We all have that particular person whose Whatsapp updates are basically like a comedy show that provides a lot of hilarious status updates.

We might not chat with them on a regular basis, or even at all, but that doesn’t mean they do not hold a special place in our hearts. Because if you’re having a bad day or you’re just in need of some laughs, all you need to do is visit their status.

You can be damn well sure you’ll laugh.

Now, maybe you want to join this League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Women. Congratulations, you’ve come to the right place. We will teach you how to make your Whatsapp Status no different from Basketmouth shows, and keep people coming back for more.

All you need to do is refer three people and… oh, sorry! Wrong slide.

What can I put on my WhatsApp status?

Funny Whatsapp Status

Social media is an avenue to connect with so many people and it’s also a way to increase connections. These connections could either be based on personal relationships or business.

In using WhatsApp status, you either go for the normal shading of your contacts, use it to build your business, or better still, to make people laugh.

Social media is a form of escapism for many people. They don’t want to be reminded of their problems. Your status should serve as a breath of fresh air to many.

SEE ALSO: Social media: Pros and Cons

Here is a collection of Funny statuses for WhatsApp.

Funny written WhatsApp status

  1. My secret talent is getting tired without doing anything.
  2. The new way of forgetting your past is deleting your chats.
  3. My laziness is like 8, when I lie down it becomes infinity.
  4. Lazy people fact #5812672793. You were too lazy to read that number.
  5. Fun is like life insurance. The older you get..the more it costs.
  6. My week is basically- Monday,     –>Monday#2, Monday#3, Monday#4, Friday, Saturday, Pre-Monday.
  7. Tried to lose weight…….But it keeps finding me.
  8. I don’t care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please everybody.
  9. Never give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  10. Nobody texts faster than a pissed-off female.
  11. Zombies are looking for brains. Don’t worry; you’re safe.
  12. I’m currently experiencing life at the rate of 15 Wtf’s every hour.
  13. Always speak the truth no matter how bitter or harsh it is. But run immediately after saying it.

SEE: Weird Habits that Writers Exhibit

Funny WhatsApp Status Images

Funny quotes
Funny quotes
Funny quotes
Funny Memes
Funny quotes
6B2F9BD1 33AE 4909 AC3A 43606BD3D591

See also: Fun games to play when bored

Funny things to post on whatsapp status
Funny things to post on whatsapp status
8F8F1A11 242A 47AB B3F3 ECA29D8EE96A
BDC82FCC 0FBE 4B0D ACA4 3A15150190B4
321F62E9 28C3 4BF4 92C5 98CC56675B81
8CF142B7 C217 4095 A4C7 F1760E8209D2
Funny things to post on whatsapp status
E2F1655A 026A 442D B8C4 F3324F978302
Funny Memes for Whatsapp Status
AF7F7332 EF3F 49A0 949F 667833669AAE
90EC4D89 506E 43EC 8A47 F4FE543C18FE
Funny Jokes for Whatsapp Status

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Don’t be like those folks who use WhatsApp for only serious things. Try to make humor of it and excite people with your status.

Remember life is not that hard.

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