Hey, we’ve got you with this list of Good Comebacks to help you hold your peace in any situation. We’ve all been caught off guard by a snarky comment or an insult that leaves us speechless. Check out these Good Comebacks

good comebacks 
good comebacks 

Whether you’re dealing with a witty friend, a mean-spirited acquaintance, or just need a quick response to a rude remark, this article has it all.

We’ve curated 100 good comebacks to help you in heated arguments with bullies. These Good Comebacks are guaranteed to wipe the smirk off your enemy’s face, leaving you feeling victorious.

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Good Comebacks that are Funny

When handling playful teasing or engaging in friendly banter, funny, Good Comebacks can be your ultimate defense. They allow you to defuse any tension that might arise while leaving everyone in fits of laughter.

funny good comebacks
Good Comebacks

So, if you’re looking for some Good Comebacks that are amusing, here are a few examples to bring a smile to your face:

  1. Oh, did a thought finally manage to cross your mind? It must have taken a long, lonely journey to get there
  1. How did you end up here? Did someone accidentally leave your cage open?”
  1. “I’d love to give you a smack, but that would be considered animal abuse.”
  1. “With Earth being so crowded, maybe it’s time for you to head back home.”
  1. “Don’t let your mind wander too far. It’s far too small to be out there all alone.”
  1. “Here’s an idea: why don’t you go play in traffic?”
  1. “Nice outfit! I bet if you stood on a street corner, you’d make some money.”
  1. “Quick, hide! The garbage truck is on its way!”
  1. “I’m a little busy at the moment, but I’d be thrilled to have the opportunity to ignore you another time.”
  1. “Your birth certificate must be an apology from the hospital to your parents.”
  1. “Keep talking. One day, you might actually say something intelligent.”
  1. “You’re like Monday: nobody looks forward to your presence.”


Savage Roasts Good Comebacks

Sometimes, you encounter someone who crosses the line with their comments, and that’s when savage roast comebacks come in handy. Remember, these Good Comebacks should be used sparingly and only in situations where the person genuinely deserves it. 

Savage Roasts Comebacks
Savage Roasts Comebacks

Here are a couple of Good Comebacks to show you what we mean:

  1. “You should definitely come with a warning label.”
  1. “They say our brains continue developing until we reach 25, but it seems like yours might have stopped a bit early.”
  1. “Great job! You almost reached a level of coherence that rivals my newborn son.”
  1. “Being large and in charge doesn’t excuse you from being a rude and inconsiderate individual.”
  1. “On your birthday, it’s hard to find something worth celebrating other than the fact that you’re getting closer to the end.”
  1. “I don’t have any trash to take out today, but I’d happily volunteer you as tribute.”
  1. “I understand everything you said. I’m just choosing to ignore you.”
  1. “I handed out all my trophies a while ago, but here’s a participation award for you.”
  1. “When God created you, you must have been at the bottom of his ‘to-do’ list.”
  1. “Aww, don’t worry. You’re wanted…wanted for several accounts of perjury.”
  1. “I didn’t put garlic over my door because I think you’re a vampire. It’s just that it smells much better than you.”
  1. “They say every cloud has a silver lining, but I’m still trying to figure out what yours might be.”
  1. “You’ve got something on your face. No, not there—everywhere.”
  1. “I have a present for you. I present to you: absolutely nothing.”


Mean Comebacks

Mean comebacks should be your last resort, used only when someone has crossed all boundaries with their hurtful remarks. It’s important to remember to stay respectful and not stoop to their level. Here are a couple of examples of Good Comebacks that show you can stand up for yourself without resorting to their level of meanness:

  1. “I heard about a terrible traffic accident on the news today, and for a fleeting moment, I couldn’t help but hope it was you.”
  1. “It takes me an extraordinary amount of effort to maintain a smile when you’re around.”
  1. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to give me more reasons to dislike you, but congratulations, you managed to accomplish that today.”
  1. “I once aspired to live a life with minimal regrets. Then I had the misfortune of meeting you.”
  1. “Remember that test last week about shapes and colours? It seems like you might need to revisit that after today’s conversation.”
  1. “Break a leg. And by that, I mean it quite literally. No, seriously, break a leg.”
  1. “How dreadful. I was just vividly imagining the day of your birth in my head. It was truly something.”
  1. “If I had known you were going to incessantly annoy me, I would have hired an exterminator to deal with this pest problem.”
  1. “You truly have a talent for turning an ordinary day into a spectacular display of annoyance and frustration.”
  1. “I’ve heard of people having a ‘Midas touch’ where everything turns to gold. But with you, it seems to be the opposite.”

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Rude Good comebacks 

If you want to sound insulting in defence of your honour, these Good Comebacks response is all you need.

  1. You resemble a bag of Pampers—completely self-absorbed and full of nonsense.”
  1. “While I’m tempted to suggest you go f*ck yourself, I suspect you’d find it underwhelming.”
  1. “Since you seem to possess all-encompassing knowledge, it’s high time you learn when to shut up.”
  1. “No doubts here. Your father’s decision to withdraw earlier would have been wise.”
  1. “I firmly believe that some individuals must have been conceived unconventionally. Being that much of an insufferable person can’t be natural.”
  1. “I may not possess the expertise of a proctologist, but I can certainly identify an unpleasant character when I see one.”
  1. “Have you heard the news? There’s a recently released app called ‘sense of humour.’ Perhaps you should consider downloading it, my dear.”
  1. “You’re like a plunger, always eager to bring up ancient matters that should have long been forgotten.”
  1. “I don’t coat unpleasant truths with sugary lies—I’m no Willy Wonka.”

