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What are the signs you are an introvert?

Well, are you like me, and you’ve always felt different? Have you been asked questions like “Were you the quiet one in school? Why don’t you talk more?” Do you want to scream in their faces that it’s not a crime to be quiet?

Yeah, those are signs you are an introvert.

When you hear the word introvert, you might think of someone who’s painfully shy and avoids human interaction at all costs. No, it’s not entirely so.

Definition of Introvert

signs you are an introvert

An introvert is someone who prefers to be in less stimulating environments and needs to be alone to recharge.

These individuals are often preoccupied with their thoughts, feelings, and moods. Their tendencies can lead them to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung developed the concepts of introversion and extroversion in the early 1900s. According to him, the easiest way to spot an introvert is by the way they recharge their social battery.


Signs You Are An Introvert: What Is An Introverted Person Like?

signs you are an introvert

An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion. This means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than their external battles.

They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds.

Signs You Are An Introvert: What Are The Types of Introverts

signs you are an introvert

Social introverts

Social introverts love where they feel very comfortable and happy when there is either in complete solitude or in small groups in more subdued places.

They value solitude more than most people but mind you, they are not dealing with social anxiety

Thinking introvert

As the name suggests, the thinking introvert is very cognitive by nature. Often intellectual, this type of introvert is often at peace when studying, reading, learning, researching, and investigating”

The thinking introvert will often pause to think before offering a response to a question. They are prone to get lost in their thoughts and may mentally “zone out” from conversations due to a retreat into the mental world.

Anxious introvert

The anxious introvert is often quiet and may appear on edge or nervous. They are willing to stay away from people and settings that may further stimulate anxiety.

Because they are avoidant, they may seem very rude.

You’ll likely find anxious introverts at home because of nervousness or fear, and their fear prevents them from stepping out of their comfort zones.

Restrained introvert

The restrained introvert is also called the inhibited introvert. This type of introvert tends to be more reserved and can have their guard up around others until they get to know them.

They simply come off as thoughtful and grounded. 

Often unemotional, this type of introvert is often very controlled and often seem the quiet, dutiful person that others tend to rely on.”

Are you an introvert or just shy?

signs you are an introvert

Many people confuse introversion with shyness. The first is a personality type, while shyness is an emotion. There are many signs that you could be an introvert, and yet you could still be shy. 

Shy people tend to feel awkward or uncomfortable when they’re in social situations, especially around strangers. They may feel so nervous, they become sweaty, and their hearts start beating quicker.

Introverted people also prefer to skip social events, but it’s because they feel more energized or comfortable doing things on their own. Introverts don’t choose to skip social events because they have strong negative reactions to larger gatherings the way that shy people do; they just prefer being alone or in very small groups.

So if you don’t like parties simply because you like being alone as opposed to being scared of them, this is one of the signs you are an introvert, and not shy.

What are the signs you are an introvert?

signs you are an introvert

Though the signs look different in everyone, introverts have many of the same patterns of behavior. Generally, these are signs you are an introvert.

  1. Need quiet to concentrate and feel comfortable being alone.
  2. You have a distinct inner voice that’s always running in the back of your mind. 
  3. You have no desire to be the center of attention.
  4. You feel better writing your thoughts than saying them 
  5. You avoid small talk whenever possible.
  6. You notice details that others miss.
  7. Whatever the reason, as an introvert, you crave intimate moments and deep connections 
  8. You are reflective and self-aware
  9. You take a lot of time making decisions
  10. Group work scares you because you fear doing things on your own. 
  11. You feel tired after being in a crowd
  12. You have few friendships but are very close with these friends
  13. You daydream or use your imagination to work out a problem.

SEE: Narcissism: A Beautiful Delusion

Conclusion On Signs You Are An Introvert

Now that you’re more aware of the different types of introverts and also the signs you may be an introvert, I hope you understand.

There are many ways introverts can have a good social lifesucceed in the workplace, and date successfully. Understanding how you show up in the world and what you require to recharge can only help you along the way.

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