Fun Things to Do When Bored – Are you feeling restless and searching for some excitement in your life? Look no further! We have compiled a comprehensive list of engaging and thrilling activities to keep you entertained.

From indoor adventures to outdoor escapades, we’ve got you covered with an array of fun things to do when bored.

Whether you’re looking to unleash your creative side, embark on thrilling adventures, or simply unwind with some leisurely pursuits, this article is your ultimate guide to banishing boredom and filling your days with joy. So, let’s dive into the world of endless possibilities and explore the realm of fun things to do when bored!

Fun Things to Do When Bored
A woman relaxing on the beach

Let’s clarify something. Because you want to have fun on your own doesn’t mean that you’re a loner. Having fun on your own is a great way to discover yourself. Having time to yourself gives you the chance to step back from all the frantic activities of daily life and interactions.

You have time to actually be with yourself–and appreciate your own company. To fully enjoy your time alone, decide to let yourself truly be who you are.

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Fun things to do when you are alone

Although many people prefer company, and it can be great to bond with people, solitude can be a good thing. Remember, being alone can be a valuable time for self-reflection, relaxation, and personal growth. Embrace the opportunity to explore your interests and enjoy your own company.

When you’re alone, there are plenty of enjoyable activities you can engage in to make the most of your time. Here are some fun things you can do:

things to do for fun
A woman reading a book
  1. Read a book: Some people may say reading is not fun, but it can be relaxing and intellectually fun. Dive into a captivating story or explore a topic that interests you.
  2. Watch movies or TV shows: Create your movie marathon or catch up on the latest TV series. Grab some snacks, get comfortable, and enjoy the entertainment.
  3. Explore new music: Discover new artists and genres, create playlists, or simply lose yourself in the rhythm of your favourite tunes.
  4. Cook or bake: Experiment with new recipes or indulge in your favourite dishes. Cooking can be a therapeutic and rewarding experience, and you get to enjoy a delicious meal afterwards.
  5. Take a walk or exercise: Get some fresh air, go for a walk in a park, or engage in a workout routine. Physical activity not only benefits your health but can also boost your mood.
  6. Start a journal: Write your thoughts, dreams, or experiences. Journaling can help you reflect, organize your ideas, and even become a creative outlet.
  7. Explore your city: Go on an adventure in your neighbourhood or city. Visit local attractions, parks, and museums, or try out new restaurants or cafes.
  8. Practice meditation or mindfulness: Spend some time in quiet contemplation, focus on your breath, or try a guided meditation to relax and find inner peace.
  9. Learn something new: Take an online course, watch tutorials, or engage in educational platforms to acquire new skills or deepen your knowledge in a subject of interest.
  10. Have a self-care day: Pamper yourself with a relaxing bath, give yourself a spa treatment, or indulge in activities that make you feel good, such as taking a nap or practising self-reflection.
  11. Engage in creative writing: Write stories, poems, or even start a blog. Let your imagination run wild, and express your thoughts through words.
  12. Solve puzzles or play games: Challenge your mind with puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, or play video games to have some fun and exercise your cognitive skills.
  13. Watch educational videos: Expand your knowledge by watching documentaries, TED Talks, or informative YouTube channels. Learn about new subjects and gain insights from experts.
  14. Volunteer: Find ways to contribute to your community or help others. Volunteer at a local organization, donate to a charity or perform random acts of kindness.

SEE: Transform Your Space with Canvas Prints, Wall Art, and Photo Tiles

Here are other things that you can do to have fun on your own;

  1. Learn a new language using language-learning apps or online resources.
  2. Solve puzzles or play brain-teasing games.
  3. Take up a hobby like painting, drawing, knitting, or gardening.
  4. Listen to music or discover new artists and genres.
  5. Start a workout routine or try out a new exercise class.
  6. Organize your closet, drawers, or any cluttered space.
  7. Play a musical instrument or learn to play a new one.
  8. Start a puzzle, like a jigsaw puzzle or crossword puzzle.
  9. Explore new hiking trails or go on a nature walk.
  10. Learn to dance by following online tutorials or taking dance classes.
  11. Plan a future vacation or create a travel bucket list.
  12. Rearrange your furniture or redecorate a room in your house.
  13. Start a DIY project, like building a piece of furniture or refurbishing something.
  14. Try out a new sport or engage in physical activities like swimming or cycling.
  15. Learn to play chess or try other strategy games.
what to do with boredom
Playing Chess
  1. Start a collection, whether it’s stamps, coins, or something else that interests you.
  2. Explore your local area and visit landmarks or tourist attractions.
  3. Have a spa day at home with DIY facials, manicures, and pedicures.
  4. Create a vision board or set goals for the future.
  5. Try out new hairstyles or experiment with makeup.
what to do with boredom
what to do with boredom
  1. Take up a new sport or physical activity like yoga or martial arts.
  2. Practice a musical instrument or learn to read sheet music.
  3. Visit a nearby library and discover new books or authors.
  4. Take up knitting or crocheting and create your own scarves or hats.
  5. Write letters to your future self and seal them for later.
  6. Create a scrapbook or photo album of your favourite memories.
  7. Have a movie marathon with a theme, like watching all the films of a certain actor or genre.

