Building confidence might not be easy but it is definitely worth it. Confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered just like any other skill.

It is all about harnessing your own unique, internal power. It allows you to impress friends, dazzle parties, excel in school and work, and ultimately feel great about yourself.

And once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.

However, how can you become the most confident version of yourself when you struggle with insecurity? The solution actually way easier than you’d think. I tell you, not even Tommy Shelby has anything on me when it comes to this area.


Usually, people pay for this kind of content, but I am all about charity, so I’ve outlined the very best research-backed tips to help you on your journey. But before we go into that, let us discuss confidence in more detail.

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Definition of Confidence

The American Psychological Association defines self-confidence as a belief that one is capable of successfully meeting the demands of a task.

Apt, but in my own words, I describe confidence as a general sense of trust in your ability to control your life. This means it is quite difficult to have well-rounded confidence. What do I mean by this? For instance, you could have high self-confidence in a particular area of expertise but feel less confident in other areas.

Personally, I happen to be a good orator, but public speaking? Avoid me.

Having a healthy level of self-confidence can help you become more successful in your scholarly life. Research dictates that people who are more confident tend to achieve more academically.

Related: How To Build Professional Development

9 Easy Methods To Build Confidence

Crush Your Goals

Pursuing your goals often involves failing several times until you figure out what works. This can make you wonder if you have what it takes to succeed. It can also leave you questioning how to be more confident while still achieving your dreams. The answer lies in setting realistic goals.

I say realistic because those kinds of goals are achievable. And the more you achieve your goals, the greater your confidence in yourself and your abilities.

To set realistic goals, write down what you want to achieve. Next, ask yourself what chance you have of attaining it. (Be honest!) If the answer is slim to none, the goal may be a bit too lofty. Dial it back so it is more realistic and achievable.

This may require doing a bit of research on your part. For instance, if you have a goal to lose weight, experts recommend losing one to two pounds per week for healthy, long-term weight loss. Knowing this helps you set a goal in line with this guideline, boosting your self-confidence when you hit it.

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Leave Your Comfort Zone

kick out get out of here

Do something outside of your own comfort zone. If you’ve never tried playing chess before, play a few online games to get the hang of it. If you aren’t the best cook, try making a dish you’ve never had. Take risks. Ride the daring side of life.

Build your confidence in smaller areas to improve your overall self-esteem. Try to expand your comfort zone slowly and steadily over time.

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Try to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. Not only will it make you feel stronger and healthier, but exercising releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel happier. It will boost your overall mood and it can break up your day if you’re feeling stuck.

Exercising doesn’t have to mean going to a gym and getting your pump on. You could swim, jog, do yoga, jump rope, or do an at-home workout routine.

Related: Best Exercises To Try At Home

Develop Your Body Language

Body language is a huge indicator of confidence. When you interact with others, be sure to keep your head and chin up, stand up straight, and look people in the eyes when you talk to them. Keep your hands out of your pockets and plant your feet in a wide stance.

Maybe not like this, but you get the drift

If you’re listening to someone else talk, practice active listening skills by nodding your head and making eye contact. Why else do you think Harvey Specter charms everyone he talks to?

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Say No

Saying no to activities that tend to zap your self-confidence is okay. Setting social and emotional boundaries enables you to feel safer psychologically. It can also help you feel more in control.

The next time someone suggests doing something that you know will lower your self-confidence, respectfully decline.


You don’t have to avoid that activity forever either. Once you learn how to be more confident, you may feel strong enough to try it again—without hurting the confidence you have in yourself.

Forgive Past Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes and you’re no different! Forgive yourself for errors you made in the past so you can move on. Don’t hold yourself to a higher standard than everyone else.

If you’re having trouble forgiving yourself for something, try asking if you’d forgive a friend for the same mistake. If you wouldn’t, still forgive yourself, I don’t care.

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Block Out The Noise

Try to catch yourself whenever bad thoughts about you resurface. If you notice a negative thought, question it to see if it’s actually true. When you start to question your negative self-talk, you can adjust your thinking over time.

For example, if you think something like, “My friends probably don’t like me,” try asking yourself, “Is that true? Didn’t my friend just invite me to hang out last week?” Or, if you think something like, “I’ll never pass this test,” then ask yourself, “How do you know? Can you tell the future?”

Counter the negatives with clear reasoning, and if that’s difficult for you, try positivity.

Related: How To Stay Positive

Hygiene Is Important

When you look good, you feel good, too. Try to shower every day, brush your hair, clean your teeth, and put on clean clothes. Try to present yourself in a way that makes you feel confident.

If you’re itching for a new wardrobe but don’t want to break the bank, try hitting up a thrift store in your area.

Improve Your Circle

Negative people tend to lower your confidence. Avoid them like the plague. Instead, spend time with friends and family members who inspire you and push you to be your best self. You’ll know someone is good to be around if you feel excited and happy being around them.

People who lower your confidence might make disparaging remarks about you or tell you that your goals are ignorant. It probably feels draining to hang out with such nonentities, and you might subconsciously avoid them. That’s a good choice. If you want to make a new group of friends, try joining a club to meet people interested in a hobby of yours.

Related: Fun Hobbies To Try

A Word From Battabox On Building Confidence

Congratulations, you have learned some of the surefire ways to build confidence. Be sure to follow these tips for excellent results.

If you have any questions, let us know below.

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