READ ALSO: 60 Truth or Drink Questions For Your Next Hangout

Best Comebacks

When you want to make a statement without being rude or mean, these Good Comebacks are the way to go. They showcase your wit and confidence while maintaining a level of respect. Take a look at these examples:

Good Comebacks
  1. “I’d love to spell it out for you, but that assumes you’re familiar with your ABCs.”
  1. “While at it, why don’t you swallow your pride and tongue?”
  1. “When they said ‘grow a pair,’ they didn’t mean for you to have kids.”
  1. “Do you hear that? It’s the blissful sound of me not caring.”
  1. “I won’t waste my breath repeating myself, but I’m more than happy to do anything that prevents you from talking.”
  1. “I must acknowledge your effort, but I think I’m the only one applauding in this empty audience. And I’m leaving early.”
  1. “This is a lose-lose situation for me. I lose my precious time and any remaining hint of compassion I had.”
  1. “You’re like an unscented candle in a store filled with beautiful fragrances.”


Good Comebacks

Having a repertoire of witty responses can be a game-changer when it comes to clever comebacks. These good comebacks allow you to confidently navigate tricky situations and leave a lasting impression. Here are a few more examples of Good Comebacks that pack a punch:

  1. “You hit the nail right on the head. Too bad your parents took it literally.”
  1. “Is part 2 of your argument coming out soon, or is that it?”
  1. “Don’t worry. Everyone makes mistakes. Your parents, for one.”
  1. “No amount of self-editing can fix the colossal failure your autobiography would be.”
  1. “With a world population of over 7 billion, it’s incredible that I had the pleasure of meeting the biggest loser imaginable.”
  1. “A corpse would provide better company than you.”
  1. “The mental backflips I had to do to try and understand your point should have broken my neck.”
  1. “Your ignorance makes my racist uncle look like Albert Einstein.”
  1. “You’re the corner piece of an unsolvable puzzle—everyone looks right past you.”
  1. “You’re the type of person who uses their 3rd-grade research paper as a resume booster.”
  1. “Your skin may be glowing, but I think it’s from the radiation emanating from your toxic personality.”
  1. “I’ve never had many life goals, but I’m just really grateful I’m not you.”
  1. “I could use some tips on how to clear my mind from someone who has nothing meaningful to contribute. Care to help?”
  1. “Your absence would affect me greatly. Finally, I’d get some peace and quiet.”
  1. “You’re not simply a drama queen—you’re the whole royal family.”

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Best Comeback

If you wanna stand your ground and win an argument, you must try these best comebacks. And yes, add a little twist to your wish.

  1. When they mentioned growing a pair, they certainly didn’t mean for you to start a family.
  1. You hear that? It’s the sound of me not caring.
  1. I won’t repeat myself, but I’m more than happy to do anything that prevents you from talking.
  1. I applaud your effort, but I think I’m the only one in the audience, and I’m leaving early.
  1. This situation is a lose-lose for me. I lose both my valuable time and any remaining shred of compassion.
  1. You’re like an unscented candle in a store filled with captivating fragrances.
  1. I like you just the way you are: uninspiring, uninteresting, and dreadfully unfunny.
  1. All mistakes are fixable, but unfortunately, you aren’t.
  1. Did I hurt your ego? Do you want a kiss on your boo-boo?
  1. Your brain seems to be working overtime today. You better pay it some overtime wages.
  1. I’d suggest blowing your brains out, but I’m pretty sure there’s nothing there.
  1. The Department of Homeland Security added your existence to the list of “Natural Disasters.”


Witty Comebacks

Good Comebacks that are witty for those lightning-fast moments when you need a clever response on the spot. These comebacks are perfect for leaving your audience in awe of your quick thinking:

  1. If humour is the best remedy, your face must be the world’s cure.
  1. The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl down a chicken’s butt and wait.
  1. If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them attractive.
  1. I’d love to give you a nasty look, but it seems you already have one.
  1. Your hair looks amazing! How do you get it to curl out of your nostrils like that?
  1. I’ve encountered your type before… but last time, I had to pay for admission.
  1. I’d love to see things from your perspective, but getting my head that far up your backside is nearly impossible.
  1. It appears as if your face caught fire, and someone tried to put it out with a baseball bat.
  1. Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot but unacceptable for me to point it out?
  1. Your lips are moving, but all I hear is “blah, blah, blah.”

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Nasty Comeback

Nasty comebacks don’t require a lot of wits; instead, these will land your target flat on their back and wallowing in self-pity. Check out these Good Comebacks

  1. You sure have a bodacious rack—for a guy.
  1. Your sister likes it dirty.
  1. I thought I had the flu, but then I realized your face makes me sick to my stomach.
  1.  Hey, where’d you get that nose? It’s a “before” picture in one of those plastic surgery magazines, isn’t it?
  1. Some people may have thyroid problems, but I can tell you’re fat because you’re lazy.
  1. Is that a scar on your face? My bad, it’s just your mouth.
  1. You’re a ground-hugger. A real low-life.
  1. You have an old soul. Come to think of it, your face is old, too.
  1. Stand still, so I can hit you with my truck.

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Good Comebacks that are Sarcastic

Some good comebacks can also be Sarcastic. They come in handy whenever someone behaves in a particularly annoying way. This way, you’re insulting them…and they just might be dumb enough not to notice.

  1. I’m torn between finding you laughable or feeling sorry for you.
  1. It appears that I overestimated the number of brain cells you possess.
  1. You’re not just as bad as people say; you’re even worse.
  1. Now I understand why certain animals consume their offspring.
  1. Please, continue talking. I always yawn when I find something interesting.



So, there you have it – a collection of Good Comebacks to help you navigate any situation with confidence and humour. Remember, the key is to respond with respect and keep the conversation light-hearted whenever possible.

With these comebacks up your sleeve, you’ll be ready to handle whatever comes your way and leave everyone impressed with your wit and charm.

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