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Creative things to do indoors

When you’re indoors and looking for creative activities, the possibilities are endless. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity;

  1. Paint or draw: Grab some art supplies and let your imagination take over. Create a masterpiece on canvas or simply doodle in a sketchbook.
  2. DIY crafts: Explore your crafty side by making handmade cards, origami, jewellery, or any other DIY project that interests you. There are numerous online tutorials and resources available to inspire you.
  3. Photography: Grab your camera or smartphone and experiment with different subjects, lighting, and perspectives. You can focus on capturing everyday objects and nature or even try self-portraits.
  4. Writing or storytelling: Write a short story or poem, or even start working on that novel you’ve always wanted to write. Let your creativity flow and express yourself through words.
  5. Indoor gardening: Start a mini indoor garden by growing plants in pots or creating a terrarium. It’s a great way to connect with nature and add greenery to your space.
  6. Scrapbooking: Gather old photographs, tickets, and memorabilia to create a scrapbook or memory journal. Arrange and decorate them in a way that tells a story or captures precious moments.
  7. Puzzle-solving: Challenge your mind with jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or brain teasers. They can be both entertaining and stimulating.
  8. Cooking or baking experiments: Get creative in the kitchen by trying out new recipes or inventing your own. Experiment with flavours, decorations, and presentations to create delicious dishes.
  9. Musical exploration: If you play a musical instrument, practice and learn new songs. Alternatively, try creating your music using online software or apps.
  10. Upcycling or repurposing: Give old items a new lease on life by repurposing them. Turn an old shirt into a tote bag, transform jars into candle holders, or get crafty with furniture refurbishment.
  11. Design and redecorate: Rearrange your living space, create mood boards, or brainstorm ideas for interior design projects. Explore different colour schemes, furniture layouts, and decorative elements.
  12. Build with LEGO or building blocks: Unleash your inner architect and construct buildings, vehicles, or imaginative structures using LEGO or other building block sets.
  13. Learn a new artistic skill: Take up calligraphy, hand lettering, knitting, crocheting, or any other artistic skill that piques your interest. There are many online tutorials and resources available to help you get started.
  14. Create a vision board: Gather magazines, images, and words that represent your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Collage them together on a board as a visual reminder of what you want to achieve.
  15. Virtual museum or gallery tours: Explore the art world virtually by visiting online museums and galleries. Many institutions offer virtual tours, allowing you to appreciate art from around the world.

Remember, creativity knows no bounds. Let your imagination guide you, and don’t be afraid to try new things and explore different mediums. Enjoy the process and have fun expressing yourself through creative activities.

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Stress-free activity to do indoors

There are various stress-free activities you can engage in to help relax and reduce stress. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Practice deep breathing or meditation: Deep breathing exercises and meditation can help calm your mind and relax your body, reducing stress levels.
  2. Engage in physical exercise: Regular physical exercises, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, can release endorphins, which are natural stress-fighting chemicals in the body. Exercise also provides a distraction from daily stressors.
  3. Spend time in nature: Take a walk in a park, go hiking, or simply sit in a garden to enjoy the calming effects of nature. Being outdoors can help reduce stress and improve your mood.
  4. Listen to soothing music: Listening to relaxing or classical music can help you unwind and alleviate stress. Experiment with different genres to find what works best for you.
  5. Engage in a creative activity: Pursue a hobby or creative outlet that you enjoy, such as painting, drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can provide a sense of fulfilment and act as a form of stress relief.
  6. Practice mindfulness: Be fully present at the moment and engage in activities mindfully. Whether you’re eating, showering, or even doing household chores, pay attention to the sensations, thoughts, and feelings associated with the task.
  7. Practice self-care: Engage in activities that promote self-care and well-being, such as taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, practising aromatherapy, or enjoying a cup of herbal tea.

Remember, finding time for yourself and engaging in activities you enjoy is crucial for managing stress. Experiment with different options and find what works best for you.

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Fun places to go when you are bored (Lagos, Nigeria)

Nigeria is a great place filled with many activities. No wonder it’s a site for tourists. It is great for stress reduction and also fun.


