pete davidson

New skills help keep your brain healthy. It may not be the healthiest on the list but itā€™s important for growth as a person. Do you have a bucket list? We advise you to take some courage and do things on that list! 

Sign up for a dance class or a creative writing workshop. Better yet, master a new language, Hausa maybe.

Just do it!

Sleep Well

pretty sleep

Nightcrawler, we see you!

You would rather go through social media or watch the new season of The Witcher than sleep. A good night’s sleep keeps you in a better mood, sharpens memory and focus, and helps you learn new things. 

You need that seven hours of sleep! Aim to get 7 to 9 hours a night. For the best rest, do it on schedule.

Have a healthy meal

eat healthy dwayne johnson

Do you like rice? Yes, but that doesnā€™t mean you should have it every day. Sir, please get a balanced diet. It is healthy to switch up on meals – mix it up and most importantly, eat your greens!

Vegetables are very important and replenish your body. You are what you eat, remember? 

Reduce sugar

no sugar no

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), reducing sugars can lower the chance of obesity and heart disease. Too much sugar can be detrimental to your health.

This is a chance for you to reduce your sugar in-take, most importantly, avoid soda. Instead you can opt for yogurts and healthy nutrient bars.

Organize tasks


It may not do anything to your physical health, but organizing your tasks makes it easy for you to move throughout the day. When you have written a to-do list, you know what is required of you and it makes it easier.

Luckily, your phones make it easy to stay organized.

Socialize more

i guess i could use a little social interaction the grinch

No man is an island, my dear.

Go out and make friends. It is important if you’re in a work environment, which is stressful by nature; your boss is annoying you, and your tasks are overwhelming. It is important to find a breath of fresh air in such a tedious environment.

So, I tell you. Befriend and strike up conversations with an approachable colleague. Staying socially connected at work can give you a positive view of the workplace environment and help you get through the day with greater ease.

Practice good posture

the posture posture

You need to walk right!

Walk, sit, stand, and jog the right way to minimize stress and pain in the knee joints, ankles, hips, back, neck, and spine.

Sit upright! When you have great posture, it helps your outlook.


We know that it would take a lot of time for you to stay healthy or develop these new habits. We can wait for you.

Ahead of time, please plan towards it. Get a notebook where you write it; an accountability partner will also provide great help. You cannot do it on your own!

Remember if youā€™re healthy, youā€™re wealthy!

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