There are great beaches for you to visit in Lagos– nice beaches on the island. Such as a good beach located at Victoria Island. If it’s a weekend afternoon in Lagos, there’s only one place to be in: the beach. And while there is a multitude of offerings in Lekki and Victoria Island, the newly opened Moist Beach Club is the hottest and most fun place to be in town.

Freedom Park

In this 19th-century prison-turned-park, you’ll find memorials, fountains, green space, food courts, and more in this large urban park. Wander the grounds, bring a picnic, or just sit and people-watch. Freedom Park also plays host to a variety of performances and festivals.

Lekki Conservation Centre

Lekki Conservation center
Lekki Conservation center

The Lekki Conservation Centre tops my list of fun things to do in Lagos, Nigeria. This popular nature centre offers many activities and ways to connect with Nigeria’s nature.

This huge expansive green space contrasts the concrete that dominates the rest of the city. It also has the largest canopy walk in Africa!

Nike art gallery

Nike Art Gallery - fun places to go
Nike Art Gallery

Founded by the legendary Oyenike Monica Okundaye, the Lagos outpost of the Nike Art Centres is something akin to an art gallery, an artist retreat and workshop, and a home rolled into one. 

Inside the Nike Centre for Art and Culture, you’ll find Nigerian artists, sculptors, and craftsmen honing their skills, several levels filled to the brim with one of the continent’s largest collections of African art.

Kalakuta museum 

Located in Fela’s former house, the Kalakuta Museum tells the story of Fela’s music, activism, and unusual lifestyle.

The new Afrika concert

The New Afrika Shrine is an open-air entertainment centre serves as that the next generation of the old Afrika Shrine built by the famous artist cum political activist Fela Kuta in 1970.

The New Afrika Shrine showcases some of Fela’s artwork and serves as a community centre.

Tarka Bay

Nigeria may not be known for its surfing culture, but Tarkwa Bay is starting to put it on the map, as even some of the pros are starting to flock to this hidden but increasingly popular surfing gem.

As Tarkwa Bay is located on a small artificial island, Tarkwa is only accessible by a 30-minute boat or water taxi from Victoria Island.

Jazzhole Bookstore

You’ll find this fascinating place filled with a collection of books from around Africa and the world, not to mention that there is a small café serving up various Nigerian morsels. Visit at the right time, and you might even be treated to a live musical performance. This is a very fun place to go to.

Terra Kulture

Terra Kulture is an arts, cultural, and educational centre that hosts plays, art exhibitions, and book readings. Terra Kulture is a great place to visit in Lagos, Nigeria, if you’re looking to connect with Nigerian art and culture. A visit here can never be boring.

Nok by Alara

You may be surprised at this fun place in Lagos if you’re the foodie type. Nok by Alara provides a lot of fun things to do- including eating!

From the elegant interior to the thoughtful menu consisting of Nigerian and international dishes to the mellow but classy patio, Nok hits the mark on every point.

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Organizing activities to pass time

Organization helps your life- not only does it provide you with a neat space but also with a clear mind. Here are some activity ideas to help you pass the time and stay organized:

fun things to do when bored
A sample to-do list
  1. Create a to-do list: Start by organizing your tasks and responsibilities. Writing down a to-do list can help you prioritize your activities and stay focused.
  2. Declutter and organize your living space: Use your free time to declutter and organize your home or workspace. Tidy up your belongings, sort through items you no longer need, and find proper storage solutions.
  3. Plan and prepare meals: Take the opportunity to plan your meals for the week ahead. Look for new recipes, make a grocery list, and prepare some meals or ingredients in advance to save time during busy days.
  4. Start a journal or blog: Writing can be a therapeutic activity. Consider starting a journal to express your thoughts and feelings, or create a blog to share your experiences or interests with others.
  5. Explore creative outlets: Engage in artistic activities such as drawing, painting, knitting, or crafting. These activities can be both enjoyable and fulfilling.
  6. Read books or listen to audiobooks: Get lost in the pages of a good book or listen to audiobooks to pass the time. Choose genres that captivate your interest or explore different authors and subjects.
  7. Play board games or puzzles: Gather family or friends for some board game fun or challenge yourself with puzzles and brain teasers. They provide entertainment and can also stimulate your cognitive abilities.
  8. Explore nature and go for walks: Spend time outdoors, explore nearby parks, go for walks, and appreciate the beauty of nature. It’s a great way to relax, recharge, and get some exercise.
  9. Volunteer or help others: Find volunteer opportunities in your community or offer assistance to those in need. Helping others not only passes the time but also provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

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Remember to choose activities that align with your interests and goals. Finding a balance between productive tasks, leisure activities, and self-care is important for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

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